Military Diet: Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

Military Diet: Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days

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@nateroo - 12.01.2024 23:12

ANY diet requires some commitment and will power; this is no exception but this is VERY effective. I use this diet to periodically keep myself in check and it's actually pretty satisfying. I also go on the wagon when I jump on this diet so it's a double bang. I usually do this just prior to when my doc asks me for our annual BP and blood analysis. I usually stay within tolerances. This is a good and simple check diet!!

@sharonlampert7452 - 12.01.2024 07:18

Fake News! 10 pounds in 3 days

@LaLa-mw4xb - 11.01.2024 03:26


@waitingforthesunhehe4830 - 10.01.2024 23:16

I tried this diet and I lost only 2.2 lbs and I am on day 6. Had break on day 4. It’s not what people think it’s

@user-vp2rk9li7w - 10.01.2024 22:32

I lost 15 lb by staying away from my refrigerator....

@plutonic000 - 10.01.2024 10:10

gonna do this to cut weight for wrestling. i am at the bottom of my weight class and it moght be better if i just go down so i have more opponents.

@user-cx4bv3eg6i - 10.01.2024 08:05

So cool I lost 233 pounds and I was 345

@mmendel8806 - 10.01.2024 04:25

Very unhealthy (to eat hotdogs)

@trellcraft - 09.01.2024 00:05

Great content

@MrTimjm009 - 08.01.2024 20:34

If that is what they give you in the military , good !
If that is the quantity you are given then , go through the rigours of serving and training , fighting etc , bad !
That cant be enough to survive let alone live , but you will lose the weight , I would bet on that

@janiceatkinson8682 - 08.01.2024 18:17

The hard thing is the weight comes right back and you're starving

@Prismalpink - 08.01.2024 17:46

Actually, eat yogurt instead of ice cream. It’s still dairy, and getting rid of processed food and sugar will help you lose more weight and feel good.

But for high energy people like me, 30 min of walking isn’t enough. I still play sports and weight train and I still feel fine.

@haroldvechina8300 - 07.01.2024 17:53

Look at the wife in the shower.... you wont eat for a week. 😉

@peggymann925 - 07.01.2024 04:30

It might work but I seriously doubt it's a Military Diet.

@lupeflores2834 - 06.01.2024 19:54

I did this diet while intermittent fasting and eating healthy during the off days. I lost 17 lbs in 8 days

@sharonparks9076 - 04.01.2024 13:55

Can I substitute ham for hot dogs? I don't eat hotdogs

@Hannah_The_Elon_Jew - 31.12.2023 17:15


@richricogranada9647 - 29.12.2023 02:08

10 lbs in 3 days is unrealistic and also unhealthy

@jacobhamrick8795 - 19.12.2023 06:53

I work a labor job is there a way to calculate how much I should add if anything

@lunar1227 - 17.12.2023 15:11

not sure why youd want to lose weight at such an unhealthy rate.

@benitomendez2859 - 15.12.2023 00:02

Can we substitute tuna with something else ?

@benitomendez2859 - 15.12.2023 00:02

Can we substitute tuna with something else ?

@charlielambert5301 - 13.12.2023 08:45

And if you can’t eat fish

@dragonchr15 - 07.12.2023 05:18

I'm glad he said don't will have no energy...

I don't know how people in the military can do this diet and still do all the rigorous training....

@newfnshow031 - 30.11.2023 09:45

1 egg lol I would die

@flintcityhc1524 - 28.11.2023 04:56

Id rather set myself on fire than eat tuna

@paulettebarrow9791 - 25.11.2023 10:52


@keshondepayne7428 - 23.11.2023 01:03

I’m on my 3rd day of this, so happy I’m done tomorrow and thanksgiving will be here 🤣🤣

Update: I was 246 before I started, when I got back on the scale it said I was 239, then I got on it again and it said 241. I did eat last night at 12 either way you definitely will lose weight. I haven’t been this low in years! I’m doing this again next week, but trading out tuna.

I worked out 1 day during this diet and that was lifting a 30 pound weight and using a resistant band 240 times and dancing for about 40 minutes.

@anitsirhc456 - 14.11.2023 06:14

So I went to my personal trainer today at 10 AM in the morning and before we started. She weighed me 7 days ago I weighed 205 pound I was sad disappointed in myself. Disgusted, I cried. Today I weighed 185 pounds in 7 days. I have lost 20 pounds. Yeah, this works. Now the problem is not losing the weight. The problem is keeping the weight off. And continuing with the diet like today I ate breakfast but I Didn't eat lunch or I haven't even ate dinner and it's 10 o'clock at night.
I just don't feel hungry. I guess. I don't know if this is supposed to happen. But I just don't.. Anyways, the diet does work And I'm okay with being 20 pounds lighter. I will continue to go down more to see how far I can go. But my self-esteem is still low and every time I look at myself. I don't see twenty pounds lighter I don't see myself as 185. I've seen myself as 205.
It doesn't even look like I lost twenty pounds. Well guys, I told you. I update you and I did. So I hope you guys are doing great and your guys just diet if you are keep going. You got this OK, an update after that, my weight. I did go up-and-down, just buy a pound or 2 or 5 Then then I got sick and I was hospitalized so I so I couldn't Go anywhere. I just had to lay in my hospital bed with an Iv in me and breathing treatments. And they sucking out mucus from my lungs So that I can breathe. My son got sick which got my other son sick which got my husband sick. And then Before my husband left to go to Punta gorda To help the people over there with their roofs. Because not everybody remembers. But there was a hurricane last year and some people got their businesses damage / Houses were damaged so he went over there to fix some roofs. But not before he gave me a Goodbye present. That led me Gasping for air. And in the hospital. With my 14 year old son and my 11 year old watching me like a Hawk. I can think about was. Please don't let me die in front of my son's. My son got to sleep in a hospital he was wondering. How is this going work without a bed? He gave up the bed couch. I guess I can call it that. so that his little brother can sleep on it. And he slept in the chair. Thank God I did not die. But I did have to stay in the hospital and because I was so sick. I didn't want to eat And my throat hurt of course. I didn't drink that Much or eat. My dad did come for the boys so they did go to school. I am out of the hospital. I still have a cough and mucus left, but it is Not like threatening no more. I do have to keep up with the breathing treatments.
Being in the hospital not being able to exercise or do anything didn't help. But I did go down to 167. Still sick Still not able to go to the gym And see my personal trainer. I hope she doesn't think I abandoned her. I did pay this month's bill. So she still got paid. But yeah, that's where I'm at right now. 167. Update OK so I weighed myself yesterday and I was 167. I think that was before Those peanut butter cookies that I made. Everybody has their weakness. And mine costed me a couple pounds. So I'm 169. But I swear to God. I only had 2 cookies and a 1/2. And I only made 3 ingredients. A cup of peanut butter a cup of sugar And one egg. I got my Cookie tray . I mixed the ingredients together very well. I rolled it a ball Flatten it with a fork. So I get those beautiful little creases on all 4 sides and baked it. At 350. For about 6 minutes some needed alittle bit longer came out great and it was only 3 ingredients. I didn't think I was going to gain that much. I'm glad my boys took them to school. That one sixty nine would have been about 175 . But yep, 169p. Is my weight . Can't wait to go back to the gym and work out So I can try to reach my goal of 125p Before I go to mexico to see my mother in law. And yes, that was a recipe for peanut butter cookies. That I will no longer be making.

@anitsirhc456 - 13.11.2023 00:49

6 square cubes of cheddar cheese is 676 Calories. W.t.freak 5 Square cubes of cheddar cheese is 567. 4 Cube squares is 445 Calories. 3 cubes of cheddar cheese is 336 Calories 2 Square pieces of cheddar cheese is 214 calories and 1 Cube Piece of square cheddar cheese is 105 calories It also says that 5 crackers is 65 Calories. But another website says it's 70 Calories. Yeah I will be cutting down on that Cheese to 3 or 2 cubes NO more 6 cubes Of Cheddar cheese for me and the ice-cream had to go too I got rid of that last night. No more of that no I will not be substituted for anything else. I will be just skipping it i'm trying to lose it not gain.

@breprince1205 - 11.11.2023 13:40

Any alternatives that DO NOT involve dairy?

@mooshman8306 - 11.11.2023 03:59

For day one of dinner, i had 3 oz of chicken cut into cubes and i used the fat from the chicken to fry the green beans in the same pot. Didnt have an apple so i had the rest of the grapefruit.

@anitsirhc456 - 10.11.2023 22:25

I found out that if I cut the calories in 1/2 of what this video is asking me to consume. and work out more😮. I will lose weight, so this video is not really helping me. It's actually helping me gain weight. Like the peanut butter There are 94 Calories in 1 tbsp of peanut butter. Two tablespoons Of peanut butter. Is 184 calories My great value Multi grain bread is 120 calories that's 304 calories and I would have to burn more than that 304 calories. But if I cut Is the peanut butter to 1 tablespoon and cut my one Piece of multi grain bread in half. I am consuming less calories. So For breakfast I only have to burn 152 calories. But if I burn more than that I will be losing the weight Less calories means weight loss. More calories means weight gain. So for now, on I am going to do this diet. But for every meal I am going to only eat half of what they ask. And still workout at the gym and still work with my personal trainer. I've done fast thing before. I can do this. I only lost 5 pounds in 3 days. Thats unacceptable for me I hate being overweight because it's disgusting. i'm disgusting It's my fault that I'm 200 pounds. And I gotta take accountability for it and change.

@anitsirhc456 - 09.11.2023 07:03

Im hungry 😢 11:03 pm

@anitsirhc456 - 08.11.2023 22:47

OK 1 cup of cottage cheese is way too much for me. I'm fat. I know I'm fat. But just by eating the cottage cheese, the squash and only 4 crackers. I'm full. I mean, I had one square left and a cracker left. But I tore that cottage cheese up. I think I was waiting for that. But I'm full, how am I full? Was it the Cottage cheese made me full
I didn't even eat the egg. And I had 4 crackers not five and maybe 6 pieces of squash Fill me up sus.
I go to a restaurant and I have second plate. My husband who is skinny goes to a restaurant and he has 3 plates of food. This is weird. I think that cottage cheese has special powers and I still think one cup of cottage cheese is way too much Should I exercise more? What happens after you finish the 3 days What? Intense exercise Do I do for the four days. and after the 3 days, what? do we eat on day 4
Or do we just repeat it like when day 3 comes? We go back to number one. One more thing are we supposed to exercise every time we eat? A 30 minute walk for each meal I have questions? Please help me

@anitsirhc456 - 08.11.2023 16:04

On day 1 and 2 I cannot do banana because I'm allergic. So I substitute it for butternut squash. Never had squash. But I put a little bit of salt on it and it tasted good. On day 2 I did not toast my bread. I used butternut squash again no banana and I mashed it into a paste. Then. I took the butternut squash and spread it over the bread. Took the eggs put the eggs on top and Folded it over and ate it. And I had my black coffee which is disgusting. I did get tea. I tried tea yesterday but today I felt like I needed the black coffee to make me Fuller. I do have a gym membership. So I do go to the gym. I have a personal trainer as well. So I have to follow her rules and exercise. I have to be Consistent with that. I am feeling hungry. But I am going to stick with this because I have done fasting for 2 months. So I know I can do this. With fasting, I lost weight but then I stopped. And that's what got the weight gaining back again. I was eating more. I also fine that hypnosis works very well for me. I could be hypnotized just like that in a Snap of the finger. So I do have a hypnosis video that I play. And when I'm sleeping, I'm listening. So when I wake up. I find myself ready to keep going. I really hope that this helps me with the exercise in the dieting. And I hope the training will help me lose a little bit more than just ten pounds.

@alfredosauce8038 - 07.11.2023 16:22

I'm sorry I'm on my son's account what if you are allergic to banana what else is there

@Bigsky1886 - 04.11.2023 07:00

Day 4 : steak mashed potatoes broccoli salad half rack of wife’s barbecue ribs pie

@ruthlewis6678 - 04.11.2023 00:40

This diet has nothing to do with the military. Just implies discipline is required. Went on this diet and after a while I realized my "hunger" was in my head and not my stomach. Take advantage of the recommended substitutions. Easy and certainly not expensive. And it works.

@emmanuelmunoz2528 - 28.10.2023 21:42

Can you drink water thru out the day

@Based_Dept. - 21.10.2023 04:36

Tried this. Lost 700 pounds in 8 minutes...

@elisabethadeyemi405 - 21.10.2023 00:52

10 lbs in 3 days is unrealistic.

@Swaollix - 19.10.2023 07:26


@feistygrandma2636 - 14.10.2023 20:11

This diet is good it teaches you to eat three times a day , this is definitely my go-to for years, but what can I use for grapefruit, maybe a lemon 🍋😮 because I take high blood pressure medicine now,

@SwatiSharma-jc5vm - 13.10.2023 03:14


@bestweightlosesupplements - 09.10.2023 13:44

Wow! Very good & lot of knowledge in the video.

@Pinkflo363 - 07.10.2023 17:00

It does work and if you think about it, These are actually satiating foods. High in protein and fat and low in calories. I modified mine because I don’t like ice cream much (much prefer cheese or cream in my coffee) im allergic to peanuts, so i chose the egg instead. Also I swapped the banana for some avocado. I still lost weight.

@Padraigp - 29.09.2023 15:51

Ok this is more than i eat in a day lol. 😂

@armyhome6423 - 27.09.2023 07:18

Any substitution for tuna?

@mayajasinski5972 - 26.09.2023 16:25

I will try this myself and post an updated comment. But I am in Japan so it may be hard to find whole-grain or whole wheat bread around here. I may need to eat normal bread.
