Violence is not okay. No one stopped the violence. This will come back to pay for it later.
ОтветитьThis is diversity at its best. We all know that they control their own areas. Integration? Joke!
ОтветитьSabz hilali parcham
ОтветитьAt end of the day scraps happen, no real harm was done, sometimes people get into fights imo.
ОтветитьMigrants showing thier gratitude to host cities
ОтветитьIt was mostly peaceful and not a racial attack a spokesperson said from the BBC
ОтветитьWhat do you expect when you turn the UK into the third world country.
ОтветитьWith over 52% of the people in Birmingham not British or from Birmingham you can see why these animals control the streets.
ОтветитьBrexit has resulted in a massive increase in Non EU immigration. Amusing to read the comments of The Gammonites.
ОтветитьThis sadly perfectly shows how much of a dung heap the UK has become. These people live in their closed communities. They give NOTHING back unlike Indian families. All the extremism comes from them and the violence. I would say fond them and lock them up but given the useless British police I wouldn’t hold my breath. Better they say something rude on twitter.
ОтветитьThe people of England are barbaric its only human to colonize them and teach them what is to be a civilised society ..This is our responsibility as mankind
ОтветитьDon't beat up the workers, it's the mayor n councils fault.
ОтветитьThis is what happens without China. Decouple from China is suicidal.
ОтветитьMate without education
ОтветитьKarma hitting back to the english
ОтветитьImport the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
ОтветитьThat's what happens when you millions of different cultures in.Their traditions ,laws and ways apply.
Ответитьmissing the good old UK 😅
ОтветитьLawless Britain and its only going to get worse.
ОтветитьOver one million immigrants in 24 months after promises to 'Take back control'. Gammon in denial. Eyes closed, fingers in their ears, singing La La Brexitloon Land. Just as crazy as Trump Veg.
ОтветитьWe’re do the traffic wardens be when there is a Birmingham city football match parking is a problem and gets very difficult I guess because there are the English people
ОтветитьWell well well
ОтветитьDeport them all back to islamistan.
Ответитьis that no go zone ?
ОтветитьProbably Sparkbrook area insane parking congestion around a mosque, wardens try to clear it and get beaten up.
The place is no longer England, more like Pakistan.
And the Police, as usual, are nowhere to be seen. And, no doubt, no mention of the racial nature of the crimes.
Try a drive down the Stratford Rd and you'll be amazed. Just keep your doors locked !
They never do anything unless they outnumber!!!!! Gutless vermin
ОтветитьLawless 😮
ОтветитьThe parking attendant that got assaulted got the sack for defending himself
ОтветитьThis is just another step closer to the race war which is going to happen, everybody can see it excepyt the muppets in charge, when will the gov realise that mixing different ethnic cultures does not work.
ОтветитьBirmingham city council has hired thugs , undeclared bosses , masognists , culprits n criminals to serve this city residents tbh - my first hand experience
ОтветитьFrom the peaceful community no doubt. This country is doomed. The mindless filth that roams the streets is a disgrace. Lets find out the names of the wardens and if they had belong to a different background I can assure you this wouldnt have been the outcome. Stinks of racial motivation.
ОтветитьIzlam is the Most Pieceful* Religion on Earth
Pieces* and Pieces Everywhere
Most of you guys are full of hate
You dont know the back story
Yh it doesn't mean you start attacking people but your being biased by seeing 2 peoples actions
And judging a bunch of people who are not doing anything
This is we’re being nice to much gets you how long until the people have to do something
ОтветитьCould be your family member
ОтветитьThere is to many illegal people in England especially from Hong Kong that’s why it’s wrecked.
ОтветитьIslam. The producer of the most Peaceful people on earth.
ОтветитьFull of Islamic city won’t get any blessing
ОтветитьBirmingham council is bankrupt they have got litter goons walking around city centres targeting vulerable people
ОтветитьMore inclined to ask why he was attacked ?
ОтветитьThe people that prays 10 times a day demonstrating how peaceful they are again.
ОтветитьIs that their Shariah law?
ОтветитьSparkhill is definitely most disgusting area in Birmingham vile people
ОтветитьDiversity is our strength
ОтветитьAlfursan restaurant is my favourite, alfursan means the knights !
ОтветитьThis won’t be reported because the person attacking is in a certain area with certain inhabitants……, if it was a white bloke attacking the worker I think it would be headline news…..just saying.
ОтветитьCultural enrichment.
ОтветитьThis is a civil war.