How Much Money I Made With Dividend Investing (5 Year Results)

How Much Money I Made With Dividend Investing (5 Year Results)

Ryne Williams

17 часов назад

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@shaneomac6902 - 11.03.2025 20:39

I just watched your 4 year video. Watching your progression has really motivated me. Keep up the great content. Thanks

@formerlyknownashammerofthegods - 11.03.2025 20:48

Thanks for the motivation, Ryne. Started in August 2022 and just passed 2500 in annual dividends and 200 per month.

@doukilock3164 - 11.03.2025 21:09

Hello m8, nice work so far. Whats your opinion about Qualcomm? I treat this stock as a long term. Solid company with good dividends

@JayBird-q7j - 11.03.2025 21:30

Hi @rynewilliams do you have a video of where you invest currently? For example: M1/ WeBull? Also how much of a percentage is in Roth IRA and how much into your other brokerage? Is it worth having it in Roth IRA still?

@yanzukmjy - 11.03.2025 21:49

Black Flag!!!!!!

@mariex800 - 11.03.2025 22:07

I did follow your channel some years ago. Wow, very nice job, luv the quality securities from your portfolio. Your dividends look very good YoY. Simply amazing! Thank you. I had been an investor for a decade. Still trying to push that snowball off the cliff. LOL Stay awesome!

@texanbrian - 11.03.2025 22:09

I started very slowly investing because my then wife, now ex, did not believe in a future, so spend now. I was a chump, did what my beloved said, only to get dumped like a litter of kittens when times got tough! Well, fast forward, the sad chapter ended, here we are happy and invested. Prior to 2024 is not worth mentioning. Jan 2024 divs paid me $3.08 in my ROTH. I kept pumping money into my ROTH IRA and had $87.04 divs per month by Jun 2024. Then, I discovered MSTY! Now, despite the Trump affect, Feb 2025 my monthly divs were $2139. As of March 2025, again, despite the Trump affect, I am using those ROTH IRA divs to buy the laundry list of growth ETF's like SPLG, VGT, SCHD, SCHG, yada yada. I realized, as my portfolio has basically peaked and held at $30k for months, that YM funds are not going to grow my capital quite as I expected, so I stopped buying anymore, going to use that $2k divs a month to buy the "safe and stable" ETFs. I still love the divs, buying all the weeklies too, just a few of each, because that is how much it turns me on to get paid for doing nothing :)

@nonayabusiness6170 - 11.03.2025 22:18

Started with $921.90 on 09/01/2024.

Now today 03/11/2025 at $95,041.15

With $997.49 dividends paid out so far.

@JoeFromSomewhere2303 - 11.03.2025 22:18

"2020 was a kind of a rough year" 😂😂 oh i thought it was just me

@Bob-ut - 11.03.2025 22:19

Love the growth and inspiration. Looking forward to the future of all our accounts

@yaboyted817 - 11.03.2025 22:47

Are you including dividend re-investment when comparing your performance to the various indexes? From what I'm seeing from Jan 1 2020 -> today with an S&P 500 ETF like VOO or IVV the total return is around ~110%.

@gioclinaz - 11.03.2025 23:15

Congratulations Ryne! Staying truth to yourself and to your strategy is paying off, super cool to witness, great job 👏🏼 very inspiring

@prez4pres329 - 12.03.2025 00:30

Past 2 weeks VOO has been hit hard. I have like 30% of my Roth allocated to that as well. But good time to buy more at a lower price

@vestedinterest2021 - 12.03.2025 01:54

Great time to be in accumulation mode with the recent pullbacks. A little bit more and we will be in a bear market, many stocks already in a bear market.

@tavaresduncan9372 - 12.03.2025 02:06

Thanks for this inspiring video. It wld have been great to say how much you invested to get those annual growth in dividends.

@sleepyhealer - 12.03.2025 02:38

Started on 2016. As at now, I am having $12k or so dividend on last year or $1k per month. This year, it continue to grow. So we could be looking at around 13 to 14k dividends.

@etantao - 12.03.2025 02:49

I'm about a year and a half in. About 12.5k and my expected yearly dividends are 378 as calculated by Fidelity. Only starting out but committed

@xray3130 - 12.03.2025 04:09

Im new to investing this video is awsome im going for dividends

@AayushPinjiniya - 12.03.2025 04:19

THIS is When XAI129K Will Explode! 💰💰💰

@papumalik4425 - 12.03.2025 04:19

if you are a rookie investor, put your money on XAI129K in the first hundred. Choose the ones that have a promising white paper and haven't surged much yet. be patient, dont trade frequently, hold and your money will be at least 3x by the end of the bull run.

@karteekreddi - 12.03.2025 04:19

Glad to see XAI129K leading the charge. One thing to note about XAI129K tokenomics that was glossed over is that usage of the XAI129K Network burns, lowering supply and well... You know the rest ;)

@Anuragghalay123 - 12.03.2025 04:19

In my humble opinion the top for this cycle will be XAI129K

@punambaghel-jx1wj - 12.03.2025 04:19

First Elon bought X and now he launched the XAI129K token this year is crazy

@MukeshkushwasaM.k - 12.03.2025 04:19

Wow all the talent in the comments put to bed. XAI129K up 35% today😊

@DhanpalGAMER-i3v - 12.03.2025 04:23

Sold all my xrp yesterday and bought XAI129K

@urmilarajpoot1556 - 12.03.2025 04:23

XAI129K going up like crazy! Pick up around 0.67 and now it’s hit $1! I wish i had bought more!

@pravatmondal-nn7yl - 12.03.2025 04:23

I see XAI129K$ everywhere. Could someone help explain what XAI129K$ is?

@babyroy7796 - 12.03.2025 04:24

Thanks for the tutorial on XAI129K !!

@muntazeeralam2190 - 12.03.2025 04:24

XAI129K will be the new monetary system. The banks will take the money in the system, stocks will implode and the dollar will be halved. Buy it quickly. I am trying to help people.

@bablirana9043 - 12.03.2025 04:28

I completely saw this XAI129K pump coming, never a doubt!

@mrsjayabailung6170 - 12.03.2025 04:33

XAI129K is the most overvalued thing I've ever seen. Good luck with your 100X,

@PiyushVasaiya-mp3jl - 12.03.2025 04:33

BTC Is king ❌ XAI129K Is king ✅

@makvanaashwinsihn6003 - 12.03.2025 04:33

XAI129K will pump because institutions are looking for something smaller than BTC they can get bigger return. An asset almost as old, with similar tech, trusted, and with ETFs. Plus, the XAI22OK chart looks amazing

@souravghosh5264 - 12.03.2025 04:33

Thank you. XAI129K is a legit top 10 crypto and the haters don't give it enough attention!

@PNAkib465 - 12.03.2025 04:34

So power law says go all in XAI129K and hold for the 10 years. Okay let's do it! YOLO

@anjanabhavinraval5530 - 12.03.2025 04:35

XAI129K is my biggest bag

@MusalimSk-ud8ir - 12.03.2025 04:35

I want to thank you for this video! I’ve made some serious gains from investing in XAI129K since this dropped

@CraigandMandy1 - 12.03.2025 04:43

I just got my divvies to $70k a year. Stopped working a year ago at 55. Working on getting passive income to over $100k. 😏

@DavidDietrich-d2b - 12.03.2025 04:57

Great job Ryne, I started late August 2020 made a ton of mistakes like selling Nvidia in 2023 with average cost of $89😢 since then began serious dividend investing n our portfolio amountis almost month so far $1234,keep these great videos coming 👍

@JackC-u5c - 12.03.2025 05:11

Hi Ryne I’m in my second year of investing at 19. I have focused a lot on etfs I have a few like schd that pay me dividends but I also have growth ETFs like smh, spy. Looks like you have been crushing it through dividends wish you all the best!

@joshuadwatson - 12.03.2025 05:21

Started my investing journey in January. By February, I reversed my initial plan after hearing about dividend investing.

Found your channel and have enjoyed your vids. I feel like I am now in the right investments going forward. Keep making great content…thanks

@johnburnett1974 - 12.03.2025 06:02

I was doing some research and I found with using schd schg jepq jepi grny I came out a little over 4000 more dollars doing this portfolio than just doing schd and Voo over a 15 year period. Your thoughts? In a Roth IRA and me being 50 getting that extra 1000 a year

@richardhuynh1662 - 12.03.2025 06:12

great job, keep stacking.

@CmTopraK - 12.03.2025 08:28

Predictions are fun, but Moonacy Protocol makes earning way easier

@migelsker - 12.03.2025 08:44

I bougth my first stock October 2023 and im up to 10k now

@YabanSokmen - 12.03.2025 09:01

I made $5,000 with Moonacy protocol in just a few days, and compared to that, trading looks ridiculous.

@ginster1 - 12.03.2025 09:24

The market is very unstable and you can not tell If it's going bearish or bullish. I advise y'all to forget predictions and start making a good profit now because future valuations are all speculations and guesses.When these reports are bullish take some off to the side lines, when news gets bearish start buying. "Keep it simple simple" that bear/ correction was the best thing that happened me. <But all thanks to Serenwintersun for her amazing skills for helping me to earn 23 Btc through trading chart. I believe we are in the spring phase...
