NEW!  ~ Q Tube Video- CPAP Accessory Update by CPAPClinic

NEW! ~ Q Tube Video- CPAP Accessory Update by CPAPClinic

CPAP Clinic

9 лет назад

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@LarryLezon - 24.08.2017 23:42

My CPAP is a Respironics DreamStation with Humidity Pack and heated tube. The connection into the unit has additional connection points instead of the standard straight male/female connection. Can the QTube be used on my unit? If so, how do I connect it?

@kthwkr - 18.06.2018 04:23

How about some specifications about how many dB the air turbulence noise is reduced?

@bryman31 - 02.05.2024 01:39

what a worthless video. no sound tests?? no point
