Tales From Tech Support - I only print with the BEST brands!

Tales From Tech Support - I only print with the BEST brands!

Story Time with Uncle Jon

3 года назад

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@michaelwest2141 - 07.06.2021 15:09

I have nothing to say except....I’m first!

@sefox6983 - 07.06.2021 16:03

Had to replay this as I was too distracted with my own IT problems.

@Jack-pm1ve - 07.06.2021 16:23

Can you find out where those ink cartridges are???😵😵

@kens32052 - 07.06.2021 16:25

I would have checked the keyboard batteries first before declaring it broken. The easiest and cheapest way to do remote access in Windows 10 is to use Quick Assist, which is built into Windows 10.

@lonewolf025 - 07.06.2021 16:26

Woo hoo! New vid! Thanks for posting

@randycarter2001 - 07.06.2021 17:06

Wireless keyboard equals batteries. I can't tell you how many flaky wireless keyboards have the original no name Chinese batteries in them. I'm surprised how long those keyboards continue to work with leaking batteries in them. Wireless keyboard, my first question "How old are the batteries?" Customer "What batteries?"

@JoB1019 - 07.06.2021 17:16

One privilege to getting older is no filter requirement. People just think, "Oh, she just be getting senile." Yeah, senile like a fox.

@wolphin732 - 07.06.2021 17:42

Family Tech Support is always really annoying... I have one uncle that easily gets really frustrated at computers when it doesn't do exactly what they want immediately, and rarely gives me the messages that pop up correctly.

@wolphin732 - 07.06.2021 17:54

refilling ink cartridges... shudders they are always a mess! They are cheaper, but so much of a pain.

@ThomasKent1346 - 07.06.2021 18:56

If BMW DID make a printer, it would always be low on blinker fluid.

@spiceweasel1145 - 07.06.2021 20:26

Ah yes, filters. We once had a very precocious 5 year old at my church. One of the other 4 or 5 year olds was doing the stream of consciousness babbling that little kids do. The precocious little girl turned to him and in her best kindergarten teacher impersonation said, "Let's keep those thoughts in our head". The kid looked at her like she had just grown a second head and all the adults tried not to choke.

@1953Stephan - 07.06.2021 22:59

Re: Pinball.... Did they at least put money in the Coin box ?? sometimes the KISS (Keep It Simple ) Rule applies

@merlinathrawes746 - 07.06.2021 23:26

I agree. I used to have a pretty long fuse and even when it did go off I was able to moderate the response. While I still try for that it's gotten harder and harder to do so with a shorter fuse to boot.

@randysmith9636 - 08.06.2021 06:00

Hey Unc, I hope you had a great day. Long day today.

@ArchangelApollo - 08.06.2021 06:30

I ran into a very similar issue when upgrading my RAM last week. Everything clicked into place, but no post. I check this and that over the board thinking I kncked somethng loos in my small form case, still no luck. Now I've got Black/White/Black/White slots, so I know it's duel channel. I pop out the black slotted sticks. No post with sticks B & D in white. I try the other other two in the white slots, post with sticks A & C. I pop them out and put B & D in black. post. I facepalm and get A & C in the white slots and Post. Despite everything clicking into place I should have saved myself 30 minutes by just trying a reseating.

@laurendoe168 - 08.06.2021 06:45

What annoys me are those whose only statement after I answer the phone is, "My <insert any product> isn't working." First of all, "Well, DUH!!" You wouldn't be calling if it was. Second, that tells me almost nothing at all. All too often it's along the lines of "My printer isn't working" - do you have any idea how many printers there are, and each one can "not work" for almost literally hundreds of reasons. I then have to spend 10-15 minutes to find out what make and model the product is, and have them define exactly what "not working" means. A few minutes looking for the make and model before calling and being more precise about the problem would have cut the time down significantly. I'm not talking about component level troubleshooting by the customer - just something like "Paper gets jammed all the time in my Acme 8329 printer." Is that really too much to expect from someone seeking help? Come on, do a little work and help me help you.

@Jourell1 - 08.06.2021 08:25

As for the printer cartridge story... Retail printer ink cartridges are the biggest scam in tech. the manufacturer/supplier gets them for pennies then they go through an INSANE markup for retail. it's literally 1,000% to 2,000% (yes that is the right number of zeros) because they know people will keep buying them. i remember specifically one reddit story where OP worked for a call centre that dealt with with tech sales complaints. their system showed how much of a profit margin each product had, to give them an idea of how much of a discount or refund they could offer an angry customer while keeping the company happy. when OP saw the one for printer ink, they thought it was a major error.

@vincentender1486 - 08.06.2021 18:01

Internal swears have now become external, much to some of my old friends amusement.

@ussrover - 09.06.2021 08:32

filter? what feaking filter :)

@camwyn256 - 09.06.2021 09:48

At one of my jobs, I had worked frequently with the printer repair techs, whenever they were called out, that I could identify most issues and the exact part the tech would need to bring. Saves us all time, him not getting there, figuring out what part was needed, drive two hours to the warehouse and back, then install the new part to finally fix the issue.
I then got good enough I could identify most issues over the phone with coworkers. Saved the company money, too, as drive time was billable to the company. Tech got paid the same, regardless of how long it took, so better for him, too, as he can sooner move on to another job

@camwyn256 - 09.06.2021 10:05

BMW got their start making airplane engines for the war effort, hence their logo: a white propeller on a blue sky background

@karlsantos - 12.06.2021 16:52

For a while there were BMW branded laptops.

@oliviabean8264 - 26.07.2021 13:59

Sadly the big difference between me and that poor lady is I've learned how to channel it into cold calculated anger in a way that used to disturb me... but the good news is it doesn't anymore due to desensitization! I have literally started laugh/crying Joker style on occasion... and it's probably best that I leave it at that! At this point my local mental health organization is acting as a damn barrier to access to treatment lol, I'd literally be better off if they didn't exist... which is probably not the best thing to be thinking about to much given my current mental health situation lol.

@theplaintech - 01.09.2021 21:22

I don't know if my filter has gotten thin. My cat never complains.

@johnwilliamson7506 - 03.09.2021 00:34

What’s a filter, and where can I buy one?

@RedneckSwede - 20.12.2021 18:35

BMW printer, good grief...
I used to attend LAN parties where we played all sorts of pc games under one roof. One kid kept bragging about his Ferrari labeled laptop that was really a mid tier Acer at best. He thought it was better just because of the red plastic shell and a cheap copy of the Brand logo. Hint, it's a pile of junk. Lots of people fell for this, especially rich airheads.

@seancondon5572 - 11.03.2022 16:34

Well... I dunno about a BMW printer. But I HAVE seen a Lamborghini cigar lighter...

@wolvesleather - 08.08.2022 21:02

Ma’am whatever dark god you’re dealing with does not want a printer as the ritual sacrifice.

@LokasennaCole - 25.08.2022 12:39

I'm judging the second user hard. Being a fan of " star trek Picard" mean's you aren't a fan of startrek. you're a fan of destroying legacies.

@OutlawH2 - 20.03.2023 05:50

There were some HP PCs that were designed by BMW or Porsche years ago. The z600 and z800.
