Ukraine: its Donbass conflict | VPRO Documentary

Ukraine: its Donbass conflict | VPRO Documentary

vpro documentary

4 года назад

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@BenKalliojarvi - 21.01.2024 05:43

5.20 Fire just didnt broke out, it was a damn massacre. This is pure propaganda. Long live DPR, LPR and Russia.

@tuyanaonnet5251 - 01.12.2023 11:19

Civil war that s correct. In February 2022 Russia has interfered to defend

@user-lm8rr1wq2m - 07.11.2023 19:31

Россию устраивала независимая, нейтральная Украина. США такой рассклад не устраивал и не устраивает. Тем более все растущее влияние России в не западной части мира. А потому они положат до последнего украинца, без сожаления. Так кто мерзость в этом мире?

@alexanderhummel3917 - 11.09.2023 02:31

thanks. a good watch even in 2023.

@tomastoonders789 - 04.09.2023 19:26

This docu is made unavailable for people in The Netherlands. Perhaps, or probably, because this docu gives too much context to current times, and doesn't support the narrative the Dutch media, like VPRO, are currently choosing to spread.

@ast.george3565 - 30.08.2023 06:29

this is what you nazis call the "unprovocation" lmao wanted to attack africans you enslaved and colonized in niger for stopping france from exploiting them, but have the nazi nerve to call what happened in ukraine in 2014 a "revolution of dignity"? im disgusted

@Raum306 - 20.08.2023 04:58

How sick Russians are

@davidcald5975 - 11.08.2023 22:51


@joaquinot - 04.07.2023 07:13

This video is banned in europe. I sent it to my brother and couldnt see it

@gringo7050 - 02.07.2023 17:50

Still the whole western world blame Russia while Ukraine is the dickhead here.

@paintsilj - 19.05.2023 16:51

What a mess Ukraine has become. Aided by America, Britain, the West and the EU and NATO and multiple NGOs. A nest of vipers. Utterly despicable leaders like Poroshenko and Zelensky. I Utterly despise them

@sinekonata - 18.05.2023 00:41

Me at the beginning : Well he seems more balanced than most. Let's look at what the liberal has to say atop his white privilege.
Me by minute 5 : Ok so he's going to pretend he doesn't know who caused the fire. Ok fuck off liberal.

@public.public - 14.05.2023 23:03

If they wanted to be Russian they should have moved to Russia.

@public.public - 14.05.2023 22:57

Those Ukrainians who took up arms against Ukraine
for the Russian tyrant Putin will pay for being the traitors they are.

@NikolaiAlekseev-jk1fd - 30.03.2023 22:54

Ukraine started the war and now Russia will end it. Greetings from Donbas 🇷🇺🤙

@NikolaiAlekseev-jk1fd - 30.03.2023 22:53

Ukraine started the war in 2014

@d7mi.149 - 26.03.2023 12:08

NATO and America are part of the tools of destruction and killing of citizens, and people are calling for the continuation of the fighting. There are no crazy sane people who serve the devil

@MythrealGaming - 18.03.2023 02:13

Happy to see Russia has recognized the republics and that mother at the end can take baby out of the war zone.

@MythrealGaming - 18.03.2023 01:32

It’s crazy… American democrats are supporting Ukraines Jan 6th insurrectionists ..

@Rebus75 - 14.03.2023 19:20

Сука луганская

@reedschrichte800 - 12.03.2023 17:26

The first shots were fired in Maidan square?

@dieterbarkhoff1328 - 29.01.2023 13:12

the Police did NOT kill the Maidan protestors: Azov people have admitted they were the killers!

@nanlotel - 01.01.2023 22:46

Thank you for truthful video which would be hard to fing among modern false. Real statement of things...

@michaeljhirz - 18.12.2022 03:25

The Donbas is a heavily industrializes region, in that it has a history, and its best time can be one when work was plentiful. That activity was also highly socialized, in that we must consider the two models one which is capitalized and one that is not. In a state operated business, the revenue goes to the state and then the state paid for everything a very different social model. In a private operations capital is disbursed within and allocated to ensure it retains a market share and profits. The transition from the one system to the others revealed that much of the industry was not profitable. The times of high fell to times of low, polluted and not prosperous the area was disenfranchised and did not get what was needed and here we are, many are descendants of Russian migrations to the industry, and they are caught up in the recall of the past, they may see it better in other areas within Russia however outside of Moscow and St. Peterburg it is not much different for laborers the same situation the transition was not easy and became riddled with corruption. Both Ukraine and Russia are terribly corrupt rated as some of the most corrupted systems. It may be wiser to look West and the EU however its no silver bullet.

@Robertita988 - 11.12.2022 21:59

Entirely on-sided and uninformative from an interviewer who speaks fluent Russian. There is no analysis of the origin of the conflict, nor is anything mentioned about the very high proportion of thse living in Dombass who identify with Kiev and not Moscow. A few days ago I spoke to some doctors from the Dombass area who assured me that the entire conflict could easily have been resolved among the Ukrainians themselves except for Kremlin meddling which added fuel to the fire. This is not an objective nor useful documentary, one learns virtually nothing useful.

@user-hw8jw8wr6z - 04.12.2022 10:27

Началось с вранья.А дальше и смотреть не стоит .Соросовская пропаганда!!

@pauloferreira7543 - 19.11.2022 13:31

Nevertheless, in 1991, 92% of all Ukraine decided to leave USSR. Every oblast, every region, even Crimea, decided to leave USSR. And you point out in 26min that the east region vote mainly for a pro Russian president, however you forget he is Ukranian, and people dont look him as Russian, but someone who is Ukrainian with some tilt toward russia. Inspite of that for example Kharkiv which one may think it will support russian invasion, because they have a large pro russian population, however they stand for the Ukrainian side even many being Russian speakers. So that map you show doesnt meant that in that region the people agree to belong to russian empire. Ukrain is for the Ukrainians, and others that respect Ukrainian law. If in Portugal anyone want to join spain, they can leave and go and live in spain, we dont need to start a war...

@laurengin4581 - 25.10.2022 02:54

the Trade Union fire is the worst atrocity of the war and Ukraine's obfuscation and denialism is shameful. I hope survivors can get justice.

@Brynny211 - 20.10.2022 06:19

These are cousins fighting… this documentary is better than anything you find on mainstream media… this should have 200 million views.

@fdprobie8554 - 04.10.2022 07:38

American media shows none of this, thank you for the reporting

@stompcity4085 - 27.09.2022 14:16

Pro Russian activists are traitors

@stompcity4085 - 27.09.2022 14:14

She needs to go live in Russia, amongst the squalor and the lack of technology and imagination

@stompcity4085 - 27.09.2022 14:14

Rubbish Russian loving woman. Traitor to her country.

@tarzanofmars - 26.09.2022 23:21

The Obama administration created the current situation. Full stop.

@TsarOfRuss - 25.09.2022 14:48

Russian people will never be conquered !!!!!!!!!! Slava Roccia!

@TsarOfRuss - 25.09.2022 14:23

this is the same tactics CIA used in Syria and Libya, once the people start protesting, send in US Paid mercinaries snipers to kill few protesters, that should emotionally charged the crowd and radicalise them ... to make it look like the government is killing its own people... it will soon happen to Qatar, Saudi, UAE e.t.c ... they are not ripe enough to be invaded yet, CIA often starts every coup with "demonization" calling the leader a "dictator" once the world has believed it, then it will be easy to say US is going to save the people of the country from a dictator... boom! invasion

@SiriusZiriux - 16.08.2022 03:33

Glad Russia is Finally Liberating Them.

I Hate being Western; like an Orc that realized It’s Born for Evil…I Hate Myself.

@patrickbradley4339 - 08.08.2022 05:01

Everyone should watch shows like this. Calm down stop the war.

@triforcelink - 12.07.2022 04:58

Something really doesn’t add up in this war

@avibhagan - 29.06.2022 06:21

Amazing Documentary ! The Journalist went to Donetsk to tell the people they are wrong and he knows what is going on and that they are all mistaken !
He tries desperately to stick to the NATO script ! Despite all the evidence that NATO and the Ukrainian government are lying !

He has found exactly the same thing that Anne -Laure Bonell , Patrick Lancaster and Eva Bartlett have found !

I guess he is right to try to stick to the NATO script ! Had he tried to tell the truth, he would have been banned and censored and accused of being a Russian Propogandist !

@captaindragan7994 - 23.05.2022 03:28

Yeah, Ukrainians launched a major counteroffensive: they occupied most of the Russian prisons and three big hospitals!!!

@davesthrowawayacc1162 - 15.05.2022 01:19

This is why it started. American backed Neonazis carried out a coup and put a comedian in charge

@cafeinst - 13.05.2022 15:22

I still don’t get why they are fighting.
