More Hong Kong Cinema From Chamelon Films | Boutique Australian Blu-ray Label

More Hong Kong Cinema From Chamelon Films | Boutique Australian Blu-ray Label

Hong Kong Cinema Appreciation Society

4 месяца назад

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@RolandDeschain1 - 14.03.2024 20:09

I'm Australian and I wasn't aware of this label. I guess I just never saw them at JB Hi-Fi, which is our big electronics and appliance superstore.

It'd be cool if they really dug deep into the Milkyway filmography and did restorations of great movies like THE LONGEST NITE or INTRUDER with Wu Chien-Lien..

@hunterwilliams4250 - 14.03.2024 21:56

I recently ordered Limbo, which I'm excited to watch when it arrives. Motorway looks awesome, so I want to get that too in April. I'm glad labels are serving the Hong Kong action market!

@svabosvabo3257 - 14.03.2024 22:44

While I welcome every boutique label doing HK releases, unfortunately it is financially impossible for me to pick up every release these days, there is so much cool stuff coming out. ;(

There is a German and French Blu-Ray for a tenner each available on auction sites and Amazon, just as a heads up for my fellow European collectors. No Engl. subs, as far as I can tell.

@PurityThruFire - 15.03.2024 02:44

Limbo is an incredible film but one you may only want to ever watch one...

@bigmoviefreak - 18.03.2024 13:56

I actually saw this a long time ago. It’s very unique in how it focuses not just the action but the story primarily on the road with the two cops, who if I remember correctly, are often seen in their cars more than they are out. Didn’t think it was the greatest movie ever, but it’s another interesting high concept Milky Way film and those are always interesting to watch. Was surprised that it won Best Film at the HKFA.
