Where do the Elves sail to? Why do they leave Middle-earth? - Aman, the Undying Lands - LotR Lore

Where do the Elves sail to? Why do they leave Middle-earth? - Aman, the Undying Lands - LotR Lore


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Dick Johnson
Dick Johnson - 09.04.2023 06:16

Elves aren’t even average in Aman. They are the lowest beings. They are below Ainur so they are basically the the least powerful and impressive.

Brett Stalling
Brett Stalling - 23.01.2023 03:26

fire video dawg

Stizel Swik
Stizel Swik - 29.12.2022 05:36

Have you ever read Christopher Paoline's Inheritance series? Starting with Eragon. In the last book Inheritance, He sails away with the new Queen of the elves. But where to? lol I HIGHLY recommend this series for all to read! The movie "Eragon" done about a decade ago (give or take), does not do the first book justice as all! They took too much "artistic license". Enjoy!!

nosaurian - 10.12.2022 09:19

this one is also Great. please could you elaborate on the 1912 video? when I saw the still again at the end, I felt how it perfectly represents the mythological nature of the blessed realm.

KD - 12.10.2022 08:39

Morgoth is literally a type of Lucifer in the Bible.

Sylvia Ponce
Sylvia Ponce - 01.09.2022 01:37

I loved the art...

Fil - 16.01.2022 02:29

Amazing explanation! Love it ! Thank you!

Val Marsiglia
Val Marsiglia - 08.01.2022 16:55

In other words, Melkor's the bad guy for inventing jazz, lol.

Crafty Spirit
Crafty Spirit - 30.09.2021 21:49

I think you really hit it with this one, it's a classic question, and well answered. There are other videos about this topic where the marring of Arda is not mentioned; instead, you here people saying that the Elves leave because of accumulated experiences of loss (e.g. dying trees, mortal Elf-friends). I agree that this is one factor but it would imho not suffice for all elves to eventually leave. Without the marred state of Arda, I think Elves would remain in Middle-Earth and follow a pattern of where many Elves stay for a time and then sail into the West, but would leave their children behind, who would not leave before creating children of their own, etc. Ofc this may stop at some point if indeed the total number of Elves being incarnated simultaneously on Arda is limited. We may even conceive that the marring reduced the fertility of the Elves in Middle-Earth.

And I would like to know if newborn Elves start from scratch without any of Melkor's poison or if subsequent generations inherit some of the Ainur's toxine from their parents.

So I think Melkor is the primary and sufficient reason. I imagine it's a bit like when you are a flight attendant or pilot, you receive more radioactive radiation than other people do, and if you accumulate small increments over thousand of years, your body will eventually get sick. (Ofc I ignored the fact that our bodies can excrete radiation over time).

Do you think that more contact with Melkor's poison makes humans more likely to submit to a dark lord? Or are the only seduced by words? I think Carl Hostetter saying something like that Melkor can be heard by humans as an internal voice (presumably giving bad advice), not sure though how these dots are connected...

Daan Bruins
Daan Bruins - 13.09.2021 17:55

Thanks for explaining this super confusing ending to me, but in my opinion a movie doesn't have a very good ending when you have to research it to understand it if you're not a fan.

Morbos1000 - 30.08.2021 23:52

In regards to what you said about the Elves fading away if they remained in Middle Earth... Does that mean this would have been Arwen's fate had she not died of a broken heart upon the death of Aragorn?

crewcutter2030 - 30.08.2021 15:05

They sailed to hawaii.

Jered White
Jered White - 12.08.2021 06:37

Great video, but chill on the R’s lol made it sound like an Indian How-To video at times

Foltest Animations
Foltest Animations - 02.08.2021 22:09

Who’s here after Amazon released VALINOR??

Ripper McGee
Ripper McGee - 01.07.2021 06:56

sorry but god almighty...i cant get thru this video cause of the way this man is pronouncing the names...my ears hurt!

phazoneatermetroid77 - 06.06.2021 03:37

Love your accent! Makes the video much more interesting. And its an amazing insight into Aman.

Peenut - 29.05.2021 17:09

Thank you soo much. That was the question i really needed answer in the Lord of the Ring.. finally i got completely ❤❤❤❤❤

Daniel Williamson
Daniel Williamson - 28.05.2021 08:50

Some people believed that at the end of Lord of the Rings Frodo, Gandalf, Bilbo, Elrond and Galadriel were leaving Middle Earth and were sailing away to heaven. When I first watched Return of the King, I thought they were simply sailing away to the far ends of Middle Earth. Maybe they were right, the undying lands was the afterlife and that's where they went. Today, I thought about it on the way home and I thought about why did Frodo go? I don't think Frodo was dying and that he was succumbing to his wound when he was stabbed by The Witch King. Frodo was deeply traumatized by his journey and he wasn't coping and it was affecting him mentally and physically. Gandalf saw this and that's why he allowed Frodo to go with them to the undying lands and I believe Frodo went there not to die, but to find peace. If it's not heaven and if it's not the afterlife, what was the undying lands? A realm or simply another land? It's a shame JRR Tolkien never expanded the world of Middle-Earth further. But, he told the story and the ink is dry.

Just Bræd
Just Bræd - 21.05.2021 02:46

I love how easy to understand your videos are like when explaining the Ainur you compare them to god pantheons and angel which is right on, and when you remind us about what Gandalf says about Udun in the fight with the balrog.
I don't comment much but I absolutely had to say how great your videos are.

safi ullah
safi ullah - 19.05.2021 21:35

Did gimli also sail away with legolas to the undying lands???
