Frame by Frame Analysis (UPSCALED) Was it an ILLEGAL Low Blow? Usyk vs Dubois - Boxing Breakdown

Frame by Frame Analysis (UPSCALED) Was it an ILLEGAL Low Blow? Usyk vs Dubois - Boxing Breakdown

Claimer Uncut

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@checaganteng9431 - 29.08.2023 18:06

it looks like the usyk bird is coiled up😂😂😂😂😂

@guyjones3665 - 29.08.2023 18:07

Point of elbow is always level with your naval.. glove is lower than point of elbow on impact.. go figure.. (its low)

@bxing85 - 29.08.2023 18:18

Several wrong points in this video

@rosewoodsteel6656 - 29.08.2023 18:38

Unfortunately, none of this matters. The call was at the discretion of the Ref, just like balls and strikes are at the discretion of a MLB umpire.

@gbarhip - 29.08.2023 18:41

it was obviously below navel, his navel was in line with top of belt as seen in many shots, you also did not mention Usyk could have stood up if required but was not required as the ref did not count, ddd was cheating so not we can add another d for dirty,

@brooklynloutheskeptic - 29.08.2023 18:42

the REF is in charge of the ring and does make judgement calls. If a shot is low or not is a judgement call and is not science. You may criticize the ref and maybe he is a bad ref but Usyk did not cheat, he went by the rules of the sport. The REF gave him time to recover, which is exactly the rules of the sport. I have watched boxing for over 50 years and have seen countless shots like this ruled differently by different refs. It is a part of the sport, just like a ref in basketball calling a guy for travelling. Personally, I see this shot as being literally a judgement call that could go either way. I lost money on betting DuBois. I am not angry at the REF. The real story of the fight for me is that Dubois was not aggressive enough and played a tactical game with Usyk and this is a sure-fire way for a bigger and stronger fighter to lose to a smaller and more adept fighter. The end of the fight was clear. Dubois did not get up and was counted out. Hit by a good Jab, yes, a good Jab.

@danfors1333 - 29.08.2023 18:51

If he's hit below the height of his own elbow while standing straight the way he is with elbow tucked straight down to the body then he's definitely hit below the navel, unless he has T-Rex arms or a low hanging beer belly... which he hasn't. A fighter shouldn't have to lower his hands below own elbows to protect below the belt and leave whole upper body unprotected. It's a very clear low blow. Also the angle of the fist is thumb upwards, not sideways like the inserted picture wrongfully implies. The knuckles and hard taping that makes all the impact is at the low part of the glove hitting completely below belt and navel. He got hit on the bladder and will probably be pissing blood afterwards.

@anthonymcken6050 - 29.08.2023 18:53

The thumbnail picture is a lie so I don't need to watch anything else.

@expressonatural7559 - 29.08.2023 19:02

Legal shot.

@billyrocky2974 - 29.08.2023 19:11

I 100000000% and i use to box for over 23 years.
That wasn't a low blow.

@dmac8917 - 29.08.2023 19:27

You do realise that the beltline has absolutely nothing to do with the shorts right 🤷🏼‍♂️

@Nickxxx85 - 29.08.2023 19:31

I would say it is exactly on the line of being illegal and legal and referee could judge it either way. Now considering Dubois in fact did some other more clear low blows it isn't exactly unfair to call this one one. Now another thing is counting it as a low blow doesn't mean Usyk would lose, he may have stand upt go in clinch or keep distance, maybe drop on the knee for another 10sec or more of rest and still win. And one more: he won all rounds, outboxed Dubois, put him dowm, made him quit. I don't really see Dubois any close to being champion after that fight

@Pdrotenko - 29.08.2023 19:59

Problem with this, you don’t consider size of Daniel’s glove, and go by the image seeing from the top point of view, which hides depth of a glove. It’s hard to see where the bottom part of a glove is, and if you measure width of a glove, you know that bottom part of it landed way too low.

@VicBigShark - 29.08.2023 20:05

Your position of his belly button is wrong 😂

@suave676 - 29.08.2023 20:08

“After Usyk’s inability to stand up after the 10 count” - what count? There was no count because the referee (who by the way was perfectly positioned to see the punch and impact along its full trajectory) immediately called it a low blow - the referee’s word is final. Further, Usyk’s reaction is IMMEDIATE, that doesnt happen with body shots (unless a rib is broken). There’s nothing to speculate about, its a low blow and this is hardly a frame by frame analysis (impact point wouldnt cause immediate movement of his whole shorts, but would radiate out from the point of impact which we dont see here because those frames are missing). Without missing frames we’d also see a lowered hand placement of dubois as his punch is on a low to high trajectory)

@watchyahead2 - 29.08.2023 20:11

So, the Ref made a Decision and there is a discussion about it, like about Penalties or Offside at Soccer, and that caused Dubois gettin knocked out ? Srsly

@Dortsu - 29.08.2023 20:29

Hahahaha … Clear LOW BLOW. … that green like goes to the tip of his dick. Cheater. You think it’s a buffet, to pick up the frame you want. Shut the fuck up

@FourClover713 - 29.08.2023 20:47

Usyk greatest weakness is the body great game plan by Dubois to bad he didn't execute the plan but props to him for making it a controversy when AJ didn't even make it close

@dlalwon1 - 29.08.2023 21:15

The navel estimation is off since Usyk's body is jumping up, the punch didn't really move things as much. His navel is still on the upper side of the belt so even looking only at the full contact it'd be low. The representation of the fist inside should be tilted on the right along with the glove, showing that actually more knucles are below the navel(which again i fell is higher than estimated).

@GrubKiller436 - 29.08.2023 21:22

Usyk doesn't wear his trunks high. All that body area above, and Dubois went that low.

@futvnyc - 29.08.2023 21:23

its under the belly button thats a low blow.

@haydengarinduchesne9269 - 29.08.2023 21:50

Won the fight ? We will never know if Uysk would’ve made the count because he wasn’t forced to , he was clearly hurt and if you aren’t administered a count and are given time to recover why would you get up ? . Wether the blow was legal or illegal it wasn’t called DD had his opponent hurt and basically did nothing if anything Uysk was the aggressor after that incident then let’s be frank DD quit and then cries about being robbed ? He chose not to get up , he was losing the fight but still very much in the fight he made the decision to quit , not saying he wasn’t hurt but I think everyone will agree that he could’ve gotten up and he didn’t protest the stoppage , he wanted out , and that’s ok , but to cry wolf afterwards ?

@klambo5558 - 29.08.2023 22:11

Not convinced that what you claim is the "shadow" is a shadow at all, but let's say it is a shadow, then it could equally be a shadow of Usyk's right glove,. Regardless, of which still frame depicts the actual impact, most of the glove hits BELOW the navel belt line, and as far as I'm aware refs base their decisions of where the GLOVE lands, not where the fist inside the glove is ! Bottom line, good try but your "Frame by Frame" analysis seems deeply flawed!

@doyoucomply8770 - 30.08.2023 00:15

It was low !!

@ds1270 - 30.08.2023 00:16

WOOOOOWWWWWW. You are really a total moron. How difficult is to understand the rules. You are not supposed to hit the trunks, at all, never. End of story. You are supposed to hit only the abdomen flesh above the trunks, not the trunks itself. The trunks are supposed to be worn, at all time, just under the immaginary belt line, that intersetc the navel. The waistband on the trunks is not the belt, you idiot. There is no belt on the trunks. That's why you have the protector under the trunks. You can only hit above the trunks, above the protector. Also there is not such as BORDELINE LOW BLOW. If you touch the trunks even partially, it is a foul. You can made as many stupid videos like this, but it will not change the truth, it was a low blow and intentional. And you must make your parents proud for them to know you are a titanic moron. Go back to school and try to learn how to read properly, because it is clear you cannot read if you cannot understand simple rules like boxing rules. And stop making stupid videos like this to push a false narrative. 😈🤬😡😡😡😠😠

@woodyharrelson2624 - 30.08.2023 01:58

Some people cry about some types of things instead of making themselves better is all I’ll say

@BabyUn0 - 30.08.2023 02:55

Its still debatable. Ive seen other analysis thats are credible. But whats MORE important At the end of the day DDD should have kept on going to the body which he BUT wasn't good enough and quit. Usyk is a true champion 🏆

@vlad1889 - 30.08.2023 06:26

Ok, you showed a low blow just slowed down and added some lines. Got it 😅

@niceguy8260 - 30.08.2023 15:13

simple we know the bent ref was helpping Usyk the ref is bent known for it liked Usyk but shit to him he is a cheat boxing is rotten from top to bottom people need stop paying into it only one loser the fan .

@kurthill7030 - 30.08.2023 16:06

Well done you for showing the truth facts don't lie great break down of the punch 👍

@rhinousprotected4347 - 30.08.2023 21:56

Was there a 10 count ? Even when i watched the fight again, i could not find the 10 count ...

@davidm6142 - 31.08.2023 01:07

How is usyks whole body and beltline moving upward but his belly button isn't and when the punch is impacting in your line drawing 🤡

@ohgodyeahgamer2987 - 31.08.2023 10:41

Andre boxing just did a rebuttal video to this exposing why its wrong. Titled glass body?

@danielbourton1279 - 31.08.2023 18:40

So all that work trying to shill and you end on an image where at least 30% lands below the navel.

Cool , you are absolutely pathetic

@BloggStandard - 31.08.2023 22:50

this video is "a streeeeeetch" 100%

@user-lg3rw1ct2j - 01.09.2023 13:34

But let's then take this fact, even if the ref had called it a knock down, usyke still would have gotten up.

@user-lg3rw1ct2j - 01.09.2023 13:35

And actually your wrong, rules dictate that the glove cannot be below the belt, and alot of the glove was below the belt on impact.
But let's have a rematch.

@wtwhizz - 01.09.2023 15:07

What a bunch of wasted arguing over a moot point.

The ref rules it a low blow. It doesn't matter if it was one or not. And to even the most die-hard "IT WAS LEGAL!" folks, they have to admit it was questionable. Especially in the moment. Not a bit of that man's glove touched skin and Usyk's trunks weren't comically high a la David Haye.

Once the punch is ruled a low-blow, that's it. Usyk gets his time. Fight continues on. And, of course, we all know how that went. Usyk cooked ol' Daniel Dubious every round and made him take a knee and quit on a stiff jab.

If we want to talk about someone being robbed, how about Dubois' previous opponent, Larena? Dubios went down THREE times in the 1st round. Should have been a TKO. Instead, they rang the bell 10 seconds early. Then, in the 3rd round, Dubois hits Larena multiple times after the bell and the ref waves the fight off. The fix was in, FOR SURE. Yet, you won't hear a peep out of British fans about that travesty.

@child_of_Orion - 02.09.2023 09:32

We also take into consideration:
1. Usyk complains from low blows every 4-5 fights, that by itself is a record
2. Pabon saw no rule breaks in Wlad vs. Povetkin

Your work analyzing the situation is very good, surpasses the opinion of some experts. And it's with high quality image.

To me, this was a legal shot. Usyk is indeed the superior boxer, but Dubois proved again that the puncher always has a chance.

@MrAyyubpatel - 02.09.2023 17:24

Usyk must have had Balls lift surgery- Dubois never hit him on balls- Refree gave Usyk and actually force to take two more minutes after Uzyk wanted to continue after hitting clear knocked out by gut wrenching punch/ a perfect punch to cruiser weights light body and it was the end- countless fighters have got punched in that area and no one ever called it a foul or low - he got knocked out and did circus act

@Marco-bh9im - 02.09.2023 18:27

The waistline is defined as the imaginary horizontal line through the navel to the top of the hips - This is so regardless of where the boxer places his trunks and or protector/cup Below that line is forbidden ffs This is why they wear protectors/cup/groin pads in the first place to protect themselves from an accidental or even intentional FOUL. It's that simple! There are videos now showing Daniel LANDED 20 LOW BLOWS. That was he intention to hurt Usyk and try to gain an advantage. And apparently the ref was on Usyk's side but he allowed 20 low blows. LOL You are a FURY 🍆 RIDER.

@RaptorsDot - 03.09.2023 01:06

That wasn’t a lie blow sorry

@pugil1sttheboxingforce940 - 07.09.2023 07:50

Some good points are made here, but when you say, Dubious had already won, you're assuming that Usyk couldn't have risen by "nine" if he needed to. I tend to think he would have, though we'll never know. We'll also never know if he would have survived and recovered to beat Daniel. Too many uncertainties.

@bobgarrett7134 - 21.09.2023 13:23

You drew the belly button "green line" 6 inches BELOW the top of the hip bone and navel. Punches to the hipbone are foul blows. The top of the hipbone is dead in horizontal line with the belly button. Every top British Boxing professional said the punch was LOW and FOUL.. Eddie Hearn... Johnny Nelson... Carl Froch... Tony Bellew... Victor Laughlin... You are purposely manipulating lines and MOVING the belly button 4 inches lower than where you SHOULD draw it. That punch was on the BLADDER and bladder punches are FOUL. Usyk's trunks were dead on his navel (standard). ANY punch on the trunks is a foul. Dubois threw 20 low blows and the Western referee allowed him to get away with them without taking points.

@williammabusela3577 - 29.10.2023 07:59

It's definitely a low blow, stop explaining

@bradbradford8576 - 19.01.2024 04:57

It isn't accurate, or at least honest, to say it took Usyk over 4 minutes to get up. It's impossible to say whether he could have continued if the ref started counting when he went down. Low blow or borderline, Usyk was hurt, and he sure as hell wasn't going to (nor should he) say "idk ref the pain doesn't feel quite low enough for that, I think you should start counting," and try to get up right away. Hopefully they rematch some day

@woodybenjam - 28.08.2023 21:35

I 100% agree that it wasn't a low blow, but the first frame where you say there is a shadow on Usyk's shorts, this is not a shadow, this is "ghosting" where the movement of Dubois arm/hand is moving between frames. You can tell this by the fact that if you look at Dubois forearm, he also has "ghosting" on this part. Plus, for there to be a shadow on Usyk's shorts it would need a light source from below and behind Dubois, the Boxing Rings light is from above.
I still agree though that the punch hasn't landed yet in this frame, and everything else is 100% correct.
Nice work.
