Adults Try Common Core For The First Time

Adults Try Common Core For The First Time

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Just Mom Living
Just Mom Living - 14.08.2023 15:27

Common core did kids dirty. The most frustrating thing is watching kids do this convoluted crap and still get it wrong with little understanding of what they actually did.

Divested Christian
Divested Christian - 26.02.2023 10:48

This can only end with an algebraic equation

Matthew Dalton
Matthew Dalton - 19.02.2023 22:19

She is going to buy either 4 bags or 6 bags. So, at the very least she buys 4 or 6 stickers. One for each bag.
0 would be getting no stickers which flies in the face of her goal of getting stickers for her friends.
We are focusing on the number of stickers needed to make sure her friends get an equal amount in their bags.
The number of her friends and whether every friend gets a bag is on her. Not us. Our responsibility is making sure that there is an equal amount of stickers in those bags.

Tony Daysog
Tony Daysog - 28.01.2023 11:10

You know, it looks like one of the points of this math is purposefully to allow for the possibility of confusion given the unclarity of the verbiage by which the math problem is conveyed, which, in turn keeps the control of the educational teacher-student relation mainly in the hands of the teacher, on whom the student must rely for understanding the verbiage. In “old math”, once a student learns math algorithms or short cuts, the teacher is basically out of the picture, other than to serve as the grader. Very, very sneaky: via common core math, teachers need not worry about being replaced by computers or other automatons. Sneaky!!!

A J - 28.12.2022 22:37

I blame Bill Gates

AlienLife - 20.12.2022 10:42

To people like me who absolutely DETEST math this would just make me give up completely out of shear frustration. Why did they have to take something so simple and totally fuck it up beyond recognition?

Kandy - 19.11.2022 03:36

Knowing when I graduated I realized I dodged a huge fucking bullet! Like point Blake blank too, 3 inches from face! 😨

Warpsmith West
Warpsmith West - 27.09.2022 16:03

This is the worst word problem for a MCD question I've ever read, it shouldn't have used the world friends because that word is distracting because it implies that she has two friends that might not be friends and it adds something to the problem that isn't part of it.

Brett Stafford
Brett Stafford - 18.09.2022 15:06

The answer is to buy a number of stickers that is a multiple of the number of friends.

Momma Molly
Momma Molly - 18.08.2022 20:49

I got x/y is equal to 4 or 6

Rick Dunn
Rick Dunn - 12.08.2022 12:50

Buy a sticker maker. Teacher gets an F-, I'm giving myself an A+

Ben Chapple
Ben Chapple - 11.08.2022 19:17

The minimum number is 12 as it's prime power factorisation is 2x2x3 and is thus divisible by 6=2x3 and 4=2x2. So any multiple of 12 will do. The answer is 12n where n in (N)+0 ie there are an infinite number of answers. The idea that anyone could answer this very badly written question when they are 9 is stupid.

ducatirider7 - 09.06.2022 21:33

So what was the answer?

Richinnameonly - 28.05.2022 15:57

Awful video. Pick a question with no answer and people who don't know common core. Than never show the answer or what was expected at all. Common core isn't the problem it's people that are making videos like this.

Nocti - 24.05.2022 21:43

The question was asking what number can be divided evenly into 4 and 6. However, it can be 12, 24, 36, etc

S P - 13.04.2022 05:06

This is an easy question. The answer is 0. That's how you guarantee no stickers are left over.

William Lennie
William Lennie - 27.02.2022 00:45

Seems to me like an ok puzzle at its core (pun intended). Buy a number of bags that can be divided by both 6 and 4. So 12 bags.

The problem is the wording deliberately implies only 6 or four bags should be bought. Questions designed to trick students through dodgy wording are only good for teaching them to seek more information.

Rap Snippets
Rap Snippets - 05.02.2022 01:03

This question lacks every possible awareness to answer it mathematically.

RONIN Sixx - 16.01.2022 03:50

The fact my 10 year old is being subjected to what appears to be the most complicated yet dumbest low iq way to solve a basic math is simply infuriating. We need to locate whoever brought this sh!t into our country and bring back the guillotine.
Now instead of solving a math problem in 30 seconds or less she gets to spend 5 minutes and use an entire sheet of paper to get the same answer. That is intentional cruelty and why we will be removing her from the public "chinese"
School system and homes schooling her.

Khan Kim
Khan Kim - 13.01.2022 03:53

Um the answer iss how much money does she have and how much do the stickers cost

Destructo CiD
Destructo CiD - 12.01.2022 22:48

It’s hilarious how the woman is not only confused, but she makes the question even more complicated by creating more crap not even involved with the scenario. Now Juanita isn’t buying the bags, she’s making them, apparently, lol.

Cloud Of Time
Cloud Of Time - 05.11.2021 03:40

This didn't resolve anything definitively.

Michael G
Michael G - 31.10.2021 02:02


Moonlight Mirage
Moonlight Mirage - 17.10.2021 04:01

The answer?

Juanita you can't even count how many friends you have

Hrusa Art
Hrusa Art - 05.10.2021 01:20

I don't think it's a bad idea to help people see math in unclear settings. But the wording has lots of red herrings, such as assuming stickers are being sold in bags, etc. And that just wouldn't be the case if you found yourself in that situation.

ST33L W0LF - 26.09.2021 07:38

1st question

She's either giving out 4 bags or 6 bags, the question is essentially asking for the lowest common multiple of 4 and 6 which is 12. I never learned common core, but they phrased that question stupidly. The answer is super simple if you just understand the problem.

A Michaels
A Michaels - 07.09.2021 06:43

to make it more COMPLICATED
& CONFUSING because they
want an EXCUSE to be able to JUSTIFY getting RID of BASIC
arithmetic so our kids CAN'T
THINK & BELIEVE they are

S Jacks
S Jacks - 13.08.2021 16:58

So if she buys 24 stickers, she would have 4 or 6 bags either way???

Dee do Doop
Dee do Doop - 12.08.2021 15:03

how much food do you need to feed the city of NYC? answer: none. just some nuclear bombs.

sean bouker
sean bouker - 10.08.2021 19:14

What is the answer supposed to be

sean bouker
sean bouker - 10.08.2021 19:14

Well here's the thing she's going on some multiple of four or six... The question is related to how many stickers she needs to fill the bags... And the answer is either 4 or 6... Or some multiple of 4 or 6... What we don't know is how many friends she has... So then she's going to give two bags perhaps to each friend? Maybe she only has two friends... Two bags or three bags each... How many stickers can fit in the bags? I don't know lol

jgibson111 - 07.08.2021 11:26

These are ridiculous. One of my son's 4th grade questions was:

Johnny collects baseball cards. He had 50 baseball cards. He went to a baseball card show and bought more. How many baseball cards does Johnny have now?

My thought was not enough information given. My son's thought was this is stupid! The only answer my wife and I could come up with is "more than 50". Teacher marked it wrong but did not furnish the correct answer.

Alvin De Rama
Alvin De Rama - 28.07.2021 14:14

Q: How to get 1 glass full of Orange juice from 5 apples?
A: Imagination!

M B - 30.06.2021 19:32

Very poorly worded question. Teacher who wrote this question needs training in logic and writing.

michael ashman
michael ashman - 16.06.2021 20:30

Are the bags paper or plastic? What kind of stickers?, peel and stick? Lick and stick? Or are they stickers from a stickerbush? I hope they're not rockachaws, because that would really suck. Crap, she only has six friends, poor child. I could definitely answer this question if I knew what the sales tax was. I'm going to guess, sad, the answer is sad. Or was that last years answer and this year it's different, crap, I suck at geology.

michael ashman
michael ashman - 16.06.2021 20:10

That's easy, she only has 4 friends but two of them have split personalities which would equal out to six, occasionally, but in order to buy the proper amount of bags she will have to steal the money and then convert it to pesos and then set said bags on fire and pee on them to put them out, done, that's your answer, like I said easy.

Mekyl Zyster
Mekyl Zyster - 11.06.2021 04:08

Common Core was created to keep some American poor and the rich in power.

Lauren L
Lauren L - 31.05.2021 12:33

Clearly whoever wrote this problem did not pass English class. The clearer way of writing this question: Juanita wants to make bags of stickers for her friends. When she goes to the store, she is not sure if she should make 4 or 6 bags. How many stickers should she buy so that there is the same number of stickers in each bag, and whether she makes 4 or 6 bags, there will be no stickers left over?

Dan A.
Dan A. - 19.05.2021 21:38


Adam Shumate
Adam Shumate - 27.04.2021 23:58

The answer is 24 right?? Because both 4 & 6 can go into 24 without any leftovers.

KBdotHAQ - 03.04.2021 15:54

In real life I would just even out the amount of stickers among the bags. 20 a bag and boom. Why are math problems so weird and unrealistic?

Gavin Valle
Gavin Valle - 11.03.2021 21:41

It seems like they are trying to make these adults look stupid, when in fact, the people who made this question are complete morons...The question CANNOT be answered because there is obviously incomplete information.

How many friends?
How many stickers per bag?
What do they mean "NO stickers left over"..? "Left over" how??? If she stuff each bag with all the available stickers, there are none left over.

Common Core is a joke. A bad joke.

Kevin J
Kevin J - 02.03.2021 06:12

Trick question

Ariondys Gray
Ariondys Gray - 27.02.2021 02:45

4x = 6y, and draw a graph, on graph paper, and only when the line crosses an intersection of the graph paper. y = 2/3x; everytime x = 3, 6, 9... a integer solution exists 4(3) = 12, 4(6) = 24, 4(9) = 36 Probably wrong because I didn't do it like I was supposed to though... seems like common core is about doing just that. Marking people who are right as wrong. Teaching you to skip steps but marking you wrong if you actually skip steps.

inappropriately aligned metaphorical nourishment
inappropriately aligned metaphorical nourishment - 19.12.2020 00:18

she wants to give BAGS of stickers, not individual stickers. if she gave individual stickers, there would not be any solution as there would be too many variables (potentially infinite stickers in a bag).
she considers 4 or 6 bags ONLY, so you can determine her number of friends = x:

x = 0 is false since the premise of the question is that she wants to give stuff to existing friends
x = 1 is false, she would also consider 1 bag because that could be fair
x = 2 is false, she would also consider 2 bags because that could be fair
x = 3 is false, she would also consider 3 bags because that could be fair
x = 4 is false, she would not consider 6 bags as that would be unfair.
x = 5 is false, she would not consider 4 or 6 bags as that would be unfair.
x = 6 is false, she would not consider 4 bags as that would be unfair.
x > 6 is false as at least 1 friend would end up with nothing

no matter how many friends she has, there is no possible amount of friends that would make her think only 4 or 6 bags would be appropriate.
this has no solution as there is not enough information provided and/or the task is misleading and validates solutions based on assumptions that have been pulled out of a rectum.

Munjerkucci - 15.12.2020 17:27

This is a red hearing video. In the real classroom, the 4th grader would had been taught how to solve similar questions before being given this question. It's how school works.

brett knoss
brett knoss - 13.12.2020 22:51

Let Juanita have 1:6, but not 5 friends,
If she has 4 friends, then Juanita must buy 4 bags of stickers.

Else, if she has 3 or 6 friends, then Juanita must buy 6 bags of stickers.

Else she can buy 4 or 6 bags of stickers.

Let Juanita have 5 friends,
She must buy 6 bags of stickers with a number of stickers ending in (5 or 0) > 0.

Cheese Cake
Cheese Cake - 07.12.2020 20:56

12 bruh
