What is Monotheism? (Monotheism Defined, Meaning of Monotheism, Monotheism Explained)

What is Monotheism? (Monotheism Defined, Meaning of Monotheism, Monotheism Explained)


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@robertsmith8629 - 24.06.2022 10:26

Jews and muslim are true monotheist but christians arent, they worshipped a man flesh and bones worshipped trinty

@parkchimchim188 - 25.07.2022 02:45

Thank you

@niyasfazila4232 - 01.09.2022 09:49


@nzilalowa1 - 11.12.2022 15:26

Monotheism as known in the West, i.e., the belief in a Most High God who is also the Creator, is a wrong conception.

In order to prove this one has just to ask one question where does creation occurs? If it occurs in the Most High than at the moment of creation God changes and this begs the existence of a principle of his mutability greater than him. Which is impossible.

If creation occurs outside of God, then added to him it will result in an entity greater than God which is also impossible.

So true the true monotheism is the African one: the doctrine of a Supreme Being throning above lower divinities that are but his manifestations.

This is a demonstrable scientific monotheism which can be proven this way:
1. The individual nature of this temporal universe implies the existence of an individual creator now the individual nature of the Creator, it cause.
2. The individual nature of this cause implies the existence of similar causes that are at least potentially creative.
3. In the hypothesis that each creation is included in its creator, there is a being that includes the some total all these creators. This being is thus the greatest possible being, i.e., the Most High.
4. The Most High is indivisible. Otherwise there might a principle of his divisibility greater than him, which is impossible.
5. As an manifestation of an individuality included in the indivisible God, each creator expresses the fullness of God in an individual manner. We call this fullness the Logos.

This argument has been extended by our initiatory academy NZIL'ALOWA as to include all the essential doctrines of solar religion.

Does the theism thus demonstrated correspond to the African one? Our answer is YES .

In thus theism we have: a transcendent God, a creator, and a Logos acting in the creator. This corresponds to:
* Ancient Egypt: Sole Lord, Atom, Ptah.
Kôngo: Nzâmbi Ampûngu Tulêndo, Mbûmba Lowa, Mpina Nza
Vodun: Nana Buluku, Mawu Lisa, and the fact that Mawu Lisa is make and femelle expresses the presence of the Logos in him. Etc.

As explained by my academy NZIL'ALOWA, African traditional religion is in reality an EXACT SCIENCE. True monotheism and true religion came from Africa. The Western civilization distorted monotheism and made of this religion a mere speculation.

Dr Luyaluka.

@Jsralla1800 - 11.02.2023 03:13

Christianity is not monotheistic, because of belief in Trinity. Both Jews and Muslims would consider most Christians today as idolators.

@jesusisthechristthesonofgod - 29.03.2023 13:31

Monotheism means that only one person is God

@نسيتكلمةالمرور-ذ5ب - 22.04.2023 00:59

Islam and Judaism are monotheistic religions but Christianity is not

@CanadianPhinsFan853 - 11.10.2023 04:36

Monotheism is the root of all bad things in the modern world.

Polytheism is the cure.

@hrithikmalhotra1910 - 10.11.2023 13:24


@techbladegaming4595 - 27.01.2024 19:49

All regions indicate towards monotheism...with different name...

@engchoontan8483 - 29.05.2024 20:58

in a real storm, in-denial of reality, and karen, is your buddy. that is the fun.

@someinternetdude4159 - 17.08.2024 22:34

Judaism is monolatry (not monotheist). Christianity is probably polytheistic, but it depends upon your interpretation of the Holy Trinity.

Monotheism is the belief in only one God existing. Monolatry is worshipping only one God and not knowing if other Gods exist or not.
