Lambda World 2019 - Functional Smart Contracts - Manuel Chakravarty

Lambda World 2019 - Functional Smart Contracts - Manuel Chakravarty

Lambda World

4 года назад

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@tradefeedz3560 - 05.11.2019 00:04

Manuel from IOHK! Great job. Cardano is the future!

@elduderino7767 - 05.11.2019 15:42

enjoyed the presentation, this approach looks very promising

@ledifchalang2035 - 05.12.2020 00:48

Im so glad I waatched this. It reinforces the reason why I have to learn programming in Haskell

@derekfrost8991 - 12.01.2021 12:49

This application looks very similar to applications I write for my home accounts. Although I quit finance in 2001 cos I was tired of SQL many companies are waking up to functional, immutable DSL for their money, many because they've been hacked millions. I could have saved them the money.. :)
