my 2 2015 macbook pros dont have type c what cable can I use to do this? thx.
ОтветитьThe idea bring another mac to fix another mac is absolutely
primitive. doesn't sound for 2023!
i’m in love with you. thank you for this
ОтветитьI have same laptop, can i restore it with macbook air m2
Ответитьthis will work for many but if you can't get into DFU just throw it away. MOBO is dead
Ответитьboth the restore and revive options get stuck at step 2 for me. the loading part never loads and i’ve waited for 5-10 mins, still no progress. have any ideas about this issue?
ОтветитьMy sister recommended Techwizo .And he unlock my icloud .in no time
ОтветитьIt worked! I love you bro
Ответитьhi mate. thanks for this video. i would like to know if is there an alternative solution for this issue? i don't have an extra macbook and i don't have friends who has. having problem to my M1 mate. i hope you may response asap. thanks mate
ОтветитьAny fix for libusbrestore error 21 ?
ОтветитьFactory reset made this to me!
ОтветитьHi, I have a problem while I did the restore. I get the this error "FAiled to restore device in recovery mode, libusbrestore error:21 [ - 0x14 (21)]. Could anybody helm me futher. Thank You all in advance!
ОтветитьDoes the other (working laptop) have to be apple silicon as well? I have an extra laptip but its still intel based. Will it work?
ОтветитьThis has happened only 2 times to me. Both were from trying to get into startup options, rebooting (even back into boot picker) worked for me. This probably isn't the same for most people, but if anyone's getting it from a similar way, just try force shutting down and restarting.
Ответитьyou were very helpful
Ответитьis it possible to boot from an ipad? thanks mate
ОтветитьLifesaver, tried every possible sequence but your demonstration on holding down the keys past the power down is what did the trick. Extremely poor instructions from Apple.
ОтветитьGuys I am getting Error 21, and Device not Booted :( All my shit is there, I really need help
ОтветитьI gave apple store a mbprom1 having issue with unresponsive keyboard & they gave me back with this .
ОтветитьExcellent ... well done ...
Ответитьthis is the best video thanks a mil
ОтветитьApple is garbage. After I updated the OS I get the black screen of death. What kind of BS is that? Apple sucks
ОтветитьAlright this doesn’t seem to be my problem but i have a similar one. I bricked my M1 pro after i upgraded to Sonoma. Now every time i open the Lid of my Macbook nothing appears, not even the apple logo, it takes a while and then there’s a really dim logo of Apple that appears then disappears but it doesn’t turns on. Any help’d be appreciated.
ОтветитьFor fix this shit, we need to pay 2k again? Wtf
ОтветитьHello, this method worked! I restored my laptop and did everything but as soon as i disconnected the usb c to usb c that connected my working laptop to the broken one, the problem came back and the start up keeps restarting. please help!
ОтветитьI did the same but its failed to restore, now what to do? Would u please help me…
Ответитьthere is no apple configurator 2
ОтветитьHey I have connected it with my second MacBook but I am getting issue I don’t find window in working mac to confirm that it’s connected or not can u help me?
Ответитьtbh it's nonsense that you can only do this with another mac
ОтветитьThank you sir, you saved my mac. After searching the whole internet for hours, this is the only thing that worked.
ОтветитьHave Mac Pro M1 2020, didn't use the laptop for over 3 months, once opened was not reponcing, have decided to change the battery, made all to the book, still not responding. Found your video, no responce, the "source" mac is not seeing the patient, no sound or smth like that, combination didn't work. If i am plugging it to the enerygy/to "souce" mac than I "feel" the electrcity is coming to patient mac but nothing is changing. Do you think it's completly dead?
ОтветитьAfter following all the steps with both reviving and restoring device I got an error…the system cannot be restored in this device no space left on device…how do I fix this?
ОтветитьWhat if i don't have two macbooks? I've used this brand new mac for two months and it got into this problem. And you are saying the fix comes by having a second shitty mac?
ОтветитьFailed to activate device?? Will this work for this?
ОтветитьHi, what if I don’t have a second mac? I am going insane😭
Ответитьon bricked macbook air m2 it worked, but it needed to be firstly revived and after it needed to be restored - cable placement is crucial to be as shown here and dfu mode is defo needed. thank you
ОтветитьAny one explain me which usb port connect to not working macbook
ОтветитьOne port is connected to the charging?? In working macbook???
Any one can help me
Hello! Can a Macbook air M3 breed a Macbook pro intel?
ОтветитьHey mate does this work if I don’t have another Mac? I only have another windows device 😢
ОтветитьThank you man this really helped me
ОтветитьIt helped me alot
Ответитьthis video has saved my life after mac not reacting to any commands and recovery from internet failing with different error codes. I did a restore and revive like shown in the video, then recovery from internet worked on first try. Hope this comment will help someone on my situation
Ответитьmust same model or no?
ОтветитьHow can you fix it when it’s stuck on the MacOS X Lion when trying to got to MacOS High Sierra?
ОтветитьThanks so much, you literally saved my life!!!! 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьMy Mac shows success, tells to disconnect but then, it just do nothing, just the touch works! The keyboard backlit it's ,energized a little. I can't understand, as it enters dfu, restores it, but nothing after. I can see the logic board on. Oh, it's power button is broken, maybe it is it?
ОтветитьSince you're down under do I need to reverse the handedness of these instructions (except the power key of course) here in the northern hemisphere? But seriously, thank you for this. These are the only instructions that match closely my problem. The only. I am sure it's a corrupted second partition.