The Corner - Episode 5 "Corner Boy Blues"

The Corner - Episode 5 "Corner Boy Blues"

More of Nothing

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@billyc9020 - 29.04.2023 01:24

RIP Lance Reddick

@kytsunman8592 - 28.06.2023 01:50

The part where they have a gun battle with themselves 😂

@jonny-b4954 - 15.08.2023 15:51

Love the gun shootout with those dummies. Having a shootout between themselves basically haha

@Kalaqko - 26.08.2023 14:08

That mother is too damn controlling, annoying as fuck

@alexisscott1702 - 04.09.2023 06:50

Did Fat Curt pass away in the alley?

@Du808-o8k - 19.09.2023 07:29

I like Deandre could been rapper that stuff he wrote was real as fuck. If He stop doing drug he could been a real rapper outta Baltimore…

@kaylao.3326 - 26.09.2023 17:33

The part where DeAndre was just standing there staring in awe while Rika was giving birth was funny as hell. Being a child himself, he didn’t know what to do

@kaylao.3326 - 26.09.2023 17:40

I’m glad they portrayed Rika and DeAndre as very child-like because that’s the reality of teens. I noticed when I watch shows and movies with black teens they always portray them as much older than what they are, like adult-like.

@Sebadee80 - 28.09.2023 01:56

As someone who has spent half his life with drug problems, never injected just smoked it and this is the most realistic portrayal of the life. It's all consuming and you have to have inner strength just to not turn into a thief, I couldn't imagine the pain of withdrawals after injecting. It's a miserable life, you are thinking about the H in that fraction of a second before you open your eyes, I never noticed that second before. Take heed of this show, it's as close to the life on film. Thank you

@jeffreyworthen7033 - 16.10.2023 19:40

Lance Reddick.....R.I.P.

@forwarddrive4066 - 20.10.2023 06:23

Andre is about as worthless as they get.
I know it's just a movie but Damn I've seen 6 yr. olds act more mature

@throwbackgeneral215 - 20.11.2023 18:52

Scary ass buls shooting at air and each other.

@milantaylor2723 - 23.11.2023 14:32

My kid gma is 1 of frans friend still not clean had to put her out it hurt my husband

@Sunflowergirl-b9b - 24.11.2023 14:30

Ok I will

@Sunflowergirl-b9b - 24.11.2023 14:39

That was mean

@Sunflowergirl-b9b - 24.11.2023 14:40

But why would you go apply where you steal

@Sunflowergirl-b9b - 24.11.2023 14:41

Y d and full of com

@Sunflowergirl-b9b - 24.11.2023 14:43

She's beauti

@smallst1681 - 27.11.2023 23:38

Gary got on my nerves with that dirty hat

@AntonioPhifer-tk9gv - 30.11.2023 01:36

They was shooting at each other😂

@mr.exxon2405 - 28.12.2023 07:24

When DC pulled up bangin the gogo tho 🔥🔥🔥 That moment was so official!!

@rudyfromhouston8811 - 29.12.2023 18:10

I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT I JUST YESTERDAY discovered this series!!!! Oh my my my !! This is the most accurate portrayal of living the life of a dope fiend i have ever seen!!!! These characters are so well portrayed and relatable the whole thing is just a masterpiece of a series i cant say it enough sheeeesh i can't believe i hadnt heard of it....better late than never i suppose....

@TheTransgenderPastor - 30.12.2023 00:13

I really loved Andre's poem.

@trainedbyDRLIAM - 17.01.2024 18:44

Boo stole the many people got that?

@EnergyOrca - 21.01.2024 06:02

Watching these in 2024 haven't seen this since it came out I was 12 or 13 I'm 38 now. This is just a well made show. It hits the same maybe a little harder now, my life has always been extremely hard so I always understood this show on a different level

@tylergnosis2581 - 23.03.2024 01:03

Sorry that shoot out scene lmfao

@johnkochinski8354 - 09.04.2024 23:01

I watched this over half a dozen times this is the best drug docuseries I ever watched. It needs an updated version now though. Fat Curt was right there is no real heroin now. I live 15 mins. From ground zero of the new epidemic, the tranq is now literally eating up addicts limbs and puts holes in people. These people no longer want to be addicts because of that fact. They are trapped by that poison. Its all xylazine and enough fentanyl to keep up with the addition. That xyzaline comes with it's own withdrawal and worse than a regular withdrawal. Philly needs help so let's get some light on the Kensington corners

@adamrobinson3127 - 26.05.2024 16:44

"time for what?"


@sharcam2010 - 22.07.2024 20:33

But can we talk about how beautiful "Blue" looked at the meeting!!!

@averagegardener4266 - 07.08.2024 00:12

I'm trying to talk to ms Toy, she baddd❤❤❤

@tonyd.214 - 17.08.2024 01:41

This show is raw and real!!! Must watch!!@

@Ayasmommy - 08.09.2024 04:30

I lived in South Baltimore when they were filming. I was just a young girl running up to where they were filming just to see what it's like. I was in such awe. I watched it when I was older of course and it hit home. The memories of the neighborhood. Friends lost. Almost all of my friends down there parents were on some type of drug. This was normal for us. Seeing chaos violence and destruction everywhere. We were desensitized to say the least. Now that I am older and watching it again my heart breaks thinking about my childhood and how normalized all tragedy was.

@alexusleach1282 - 09.09.2024 04:20

LMFAO @ the shootout 😂😂😂😂😂

@JJJ111JJJ - 21.10.2024 13:25

Daniels really went downhill after The Wire.

@JamesBailey-jp1zc - 28.10.2024 00:49

These fools really had a 3-minute shootout with each other‼️💥🔫🤣🤣🤣🤣

@matthoward6829 - 07.12.2024 08:07

Lol my god they are so dumb they don't realize there shooting at each other 😂

@otisroseboro5613 - 10.12.2024 01:38

Charles S Dutton Did an Amazing Job as Director,The Best 💯

@christophertapp2608 - 25.12.2024 01:43

These kids were shooting at each other so recklessly its no surprise that so many innocent people get shot just sitting in there homes

@Ridesharereflections - 28.12.2024 04:50

$2 ? For all that??

@hbchoppa - 30.12.2024 22:46

So nobody else notice that she named to baby Deantae.. Deandre and Tae 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@productionf1lms - 08.02.2025 15:02

I worked at a high school in "the ghetto." This is exactly what the kids were like. It's sad, "the streets" are not to be romanticized. It's just violence, stupidity and misery.

@lastonesleft1428 - 26.02.2025 15:04

fran loveddddddd gary she wanted to help him so bad but man gary was chasing something out there that nobody but him could see even fat curt told him to leave it alone and he just kept going
