How To Have a MASSIVE Impact Without Going Fully Zero Waste - Sustainable Living

How To Have a MASSIVE Impact Without Going Fully Zero Waste - Sustainable Living

Exploring Alternatives

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@RaeRaesRaveReviews - 24.01.2024 23:48

Buying glass bottles instead of plastic is not always better. Glass uses more GHG to produce AND because it is heavier it uses more GHG to ship it around.

@kellyr.1817 - 07.01.2024 02:07

This is great and I'm already doing this but sadly companies that make plastic products like for example ziplock bags are going to keep making plastic products unless enough people throughout the world stop buying plastic products then maybe these kind of companies could go out of business.... just a thought🤔🤷‍♀️

@bettyadkisson1681 - 18.12.2023 01:14

I compost most of my cardboard and paper products and I collect all food scraps for bone broth then compost the leftover. I reuse the plastic strawberry containers for grow pots for veggies, the use selcone straws and a stainless steel glass, I reuse all glass jars,I've been reusing old peanut butter jars and old juice jars the seals on them last for 15 years and counting. It's getting harder and harder too find spaghetti sauce in glass jars and double the price if you do find them I use those jars for canning pickles ,pickled mixed veggies,sauces ,jellies,jams,and syrups. I buy 2 jars of ice cream toppings each month because they are the same as a pint jar and I save my marshmallow cream jars for meal prepping soups and stews and my homemade butter. And I bought 2 cases 2oz. of pimentos that was on sale for $.50 I will use them for seed saving and homemade slaves and dried herbs.

@Planet_Cents - 29.11.2023 02:07

Great video!! The major impact we have had on our planet is astonishing. Day by day things are getting more and more severe. We recognize this and are determined to do our part in reconstructing our planet. Planet Cents enables meaningful change by connecting people to our sustainable marketplace, making it easier to live sustainably- Team PlanetCents

@Iworkwithnitwits - 13.07.2023 02:57

I like buying loose produce because prebagged produce sometimes is old and has mold. (I.e. oranges)

@dikshakon - 26.05.2023 21:28

I really loved your video, specially when you said little changes are also very helpful. I am struggling with sustainable lifestyle myself sometimes I just feel I am not doing enough. This video really changed my perspective and gave me boost. ❤

@TheGPFilmMaker - 27.04.2023 18:05

I love this video! We aren't trying to go full zero waste. But we have made a lot of reusable swaps and taken small steps to reduce our waste and be more cognizant! It's really great what a lot of people making small changes can do!

@jasonsantoro6347 - 18.04.2023 13:42

There has always been recycling. At least by poor people. I remember my mom recycle all mason jars and peanut butter jars. That was 20 years ago. Now almost every restaurant has mason jars as drink glasses.

@liamasliah9248 - 14.03.2023 12:11

I love zero waste.

@CANProjects1 - 08.03.2023 11:50

Thanks you. Zero waste is the way forward, sense makes sense

@johnb1121 - 30.01.2023 06:08

If you do what nyc does an just 🔥 the garbage it won't go to a landfill and it's creates energy

@messy_human - 16.01.2023 01:08

Great perspective! It's hard to be 100% Zero, but we can all try our best in our own ways 🩵

@prashasti598 - 06.01.2023 23:53

Hadnt even completed watching and I ran, wrote an email to my tea company, deleted 10,000+ emails and still feeling pumped to do more Haha and its 2 am

@janonthemtn - 01.01.2023 05:17

STOP with the therapists.

@geckoserrar - 16.11.2022 13:23

I love the statistics you use in the beginning! Seeing the impact of small changes across millions of people is really inspiring. And also how you appreciate the hardcore zero wasters as pioneers. Thank you for the tips! Most realistic waste reduction video I’ve seen until now :)

@pippetdog - 22.10.2022 22:07

I like the message in this video. I believe that people who promote extreme, unachievable ideas like "zero waste" actually alienate a lot of people who would otherwise be willing to take these small steps. I think these buzzwords do more harm than good.

@nightshadekelly - 28.09.2022 19:31

How about stop wasting food

@strong_simplenurturing9983 - 28.08.2022 17:07

Tip #1. Grow a Garden 🪴

@its_me-nikki - 24.07.2022 22:27

Has anyone heard of a recycling company not accepting glass? Our recycling company will not accept it which I find odd bc it’s one of the only materials that can be recycled indefinitely!

@its_me-nikki - 24.07.2022 22:23

I LOVE that you started this video by saying you don’t have to be perfect. Just the other day I was explaining to my husband that just bc we may not be able to do something 100% doesn’t mean that any effort is useless. 50% is still better than 0%! 💚

@claudiam6477 - 16.07.2022 09:18

Where did you get a stainless steel mug ?

@rolfathan - 07.07.2022 01:59

Another huge way you can help is no matter what country you are in, vote for people who care about climate! Large corporations produce tons of waste, and use harmful practices. Not only can we personally reduce, we can put the pressure on the biggest wasters and polluters to be forced to do better.

@yogawick-InnerPeaceCoaching - 23.06.2022 06:24

Thanks, as always, for the great info.!
I have lived a low waste lifestyle since I was in my teens/early 20’s and bought my first reusable grocery bags & Nalgene water bottle - that I still have and use almost 30 years later!!!
And I try as much as possible to do as many zero waste things as I can = I especially like the addition of REFUSE to the 3 R’s of reduce, reuse & recycle. It helps to keep me living small and simple in these ever increasing crazy times we live in, to not let stuff I don’t need or want into my life in the first place!
Hope life is good for you both,

@christineclarke1653 - 12.06.2022 12:09

After noticing that plastic milk containers filled my recycling bin, I swapped to milk deliveries. The milk float is electric and the milk is in glass bottles that are collected when the new milk is delivered 😊

@amypieterse4127 - 18.05.2022 09:04

This is so much more realistic

@lily3323 - 24.04.2022 10:05

This is really helpful

@AlphineWolf - 10.04.2022 10:08

I use the produce bags from the loblaws group as garbage bags. It forces me to try to shrink my garbage output to just a produce bag full daily.

@AlphineWolf - 10.04.2022 09:00

Buy giant packages of stuff like large bottles of shampoo and conditioner

@letscollaboratewithsharepo1148 - 07.04.2022 08:45

I agree with the sentiment, but you can't do the maths on 5000 then jump to 1 million people. Anyway, every bit does help.

@wildwitcheroffgrid2639 - 20.03.2022 22:58

"- And where it has become dirty, who should clean up? Others? - I do not know who. But is it really bad when a person has a desire to live in a clean place in nature. - The desire is good, the question is different. When the one who creates dirt around him comes to a clean place, he brings dirt with himself. Where you littered, first clean it, thereby washing away your sins. Anastasia "Ringing Cedars of Russia

@alexandriahoneyco - 18.03.2022 14:22

Thank you for this video! I love how you provide incremental steps for making change and the focus on using what you already have.

@helenevallee5099 - 14.03.2022 20:20

Thank you so much for making an encouraging video!

@kevindavison6019 - 01.03.2022 00:14

This is good advice. There are a bunch of roadblocks and many questions about if the small steps I am taking are worth doing. I don't use the straws at restaurants but the server always leaves one on the table. I would think that if it is unused it would be given to the next customer but is just probably thrown away. When I get takeout they don't ask if I want disposable silverware they automatically put it in the bag. My state just passed a law banning plastic bags which is good as well as Styrofoam takeout containers but the restaurants just switched to plastic containers. Instead of banning something individual the laws should be written to require sustainable or biodegradable products be used. Our town just changed its recycling program from household pickup to having to bring it to a central location yourself(super inconvenient) their budget was decreased but the landfill stream will be increasing significantly. I do my best at home to use reusable storage containers or paper/ aluminum foil instead of plastic but its tough to try to convince others in my household.

@zerowastehomestead2518 - 27.02.2022 22:59

Very cool video, if people could just compost everywhere that in itself would help so much.

@MilnaAlen - 27.02.2022 18:22

I wonder, if I buy like 3 apples, is it better to get a price sticker for each to avoid the produce bag? I don't take a produce bag if I'm buying just one of a specific fruit or vegetable, expect onions. Don't want those skin pieces all over the cash register.

@darrylbunch6929 - 26.02.2022 22:23

Put the guilt on the consumers that was the corporate stragety all along..

@Livetoeat171 - 26.02.2022 21:23

You cannot bring your own coffee cup into a coffee shop! I've tried that and they said that they can't use it. And apples in your cart is disgusting because I don't peal my apples and the bacteria that is all over the inside of those carts that have never ever been sanitized and have had children with colds and dirty diapers have sat inside of the cart for years without being cleaned. There's no way I would put a piece of produce inside that cart, much less on the conveyor belt without a bag.

@JustMe-12345 - 25.02.2022 21:30

a few things to add/change:

paperbags can also be reused (we have a bunch of them and bring them to the store to refill there)

aluminium cans need a LOT of energy to get recyced…so these are pretty bad as well..idk if PET-bottles (that are recyclable and many places have the extra trash cans) are better, but these are also recyclable.

@Franziii96x - 25.02.2022 16:14

Thank you so much for not stressing your community with "you should only do this or this and everything else is bad". I really enjoyed your video and I will try to do slowly more and more changes :)
My boyfriend and I started some years ago with first stop buying common production products and try to buy biological food. And over the time I started to look out for our amount of plastic we buy and use. But we're not perfect at all with our waste. In the end we are still working on our routine but we give our best :)

@solastalgia440 - 25.02.2022 03:58

A drop in the ocean and a distraction from the bigger climate problems. But if it makes you feel better....

@kaylaknoxxx4834 - 24.02.2022 16:50

I loved watching this, but I am so sooo sad you worked with Better Help, a company that is taking advantage of peoples inability to access quality mental health care, I am sure you had a great experience, but I highly suggest looking at a REAL therapist's reaction to Better Help asking to sponsor them and why they DID NOT TAKE THE SPONSORSHIP! Please do your research before taking a sponsorship.

@paul1862 - 24.02.2022 09:01

COVID boogy man scared off all the zero waste initiatives in my area. No stores will even take re-usable cups anymore

@GeeklingNo1 - 24.02.2022 02:36

I’ve been slowly replacing the wasteful products i use whenever I’ve finished them. When I ran out of shampoo I bought an shampoo bar, when I needed to buy dish soap I looked for a plastic free alternative. To make it easier, save a google doc with links to different products you will need in the future. When I need deodorant next time I will already know which product I want :)

@Scarletcroft - 23.02.2022 22:44

huh, I do most of these already.

@lupolinar - 23.02.2022 20:30

Paperbags are actually more wasteful then plastic ones - just avoid both, if possible or reuse the plastic one over and over again.
Don't use Bamboo made products for hot stuff (i.e. hot drinks), as it will release chemicals into your drink. Use glas or stainless steel instead.

@sugarapplesweet - 23.02.2022 20:22

Yes, the "remember to bring it with you." Still trying to get a system that works for my ADHD parent brain. But thank you for this video, it made me feel a lot more confident in being able to make changes now without fretting over committing to zero waste all at once.

@RobLandauer - 23.02.2022 05:42

1a. Don't have kids.
1b. If you insist on having kids, don't have many.

Everything else is far, far behind.

@mopete9830 - 23.02.2022 03:57

you didnt pack a straw
