Bangladesh death toll spirals above 600

Bangladesh death toll spirals above 600


1 десятилетие назад

2,160 Просмотров The number killed in Bangladesh's worst -ever industrial disaster now stands at over 600, and with hundreds more still missing over a thousand dead is a strong possibility.

The original architect has spoken of his shock at seeing the changes made to a structure he had originally planned in 2004.

"Among the dead bodies recovered over the last few minutes, we've identified three by their mobile handsets and identity cards," said the Fire Service and Civil Defence Deputy Director Sheik Md Mizanur Rahman.

Many of the dead are, however, unidentifiable, as their bodies have been crushed to nothing.

When Rana Plaza opened in 2004 it had five above-ground floors, with the lower three a commercial centre and the last two for offices.

At the time of the collapse three extra floors had been added, and heavy generators and equipment were installed on every floor. It is thought vibrations from the generators were the final straw for the already-weakened structure.

Installing heavy machinery in such a building would have been in violation of national building regulations, but the extra floors were added after the local planning authority gave its authorisation.

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