4 Tips On How To Approach Women (WITHOUT BEING CREEPY!) | Courtney Ryan

4 Tips On How To Approach Women (WITHOUT BEING CREEPY!) | Courtney Ryan

Courtney Ryan

3 года назад

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@josephstevens4032 - 22.12.2023 18:57

Glad I'm staying single. Women can be too complicated. Men are simple.

@greganderson2239 - 22.12.2023 17:10

Honestly, just find the girls who are attracted to you and attractive and ignore everyone else. That simple

@miketilton6393 - 19.12.2023 06:01

All of you watch crime shows. It''s kind of funny actually

@workingmoodleclass5925 - 18.12.2023 23:38

if you have good looks and are wealthy, you will never be creepy. Yes, oh surprise, standards are relative for women and are adjusted accordingly. 😛

@thebosstex1172 - 18.12.2023 20:39

What I don’t like is if the girl gets aggressive even when a guy is doing all of these steps. Like he accepts her rejecting him. He really does. But he still feels like she’s being a bit aggressive. I agree with every single tip of advice you give in this video, it’s just I’ve seen times, and even had times myself, where girls get way too quick to judge that he’s a sketchy. Here’s an example of a story below:


Brad walks down the hall to class past a girl he knows, named Tenishia: “High Tenishia.”

Tenishia: “Hi Brad.”

Brad: “Oh hey! Before you go, there’s something I’d like to ask you.”

They converse for a few minutes.

Tenishia: “Ummm. Ok. What is it?”

Brad: “So I think you are cool, and I was wondering if you would be interested in going on a date sometime?”

Tenishia: “Uhhh. Are you serious?”

Brad: “Yes of course.”

Tenishia: “Uhhh. That is like very creepy that you would be asking me that!”

Brad: “...........What? How is that creepy? I was just asking you out to go get a bite to eat sometime, like at Subway Eat Fresh or Zupas or something.”

Tenishia: “Just stop! You are really creeping me out!”

Brad: “Ummm. Ok? Not sure how, but whatever. I was just asking you out. That’s not creepy. People ask each other out all the time.”

Tenishia: “No! If you do that that’s creepy! You can’t do that!”

Brad: “Ummm. I didn’t do anything ‘creepy’ or anything wrong. There is nothing creepy about asking someone out on a date, but whatever!”

Tenishia: “You are wrong, it’s very creepy!”

Brad then turns around and starts walking off thinking to himself, “Gosh this girl is nuts! It’s like as if she’s trying to attack me with aspersions or something! She’s creeping me out by behaving this way when it’s not necessary! She’s literally coming up with random and unnecessary fears and aversions! Seriously! What just happened???”

Tenishia: “Hey where do you think you are going?”

Brad doesn’t say anything.

Tenishia: “You are going to regret this, Brad!”

Brad knows that she is just being full of it, so he just ignores her, not caring what she says, knowing that what she is saying is not true. He leaves not caring about asking her out anymore, as well as completely confused as to what just happened.


This has been happening a lot in society among people so often now that many people are now talking about it.

Of course the guy needs to consider respecting her. That’s exactly what Brad was doing in this story, but Teneshia tried to make it sound like he wasn’t. Either she was spiraling/projecting, or she was manipulating. Maybe it’s the former.

All I’m saying is when a guy is being respectful, it needs to be understood. In Brad’s case, which unfortunately is the same case with so many men’s cases these days, he wasn’t being inappropriate but was still attacked with accusations! Literally false accusations.

If he however said “You looking so fine! I’d like to take you out, you look so sexy!” then yeah he would be being creepy, but he didn’t talk like that to Teneshia so he wasn’t!

Even men who have done what you advise in this video have been treated like this like how Teneshia treated Brad. Like as if a “PTSD-pandemic” is spreading!

@goldschool9050 - 18.12.2023 07:25

Let your money do the talking

@tamasgyorffy1 - 18.12.2023 00:42

I met most of my GFs on public transport, since I did not really socialize, just sports. Cold calls, just with those I found the hottest. My experience with lots of hundreds of trials is: if you approach a woman you find REALLY attractive, you have WAY more chance to get to something than making compromise, and appr someone "correct". She will feel you are on fire, feel your energy, and this is the most powereful aphrodisiac for women. Never be mild. Have a good hunt, Boys

@michaellloyd6347 - 15.12.2023 23:49

Such a positive video. Much wisdom packed in.

@shaynewyatt255 - 15.12.2023 16:34

where are you livingj?... on the moon 50 years ago?? lmao in california nevada the whole west if she says she loves you she banging someone if not everyone else lol get some money guys they come in dozens thats all it is period. And she's going to bang anyone else that has more money or a nicer car or has bigger mansion than you that hits her up. And if she doesnt she may be very low intelligence. Everyone is only looking to better themselves or they are so messed up with drinking or crack they cant better themselves. My last 4 girlfriends ended up having secret husbands one drove off a mountain when he seen her phone messages. MY ADVICE IS DONT DO THAT!!!! There is so much money out here who has time to fight over girls.. IM LIKE BYE, NEXT!!! Every girl out here learns they can pretty much sex their way out of any sitution to the point that its sad. Some seem soo desperate to me with their dumb broke boyfriends and husbands. IT's amazing the things they say behind guys backs like damn do women think all men are ugly and are just atms? i cant figure it out. YOUR CHANNEL IS LITTLE GIRL FANTASY MARRIAGE AT BEST. BUT YOUR PRETTY HOT SO I LISTENed TO YOUR STRANGE VIEWS ON THE DATING SEEN. Well i got to thru about 5 min after the intro. I got one question who is your trophy HUSBAND?lol And whats he say about this bs you put on here lol FOLLOW THIS WOMANS ADVISE IF YOU WANT A LAME BOYFRIEND THAT IS GOING TO BORE YOU TO DEATH LMAO if you need this advise you may need to try an talk to your own gender lmao REMEMBER GUYS TIGHT IS A MUSCLE THAT IS WORKED ALOT. TOOK ME YEARS TO FIGURE THIS OUT SO HOT AND TIGHT EQUALS Banging everyone it is a crazy world out here. WASTED 20min of my life now im 10 percent stupider wow

@PaulBrawl-lc7gz - 15.12.2023 05:51

Videos on where women go to meet men in our city would be helpful too that and how to get a nba cheerleader’s phone number ha

@PaulBrawl-lc7gz - 15.12.2023 05:46

You do tv great Courtney!

@marvinperez3314 - 15.12.2023 05:42

Your awesome great information Courtney 😀 😊❤

@matjaznovak9094 - 14.12.2023 21:35

I tried the opposite, i gave the girl my number if she wants to talk more. In the end it didn't work out but i did get an answer why she called. She wasn't really sure about calling me but her sister convinced her, so it happened. Girls, don't listen to your sisters, go with your instinct. You will save your time and the mans time.

@chrismackay8314 - 14.12.2023 19:52


@TCWG87 - 14.12.2023 17:44

How did Teddy approach you? haha

@claudechabot4776 - 14.12.2023 05:09

Why would you approach women? Stay away from them, they are a death trap.

@sonic8379 - 13.12.2023 00:04

The worst thing you can do is hear a women on how to flirt when they are clueless of what they really want in a guy, "Dont recommend channel" button here we go 😂😂😂

@OFFIC1AL_SAGE - 11.12.2023 00:54

I cold approached this girl my freshman year and only had the confidence to ask for her number while stuttering I think that how attractive I was is what got her to give me her number.

@stbsabs4370 - 10.12.2023 20:16

Charlie Harper used the nephew as a bait also. Guy was a player. Go for the shy ones and less smooth, they will end up surprisingly better in love, sex and everything

@francoisbritz6666 - 10.12.2023 20:02

We are not creepy. Whatever you do they just react badly for attention and to make you feel less than nothing.

@secretamericayoutubechanne2961 - 10.12.2023 05:57

She sais approach with confidence, but at the same time Be Natural , ❤ its rough

@secretamericayoutubechanne2961 - 10.12.2023 05:55

The other channels say to be a bad guy, but she s sayings b e a nice guy. And Dont be flirty 😅 and then you get thrown in the Friend Box

@wutgamastrlmurray4699 - 10.12.2023 03:50

Your. Beautiful. Be. Sweet. 🌹

@1979gcapelo - 09.12.2023 20:53

It doesn't matter what you say or how u look if she like you and she want the d. Your in luck..if shes already thinking about a guy in her head. Therse nothing you can say or do. So watching this is a waste of time

@tims7250 - 09.12.2023 12:31

A quick note on something Courtney mentions about being appropriate is that people with ptsd never feel as safe as they did before an incident so its about accepting that, and that life goes on as almost everything in life is challenging, demanding

@DnYD999 - 08.12.2023 19:54

Men aren’t wasting their time acting like these women are a prize. They aren’t. Women caused this

@sleepytimeshecomes - 08.12.2023 06:25

Keep it clean was the funny one, women are worse than guys mostly at being obscene and inappropriate especially if the guy is hott. It's only creepy if the guy isn't attractive right ladies.

@theultimatemale6820 - 07.12.2023 17:38


@user-ti3fe6gg4s - 05.12.2023 16:36

We really dont care what you want anymore Princes, you are not special. We can live without you . Enjoy your cats .

@NintendoGamer2600 - 05.12.2023 06:26

This was definitely helpful for me as I really struggle with approaching girls. Thanks for making this video

@stefanmihnea6264 - 03.12.2023 19:05

Are You a Scorpio?

@ThePslapid - 02.12.2023 22:49

I’d say you should school so called women on how creepy they are that they seek lives from tv and troll Instagram instead of bettering themselves, looking for a certain type of guy to rely on . True feminists , not and in fact not very feminine

@ThePslapid - 02.12.2023 22:40

Demand deez nuts

@tommurphree5630 - 02.12.2023 22:28

A woman's perspective , or your perspective ?

@bcb2555 - 02.12.2023 01:28

Be intelligent and respectful thank you for presenting yourself as a healthy responsible female

@jaymonz8274 - 01.12.2023 19:12

Quick thing ! It’s not a rule but I feel like this only applies to certain people with certain values !

I have seen some nasty things work for some people , but than again it was at their level !

Mind whom you approach! 👍

@fkcavs - 01.12.2023 16:04

At the end of the day women simply want to be approached by the men they find attractive. Nothing more nothing less. Everything else is miniscule details.

@kristencole7357 - 30.11.2023 06:36

I can't be bothered with trying so hard to please women that expect us to follow a script. They should just be glad were willing to be nice with them at all. Because frankly, I think we've shown them too much respect, now they take it all for granted.

@adamfillman9020 - 29.11.2023 21:30

Honestly Courtney, how can men believe anything you say? I’m not saying you’re incompetent but women are so hard to trust how do I even know YOU have our best interests at heart either???

@Tom-ef9yp - 29.11.2023 02:45

Check the back seat before you lock the doors :)

@charliefox9573 - 28.11.2023 14:20

Fine but if you're middle aged and don't have a social circle, how TF do you even meet womem in the first place? Going out alone is just tragic.

@mikebloodofodin799 - 28.11.2023 13:54

I got a nas workin penis. Doesnt that count for sumthin?

@lovutube1231 - 27.11.2023 23:35

You are so biased. Why don't you do a video for girls to show positively they are interested in a guy? I said positively---not hinting which is so devious.

@CuriousHorizonTV - 27.11.2023 04:47

@Courtney Ryan, Hello! I have just watched around 10 videos of yours. I even saved them for later, because I like to go back and re-watch everything I am interested in.

I am curious about the last example you gave with the guy who came in with his parents and asked for your phone number at your work. First, let's say his parents went outside and waited for him. Second, you didn't had a boyfriend in that time. What do you think he could done better to get your number or give his own to you? What is the "win condition" from his perspective in that kind of situation? Should he wait for you after your shift ends, so he can asks you or some other way?

I've always found inappropriate to ask any girl about her phone number or give her mine, while they were at work - restaurant, coffee shop, mall, bank, etc. And I would look scary or creepy to stalk her, I don't know. Share your experience or thoughts about this, please.

Great content one more time! I enjoyed every single video of yours! Keep up the good work!

Best Regards,

@chile19275 - 27.11.2023 04:20

I make eyes contact first, maybe 2 or 3 times, then I start to move closer and smile. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work.

@victorcretu7741 - 27.11.2023 01:18

I have never asked a woman to give me her phone number. That's creepy,. She has to give it to me.
I go to the first dates without knowing the phone number. If she's there OK, if she isn't, she isn't.
At the end of the first date, I might give her my phone number and get hers.

@victorcretu7741 - 27.11.2023 00:51

A young woman at Home Depot said to me "Oh, I love that you scanned the correct label (for a customized paint). Most people don't!".
Was that a pickup line?

@victorcretu7741 - 27.11.2023 00:46

I love your jacket, hand it to me, please. Now! 😀

@aaronpeddicord2944 - 26.11.2023 06:37

WTF , I check the back seat 🙄Get out of here with that bullshit..
