Children of Pornhub vs. Daisy's destruction

Children of Pornhub vs. Daisy's destruction

Mysteries with Maja

3 года назад

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@jashironene5250 - 28.08.2023 01:06

Ew ew ew , heartbreaking and awful

@BanTrollsAndHaters - 01.08.2023 07:01

Daisys destruction low diff

@AwakenYourself-xv1mq - 29.04.2023 07:03

What revenge porn means exactly ?! (Y)

@carseltiburon1780 - 08.10.2022 22:11


@ob7en - 20.08.2022 21:25

Great video! Also, I read somewhere the way they tracked him was just due to the fact that TOR operates on a peer 2 peer network which can allow more then one computer to connect and share resources, but when you do other computers can identify your IP. The FBI managed to connect with him through this P2P network and found his IP address and they were able to trace it back to his place of work.

@towelie6850 - 26.04.2022 20:36

This all about filthy rich people who will always find their way to get their pervert wishes fulfilled. Theres so much under the surface... "Prince" Edward got out of the Epstein case by paying money, the catholic church is desperately trying to hide all their well-protected paedophiles in the last decades, while spending a ton of money on positive PR.... and Maja, if you take a look at the case Marc Dutroux from Belgium. He had abducted young girls hidden under his house and the girls have been raped, some found dead and there is a strong smell of a paedophile ring....where one guy was blamed, but 20 witnesses "died" before giving testimony. So absolutely nothing suspicious :) . There have been top-politicians involved and rich and powerful people..... but they are above the law. Sickening and heartbreaking. Thanks for your great work

@gdinferno6664 - 19.02.2022 07:31

Who ever thought the dark web was a good idea they should die

@themysterious2357 - 11.02.2022 19:13


@89RealThe - 05.01.2022 06:20

Good work! From Melbourne Australia

@ImmxtrqL - 13.09.2021 08:07

U cant compare any of those videos with Daisys Destruction girl

@k24civic - 07.08.2021 17:15

Just for the record the FBI RAN AND UPGRADED the CP site playpen for MONTHS. Users even reported the site running better after the fbi had seized the site. Governments ARE NOT gonna stop CP of any kind cause they make too much money off it.

@MysterieswithMaja - 28.04.2021 16:41

Hiiiii besties! (I nicked this from Tiktok lol I am not that young) 😅 I missed you, so I decided to give you an hr of content on an important topic that more people should be aware of 🎯 This is the one I’d like you to share with anyone you know, whether by sharing this vid or just verbally. Talk about it. Make people listen. And start thinking about how you consume content online and what you’d do if you were to come by any of the videos I speak about today. 🕵🏻‍♀️
