Becoming your highest self: a guide

Becoming your highest self: a guide

Anna Akana

1 год назад

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Комментарии: - 01.02.2024 18:35

For me
1. Carve out stillness to hear your intuition
2. Bring your intuition to fruition by meditating (vivid visualization)
3. Write down what you saw. What do i need to let go of? What do i need to embrace? What are the tiny steps i need to take now?
4. Trust yourself and maintain an abundant mindset. Feel as though you are already your highest self.
5. Ask. Ask for advice from your highest self, and write a corresponding letter
6. Know what you want.
7. Show gratitude!!!
8. Maybe record yourself saying your most personal, favorite affirmations
9. Don’t be afraid to change your beliefs to work for you
10. Learn to revel in the chaos. Reframe this as working to your advantage
11. Write also to and from parts of yourself that you feel in conflict with, that are hard to look at.

Walk around in your own mind. Is it a beautiful garden?

Trust that any action taken from love will yield a result that works for you.

Stop feeling guilty for taking your time to think.

Be patient with yourself. Try your best not to demean yourself when you “fall short”.

Listen to Hozier’s No Plan or OVERTHINKING IT by WILLOW.

I am so thankful to myself that I managed to get here.

@anvard - 01.01.2024 16:59

Thank you for your help 🤍

@georgepalmer5497 - 04.12.2023 13:59

I am most grateful to be born in a developed country like the U.S. in the twentieth century. Life is vastly better now than at any time in the past. Let's not mess it up.

@danielxpification - 03.12.2023 23:42

That’s really great self-awareness and a lot of inner work. You’re awesome and these videos rock

@muhammadsallie1447 - 06.11.2023 10:17

when your highest self gives you violent advice😂

@johnpatrickoldfield4262 - 05.11.2023 23:45

Modality and fruition are great words. 🙂

@JtRiddell - 13.10.2023 17:16

I love this, but how does one find their center?

@justinwaygood - 12.10.2023 21:19

Youthful and wise. Keep it up girl

@MrApw2011 - 06.10.2023 19:36

Is it possible that our purpose is just to live? Like, from a biological perspective, that seems to be all it's about. Are all the other living things that are not aware that they have a purpose cancer because they don't know? At what point does a creature evolve to need a purpose to justify and enjoy life?

@allanaalberto9730 - 05.10.2023 19:06

I want to know where Anna got her top. <3

@shovalgilead3802 - 05.10.2023 01:07

Anna, you outdid yourself.

@CharlieRagnarok - 01.10.2023 16:57

god i love how to the point she is, bless you Anna youre the best <3

@ronicajeannot6621 - 10.09.2023 19:06

Anna!!! Always speaking facts. I love you wow

@Pilicheva - 27.08.2023 22:59

Does anyone know who's the speaker in that Ted Talk Anna was to?

@standalloneproduction2971 - 19.08.2023 20:38

Awsome content,loved it thanks!

@oneshotbandit - 18.08.2023 22:52

My inner self is legit a scary clown with an axe 😮 i told it to put the axe down then it laughed at me

@cxa24 - 16.08.2023 06:39

Destroy all humans 😉

@sumtoast6447 - 14.08.2023 19:52

Thank you very much. I am going to start this immediately. Your journey has brought you to help other people.

@ari-athbadminton0301 - 09.08.2023 15:18

Oh my gosh, I'm mesmerized by the set lightning.
You got good taste Anna, thanks for the contributions.

@kassandra5951 - 09.08.2023 04:10

I can't believe you summed this up in 7 minutes!! Amazing. This has been pretty much my process for over 10 years. Anyone who reads this- happiness and contentment is real! You can feel fulfilled and at peace with yourself and your life, even enjoy your life to a degree you didn't think possible. Meditation is uncomfortable, but do yourself a favor and start! And try to be as consistent as possible, and don't beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon. Just start again with even more motivation than before. All the best to you! You are not alone, and you deserve to feel happy, fulfilled, and deeply loved as your truest self <3

@RantingMagpie - 03.08.2023 18:19

To a lot in this episode MY mind just went "No. I don't affirm that for me. That is harmful. That's just not reality."
Lying to yourself and the Universe around you especially.

@arenanaheim - 03.08.2023 01:13

I started journaling when I started meditating. Before I never had much to say, but when the Inner Guru starts speaking to you.......Pay Attention!!! LOL

@lilypoon1175 - 01.08.2023 18:37

Holy spirit please help me my thought process.

@callie3422 - 30.07.2023 22:31

Life changing

@THEJORDANLONGCHANNEL - 27.07.2023 01:48


@alexkaapa - 24.07.2023 19:24

sheesh, let's not base our entire lives and identities on something unestablished and very probably false, okay? case in point: we have no purpose. we make our purpose. we don't find it, because there isn't THE ONE PURPOSE TO RULE THEM ALL! and calling it cancer when we don't follow what doesn't exist is just religion-level fear-mongering

@Slyyvie - 21.07.2023 20:16

this feels like spiritual help without the Spirit

@santran9602 - 20.07.2023 21:30

So ive been doing this for years, and every years ive just gotten LONELIER--

@PumpkinandPebbles - 17.07.2023 20:19

This is really great! I had someone talk to me and try to get me on board with their way of thinking. Literally went "we're stuck in this right?" And I straight up went "I dont accept that" Words are incredibly powerful towards what you believe and accept for yourself and your reality

@oldkayakdude - 16.07.2023 13:52

This is the concept of your spiritual self, or what you future self is. I don't agree that being detached from reality is the correct path, awareness of reality and being able to objectively process your world allows you to just be present in it, without the judgement (affirming or not affirming other peoples statements is judgement). I see Anna on her journey to clarity, awareness, and growth and its awesome. This journey only starts once, it winds, ebbs, flows, and some times falls off a cliff, but its so much rewarding when you can be present in it.

@rebeccacatherine799 - 14.07.2023 16:07

Thanks Anna! The kick in the butt I needed. I know this, I’ve just haven’t been doing it!

@eversick7892 - 14.07.2023 00:44

God almighty this girl is extremely smart. I’m glad I found this channel today!!

@bonnieisms - 13.07.2023 17:54

perfect timing to see this im 26 about to be 27 and i swear it plays a role becoming literally all this is happening rn

@woodchuck9 - 12.07.2023 15:01


@ashleighrt - 11.07.2023 11:24

Going through a break up, 4.5 years of my life in my longest (and it feels most significant) romantic relationship so far. In the grief of it, I love watching Anna's videos. These messages are helping to remind myself to come back to me, forgive myself for the mistakes I made, accept I won't get the same accountability or apologies from my ex partner that I felt I deserved, and start to love myself more again and find guidance from my highest self.

@kestra6264 - 09.07.2023 15:14

Taking personal notes:
1. Meditate (at least 10 mins)
2. Journal (Ask guidance from your highest self, and response as your highest self would)
3. Gratitude
4. Affirm (In the mirror)
5. Let Go - accept that things and people that are not serving you will leave your life.

@realhomedepotfan - 09.07.2023 09:16

your advice on clear goal setting and clear realistic goals really helped me! sending support 🦞🫶

@melo.rt9 - 28.06.2023 22:57

I'm going to watch all of your videos they are so interesting and help me so much. Thank you for existing.

@sandramilfort9261 - 23.06.2023 15:03


@bamela7560 - 19.06.2023 19:11

You are amazing, I was introduced to you over a decade ago by my first friend since kindergarten and I have time and time again have come back to watch your videos at good times, peaceful times and tragic times of my life and you have inspired me every time. I appreciate you. I hope this message finds you joy and appreciation i send to you.

@marcelinodecierdo9312 - 18.06.2023 22:20

Thank you
I am grateful for you

@aishaiteru - 18.06.2023 09:52

Anna, I love you!
Also, what is the ted talk you refer to? I'd love to watch it :)

@HerAvenue - 17.06.2023 08:17

I need to learn to mediate @_@

@wintertree83 - 16.06.2023 07:10

The first step of finding your purpose is quite a heavy one lol

@Dark_Link. - 16.06.2023 07:00

All these words about feelings hurt me brain

@pauljonesesquire - 15.06.2023 21:59

You're a star*

@kurtm54 - 14.06.2023 09:10

Probably easier to change those thoughts when you're a young beautiful person.
