Woe my guy!
Who are you? Gotta figure this out. We are exactly at this point of questioning the man made dogma.
See, me and my wife (just married!!! Under Yah, not the gov).
Come to see the truth in this world, and saw how there must be a creator, so we looked. And oh my what we didnt know! So, we became christians. And went to church for 2 years to learn. But kept hearing them say things to my (aparently forbidden) questions, answers that didnt fit any scripture they showed me.
Disclaimer: im still not claiming to KNOW for sure anything. Just asking discernment, and devine wisdom, and being given a feeling when it doesnt sound right, to check.
Like, "where does it say that Christ is the Creator, not the Son?
I cant seem to juatify what they tell me. I can show OVER AND OVER where yeshua is seperated in name, and rank froim the creator.
Creator: Most High.
Yeahua: High Priest
Creator: Father
Yeshua: Son
Yeshua prays to the Father. Asks Father to forgive, asks father why forsaken, builds mansions in his fathers kingdom. So on many many times.
But aparently me asking for clarity on how an entire modern religion believes this is a salvation issue if there isnt any direct scripture, or at least on the same level as all "the Son, and Father" talk, where he says that he is the creator and father in flesh.
I have many isses like this. I just want his Devine truth, word on my heart. I dont wamt to be missled by tradition, or popularity. I believe that a man on an island can be given Yahs word and understand what it means. But todays teachings you gotta have all these theological circular reasonings and scholarly chart breakdowns, that obviousoy have holes in it, as well as being taught by someone who follows that. It just does seem right to me.
I just want the truth for my famly.
So, saying all that, we are on a hunt and mission for tehose who know. And have done the worl to come teach us. And guide us. So finding kats like you is an awesome bonuss.
what do you make of peter s vision of the tablecloth "kill and eat"?
ОтветитьYou might not read these anymore but when I hear about it I'm interested. I was interested in many religions but wanted to find the one true God and the most powerful so I found Yahuah. The fact that they want to say "they follow God's laws!!! They're mislead" makes many ppl say "uhh wait they follow God's laws? What for? Let me look for myself"
ОтветитьHey Zack,
We miss you on new to Torah. I am from Romania, from a penticostal background and I came across your teachings by the time I got to the Torah and start keeping the sabbath. Watching your videos was like a fresh cold water for a thirsty man, like filing your lungs with fresh air.
So please, get back in business. We need you.
May Iehova heal you and bless you with a new start.
Get on your feet!!!!
This is the entire meaning of the revival! I am so blessed to have opened my eyes years ago! I pray for those that are still not sure. I feel the ones that are sure have been blessed with an obedient heart and to seek YeHoVaH's will and righteousness.
ОтветитьInteresting, answer me this? According to you Abraham went to hell. Issac? Jacob? The 400 years of Hebrews in Egypt? The 613 laws did not arrive until Moses’s presentation of the law until the deliverance of the law in the desert. It’s interesting that your t-shirt violates the very laws you claim to proclaim. You see you fail to follow the very laws and blatantly do so. I mean you are wearing a shirt of two different materials rayon and cotton. Unfortunately you are becoming a believer of works not faith and and proclaim how saved you are by proclaiming your faith in the law. Sure you fail and you’re simply doing things that are just and proclaiming your holiness. So Your t-shirt is more important than self?
ОтветитьIt's prophecy! Ezekiel 37, the dry bones coming to life. 390 x7=2730 yrs from Ezekiel 4 laying on his side prophecy to 2008. Leviticus 26:18 says 7 times more. In 2008 the punishment ended. The ten lost tribes(that's should be everyone)are now turning back to torah. At the time of Ezekiel laying on his side 40 days for Judah. Judah was in captivity 30 yrs. 40 yrs. later the went back and built the temple. Completing the 70 yrs. HalleluYah! All Israel shall be saved. Wake up Israel!
ОтветитьI need to know where you get your shirts. 😂
ОтветитьMiss you brother Zack! I pray Abba has helped you in your battles. All of our prayers are with you! Abba Yah bless and keep you!
ОтветитьI’ve come to realize that we MUST follow Torah!!!!!!!!!! When we fall short, we have Yahusha who will be our mediator between YHVH and us.
What do you say to those who leave Torah?
ОтветитьWhy I am?
Because of Matthew 5:17 and Matthew 24:20
And pastors don’t teach it.
Search for Yehovah the true God
Search for the truth of God Yehovah
Search for the word of God Yehovah. It is truth
Search for the law of God Yehovah. It is truth
Search for the commandments of God Yehovah. They are truth
Search for the ordinances of God Yehovah. They are truth
Search for the Spirit of God Yehovah. It is the true spirit.
Messianic’s/Hebrew roots are a cult.
ОтветитьIn most small towns the Jewish representation is dying out. In our town they can hardly doven cause they battle to get 10 men to attend. When we look back to Abraham when the Lord visited him to inform him of Sodom and Gemorahs destruction, they could not find ten righteous men, which would have saved those cities. Christian's HAVE to rise up to fill that void to prevent destruction. No longer bring home the bacon honey!
ОтветитьThank you for putting this video out. I have been reading the bible for around 7 months now. It is still hard to comprehend the language as to keeping the commandments. I am disproving keeping the commandments and then I must go about proving it. Then see where I am. What a have proved so far is that Sabbath starts at sunrise on Saturday morning and not Friday evening like the Talmudic Jews have it.
Yes Christmas and Easter are pagan. Any 501 (c) 3 registered church (pagan temple) are just creatures of the state aka Babylon. Schools are induction programs into Babylon, teaching children how to operate in the Babylonian system. In fact the etermology of baby is Babylon.
Because they are completely oblivious…
ОтветитьThe reason is because the standards expected of a true Christian are so high and people have created their own standards, thus deceiving people! The law of the Torah is holy. But there is one problem; the man who observes it is not holy! Thus, it is a judgement tool because it only applies after one has broken that law. It does not in itself keep a man from sinning other than the fear of its repercussions! But even then, is it really possible to enforce the law of the Torah today? And isn't breaking one of the laws breaking all?
I am a Christian but the prevailing misconception in Christianity is that people should not observe the law! This is plain wrong! In fact, Jesus demands way more than observing the law! The law is not negotiable for followers of Christ!
Jesus says:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter (jot letter in Hebrew), not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
If anyone cares to read the bible carefully without making excuses, you will find that the standards are too high and people try to interpret but there is nothing to interpret. It is plain and simple!
He says:
““You have heard that the ancients were told, ‘You shall not murder,’ and ‘Whoever commits murder shall be answerable to the court.’ 22But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be answerable to the court; and whoever says to his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing,’ shall be answerable to the supreme court; and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell. 23Therefore, if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there you remember that your brother has something against you, 24leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering."
You clearly see that people are not taught well. People have made shortcuts and come up with a new form of religion that justifies their actions under the pretense of grace!
Jesus' is a fulfillment of the Mosaic Law! Whereas Mosaic law judges the actions of men, the law of Jesus judges the hearts of men. Cutting deep to the inner thoughts that a sin is nipped at its bud. That is why in Christianity, Mosaic law is insignificant because by the time it comes into play, you have already broken all the laws of Jesus in your heart!
But there is another catch! Whereas Jesus preached salvation first to the Jew, and then asked those Jewish disciples to spread salvation to all nations, we need to remember that the covenant Jesus makes with gentiles is not the covenant of Moses! No! Our covenant as gentiles is tied to the death of Jesus Christ, and we are grafted into Israel at the first ever covenant with Abraham through Isaac! There was no mosaic law for Abraham! And the circumcision that Isaac received was merely a representation of a spiritual circumcision, a birth by the Spirit of God!
And living Christianity is impossible without receiving God's Spirit! It is not a common teaching but the Spirit of God comes to people who in the name of Jesus Christ repent their lives (not sins alone) and are willing to abandon everything for Christ. This is an inversion today in the church where instead it is taught that people should come to Christ for money!! It is wrong!
The living God is a God of everyone! He extended His grace to the gentiles through Jesus Christ! And even Jews who cannot keep the laws in the Torah are welcome to call on His Spirit for help.
In the end, we will all be judged under the covenant by which we lived!
Paul Said, "I had not known sin, but by the law" meaning that he didn't know what sin was until the law told him what sin was. Romans 7:7 And now we have a world full of sin and darkness and it's getting darker. So God's word remains true that His Torah is LIGHT and attracts those who will look for it.
And you Zachary Bauer should know better what Paul means by those words if you are to teach people because clearly you have misconstrued everything. Whether on purpose to support your view I don't know!
Israel are the chosen people, and it is selfish to deny people the right to partake of that grace. No one who was not born Jew can be made Jew by reading or following the Torah!
Anyone who wants to live under grace should treat others by grace
Following torah cause you are deeply deceived. Part of the great falling away. However, I keep all the commandments in the new covenant. The old covenant has been made obsolete. CHRIST formed in you the hope of Glory. His will not ours. Read the book of Hebrews until you get it. Also I do not go to any box church anymore as they are almost all apostate including hebrew roots and torah based.
ОтветитьGo to the Torah .
If you don't know Jesus, you have to get guidance from somewhere.
So the solution to the environmental pollution problem is going back to alchemy!
ОтветитьI grew up in the Catholic Church and I was even an altar boy for years. My father once questioned the priest about idolatry with the Virgin Mary and instantly got shut down. After that, he walked away from organized religion. He stumbled upon Torah and never looked back. After he passed away in 2015, I started studying his findings and also found the truth. I’ve been Torah observant for 4 years now . Yah is good and his commands are life.
ОтветитьAlthough I have been homeschooling my son since 2020, I came to Torah as the ruach hakodesh spoke to me through the OT in reading ‘Children of Yah’ revealing the ‘lost exiles’ and return. Then I was prompted to read the OT and NT in order simultaneously where more came alive and pointings bridged with clarification. I literally had not looked into ‘Hebrew Roots’ until these revelations. I believe it’s all a calling of gathering because of the End Times. Yah Bless brothers and sisters ❤
ОтветитьVery nice. People are coming full circle to understand more of what it means for the word to have become flesh. Be very, very careful not to cast aspersions on churches who follow the traditional calendar.
ОтветитьThe Torah is the truth.
ОтветитьTorah .kjv..og. Enoch..abd yougot it all
ОтветитьHow do you define the Torah? There are certain regulations (not being afraid to kill a false prophet,) that Jesus himself tells us not to do. If you build a new house your work won't let you take a year off. I understand that this is having the nation offer it to the new owner, but would a Torah observet Christian here actually let their working have a year off for that? What if they get married the next year? It's a commandment to allow the person who has these blessings to take a year off.
Or putting tzitzit on the corners of clothing. I don't see that on anyone.
Did you write a scroll of the Torah for yourself? That's one of the 613 commandments.
It seems to me that people take these as fashionable things that they can do here and now. But they're not going to follow every single commandment. The side of course from the sacrificial commandments since they're impossible to actually do right now. Though you could make the argument that Jesus was that sacrificial offering and maintain scriptural integrity.
There's a lot I like about the Hebrew roots, but I just don't see people following them all.
Hey Zach ,
Billy was one of the problems, one of lawlessness, and played both sides of the coin. 😢
They come because they think they can work their way to heaven. Hebrews is exactly meant to show that following the law leads to apostasy now that Jesus blood atonement paid fully the price of sin
ОтветитьMany of you are misled. Sure participate in Jewish celebrations if you want but it’s not required of Christians
Ответить💯Please help - we need some recommendations for a new torah Bible to buy. Any suggestions would he appreciated. The King James has been supernaturally changed by CERN. Many are just starting to find out -
ОтветитьThe Messiah said..."All, as much as you have, sell, and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in the heavens, and come, follow me."
ОтветитьYes Christians are turning to Torah more. Matthew 5:17-19
I keep sabbath because Sabbath in New Testament:
Matthew 24:20-21
Hebrews 4:9-11
Not with seventh day Adventist but with Jewish believers.
I learned more from messianic Jews in one year about my faith in Christ than the last 15 years in many churches. I never knew what being spiritually fed felt like until I started following our messianic brothers in Christ.
Yes my daughter is not going to public school.
I don’t know what I’ll do if I find out the teachers and counselors in the school tell my daughter it’s ok if you feel like a boy.
I must protect my daughter.
Yes, amen! There is so much darkness in churches today! “Light” therapies, energy/vibrations, grounding, Taoism, self-healing, mysticism….so many ideologies creeping into our houses of worship. Jeremiah 23 comes to mind- the shepherds must be on guard, as should we all be!
ОтветитьSo awesome!!! I started intensely studying Gods word and prayed that the Spirit would lead me about the Sabbath. 14 months of studying later…I was like YES! Sabbath! Then I learned about Torah and the mo’edim. Ironically I homeschooled my kids for 8 years 😂. But maybe it’s about discernment of spirits. I can assure you…no human led me down this road. Only the spirit. And my spirit testifies that this is more than a revival…it’s a reformation. One that will get Jewish attention (Romans 11). Praise Yah!!! Christmas and Easter…burn pile.
ОтветитьYES AMEN
ОтветитьBoy do i miss you Zach!
ОтветитьBecause they don't read the New Testament...
ОтветитьGreat job!
ОтветитьAfter being told I was gonna burn in hell for not keeping all 613 laws I strayed
Ответить❤AMEN. avoid pastors ...GO WITH BIBLE..
Ответить"Your Righteousness is an Everlasting Righteousness; and Your Law (Torah) is THE TRUTH." Psalm 119:142 🔑