How Mao Zedong Got Away With Mass Murder | Great Leap Forward

How Mao Zedong Got Away With Mass Murder | Great Leap Forward

China Uncensored

3 года назад

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@dougellis7917 - 01.10.2023 15:02

Believe it or not, there are Mao fans in the USA who deny there was a famine caused by Mao. They must be on the CCP payroll,

@nancywhitehead219 - 31.07.2023 22:12

Trump would seek action but not with Biden

@Alex-iw8tz - 04.07.2023 15:55

3000 people were killed per day by Mao Zedong's whole life, that is Mao, the king of killing. I am Chinese, my relative died in Sichuan because of him. 10 million died only in Sichuan in 1960 because of Mao. I am asking for ideas from you guys to modify Mao's ugly statue when CCP collapse, we don't want all Mao's ugly statues to be simply pull over as Stalin.

@williamling507 - 25.06.2023 19:44

USA is war criminal killing millions of innocent people using chemical weapons n bomb in Afghanistan Vietnam Cambodia Syria Iraq Libya n South America

@user-mf9yu8qp9s - 13.06.2023 01:28

your mistaken for bush blair obama lohnson i think just name few

@somponesakdy826 - 10.06.2023 20:08

Communist never made mistakes.

@danielstewart9125 - 10.06.2023 19:19

Show me one Communist leader that isn't a mass murder. They all are, they're paranoid.

@astatineps1177 - 23.04.2023 16:35

How do the chinese defend all this? even the ones that go to abroad. Its like a mind virus

@acollectionofcellsthatmake1403 - 16.04.2023 19:33

China Uncensored

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@1234barber - 14.03.2023 11:00

Not too many people know about this

@daryldaryl913 - 01.02.2023 09:40

And now Xi Jiping becomes as his idol. This time with the Pathogen.
70 years of CCP mass murder after collapsing Chinese culture and installing Russian Communism.
It seems Mao, like Xi, is neither an intellect or a farmer as they are completely useless at both.
CCP.... grossly evil and stupid, a truly shit combination that continues to this day.
Everything they touch turns to shit.

@brandon_21ea - 24.01.2023 06:23

Don't worry guys I believe Mao is in place where we hope, is just basically burning in Hell. Yep Mao is one of the most disgusting human filths that ever lived since Hitler, Stalin, Pol pot, Tojo and many others.

@TheHollandHS - 19.12.2022 05:07

Under this logic africa is mass killing people by incompetent food policies.

@xianghouzinjianghu5001 - 30.11.2022 04:27

Correction - 45 million deaths is the minimum estimate. The estimate is 40-60 million deaths during the Great Leap Forward. Realistically the death toll was around 55-63 million deaths making it the largest mass killing in human history.

@IrrevMike - 30.10.2022 12:42

Which is correct, Mao Zedong or Mao Tse-Tung?

@stephenantonicelli7069 - 22.09.2022 08:46

So Chairman Mao not a god.

@user-vp5iy8ec9q - 17.09.2022 12:25

too big to fail, too horrific to tell (so protected)

@zippityb - 23.08.2022 04:23

It's kinda like how Lincoln is worshipped in the United States as a hero, when in reality he started the most destructive war in American history. The victor writes history I guess.

@AYANAMlREl - 16.08.2022 00:23

obviously channel is owned by an american corporation why didnt i think of that

@michaelbarry8513 - 15.07.2022 22:34

So the US government is going to kill 200million people with released pathogens and requiring nazi eugenics shots

@gennievevguba2461 - 15.07.2022 04:47

Being poor then made china HUMBLE.".then"... , now he is an expert BULLY...makes laws of his own BENEFIT...

@mickeybrown9052 - 13.07.2022 19:34

And today's kids can't WAIT to be communists.

@sturutherford697 - 12.07.2022 15:04

Can you make this into a playlist please? Makes it easier to share that way.

@redjirachi1 - 11.07.2022 10:47

Karma doesn't exist

@xiaokang8692 - 07.07.2022 06:55

Motherfuckers haven't learned anything in 60 years.

@DragonsAndDragons777 - 05.07.2022 15:45

Gift of changing the past? That is just called South Africa

@Luna_Kirisame - 04.07.2022 16:52

communism never fails to amaze me at how many people it kills.

@thomasstansberry2311 - 04.07.2022 16:09

🖕🏼the CCP

@RAdmJoe - 11.06.2022 16:19

He’s the supreme hero of China !

@nemo9540 - 18.05.2022 14:05

It's terrifying that xi the sh@t is begging to use maoist thinking going forward, we are already seeing starvation in major cities such as shangha and with the proliferation of producing fake or even dangerous foods with already declining agriculture we could be seeing the second great leap forward.

@djdrack4681 - 26.04.2022 00:29

While I know all terms are quite subjective: 'mass murder' really doesn't begin to describe what CCP and Mao did in the Cultural Revolution/Great Leap Forward.
Genocide, Ethnicide, Politicide are just some of the better terms.

IF the coordinated murder of 10s of millions wasn't bad enough for people; there was also forced starvation, targeted iconoclasm against Buddhists, Muslims, and Christians religious sites; rape gangs (10s of 1000s of women were raped, or put into sex slavery), and of course the ol' class: cannibalism.
I'm not talking about the peasants who starved so much that some resorted to eating babies/kids, which happened during the periods of starvation: but groups of students who killed their professors or shopkeepers for basically anything, then ate them.

@comraderobespierre - 25.04.2022 14:04

Chairman mao was a hero cope and seethe americoid

@karanbhatt9320 - 14.04.2022 19:50

Anyone who wants to learn more read the book called Tombstone.

Written by CCP member himself who is jurnalist and whose father died in 1959.

Worst case I have read in this book is - Little girl kills her brother and eat him because she was too hungry.

@Truth433 - 26.02.2022 21:16

He got away because he save China from bigger foreign murderers, the western powers!

@Virsho - 28.01.2022 21:59

how do multi national corporations getting away with hundreds of millions of deaths? at least mao didn’t actually murder anyone

@NoreenHoltzen - 28.01.2022 20:21

As for the deaths constantly quoted under Mao, the exaggerate claims of deaths from starvation were not increased but decreased from the deaths before Mao’s reforms owing to Western imperialist interference with China prior to 1950. Look up life expectancy data from 1950 to 1970, and multiply that through the large population. Mao brought live expectancy from 45 to 70 over his career, literacy from 10% to 80%. I sympathize with you as I used to have similar notion but after a lot of work realized I was completely brainwashed within Australia. Upon a lot of research it turns out that Mao did exceedingly more for the people of China than he caused problems and without Mao and their liberation of China from capitalists in the early 1950s, the whole county of China would have followed a path similar to India or Indonesia which both had a similar (even slightly better) initial conditions. Now China has eliminated poverty and has far better health care, higher literacy, economic mobility and business than India or Indonesia and is even catching up to the West which it was exceedingly behind in 1950s when Britain was still bribing and calling the shots over there.

@plaguedoc7727 - 30.12.2021 05:39

I suggest y'all to read the book instead of listening to this guy. He is 1. Very biased being a propaganda channel for the NTD, and 2. A lot of his information are inaccurate(e.g Farmers WANTED to plant crops more closely but the cadres-who were ignorant and had no experience in farming stopped them).

@bobstown5259 - 29.12.2021 17:48

Well mao Zedong was indeed a natural disaster

@NoreenHoltzen - 22.12.2021 20:51

Are you aware that these ridiculous figures cited about Mao and Stalin deaths are fictitious? You have a lot of reading to do. In the case of Mao when he came into power in1950 life expectancy in China was 45, and 70 when he left. It is a remarkable reduction in death if you look at the population of China, he created a hell of a lot more life than the claims of transitional poverty. On the latter, Mao removed poverty part by the collective farm transformations being integral for moving China out of poverty in those early years. Literacy shot up from 10% to 75% under Mao. The rise in social quality including healthcare, life expectancy and education under Stalin had enormous gains also. You must research how brutal the propaganda was in the west that we were exposed to and still exposed to now because our rentier class in particular - not you and me - were afraid of losing private property observing how spectacularly well Russia was advancing economically and socially from 1920 to 1960.

@uk4717 - 21.12.2021 17:16

Boxer Rebellion by China's xenophobia declared war on Europe, the United States and Japan, and China was defeated and an international treaty was signed.

The Japanese troops were stationed to protect the Japanese who are staying in China in accordance with the international treaties that Japan and Europe and the United States have signed with China, and the Japanese residents.

However, the Chinese army slaughtered Japanese residents and started a war against the Japanese army. The purpose of Japan's war with China was not territorial ambition, but the eradication of the anti-Japanese movement, anti-communism, and the reconciliation of the three countries of Manchuria and China.

In the Japan-US negotiations, Japan's allegations were peace by the confluence of Wang Jingwei of the Nanjing government and Chiang Kai-shek of the Chongqing government, and a proposal for defense from communism jointly by Japan and China. The US allegation was the withdrawal of Japanese troops from China, admitting only the Chongqing government. The negotiations broke down and the United States stopped oil, resulting in a war between Japan and the United States.

As US diplomat George Kennan said, the US mistakenly eliminated Japan's influence, resulting in the Soviet threat, communism of dictatorships in China and North Korea.

The United States rejected Japan's allegations of peace by the confluence of the Nanjing and Chongqing governments, and the joint proposal of Japan and China to defend against communism. The United States accidentally dropped an atomic bomb that violated international law by sticking to the unconditional surrender of the Japanese army, resulting in a threat of Soviet communism and a cold war with China's communist dictatorship. As a result of eliminating Japan, the United States fought the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The United States fought the Chinese army in the Korean War. And the Vietnam War also fought. A huge number of communist victims have been killed in China and Cambodia.

Japan was also relatively free and democratic, but when it came to total war, it had to be controlled. As a result of the United States and Britain mistakenly cornering Japan, Japan fought for its own self-defense. And it aimed at the liberation of Asia. The Western colonies have collapsed. The collapse of the Western colony by Japan has realized peace through free trade and coexistence and co-prosperity through economic development.

But the president of the United States, Nixon
Again made a mistake and promoted the threat of the Chinese Communist Party. Currently, the threat of the Chinese Communist Party is threatening the world and Taiwan. The United States, Japan, Europe and Asia are protecting freedom, democracy and peace from the threat of the Chinese Communist Party.

@kskufan - 13.12.2021 17:39

I've heard 45 million
to 80 million citizens !
Hitler - Socialist
Mao - Socialist
Biden - Socialist

@triputriataupah7649 - 10.12.2021 17:38

This is why I always wondered why from hundreds of Ch translated novel I read be it romance or not, about traversing & rebirth to that special' era, so far I only found 2 novel that clearly and truly talking about the real problem - why and how lots of people died.

Other than that most novel either
1. Avoid it altogether
2. GLORIFYING the chief'/ the big guy (even I can still memorize some quotes from the r🔴d b📄📄k)
3. They just accepted, but literally reluctant which contradicted on their writings but actually there will be no sentences that can cause censorship or block to the book

So is there real Broad censorship in Ch even on novels? Or just cautiousness of the writer and editor??

@joshfish2 - 05.12.2021 06:48

Celebrating 100 years of a terrible party like the CCP, may as well be the equivalent of celebrating the anniversary of when cancer was discovered...

@TesterBoy - 04.12.2021 02:44

How did Mao get away with mass murder? The crux of the matter is that if they had denounced Mao even after he died the CCP would lose any shred of political legitimacy. Khrushchev was able to denounce Stalin for his murderous crimes because Lenin and his inner circle founded the Soviet Union. The CCP denouncing Mao would be equivalent to the regime performing political suicide (particularly vis-a-vis Taiwan).

@chanalex8358 - 30.11.2021 10:33

Stupid lie about Mao , He is the great person of China . There are many stupid lying propganda about Mao zedong and communism .
Mao is the great leader of China , he is the person who saved China from 70 years of wars , starving , colonizing and chaos.
Long live Great Mao zedong !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone who want to debate with me just comment below.

@AddBlue247 - 28.11.2021 01:00

1st - Mao Zendog murdered 45 - 78M
2nd Jozef Stalin (satin) 24M especially the cause of UKraine holodomor.
3rd Hitler murdered Jews 6M and non Jews 5M

Ask yourself this: How did these dictators get away with murder to the very end?
My answer: we let them.
Do NOT let history be forgotten or repeat!
It will not be that number of deaths, it be more than the Black death, Small Pox and Spanish Flu put together!
Remind your governments that we are not their servants but their masters!

@yourmomshouse6984 - 24.11.2021 02:22

Kinda sounds like Build back better. Especially with the purge. Thankfully it hasn't gotten violent here in the US... Yet

@ronq6780 - 21.11.2021 17:32

"Surely this wont have any unforeseen consequences" love that qoute xD
