Timur against Bayezid - Battle of Ankara 1402 DOCUMENTARY

Timur against Bayezid - Battle of Ankara 1402 DOCUMENTARY

Kings and Generals

3 года назад

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El Bandito
El Bandito - 09.10.2023 05:59

Timur's penchant for attacking Georgia before launching his expeditions is called securing one's flanks. Perhaps Timur thought the Kingdom of Georgia was still strong enough to cause trouble at his rear while he was off campaigning.

El Bandito
El Bandito - 09.10.2023 05:47

One huge difference between Chinggis Khaan and Tamerlane: Chinggis Khaan was an honorable sovereign while Timur, even at the height of his career, acted like a filthy bandit.

ismail 97
ismail 97 - 30.09.2023 00:21

As someone from Uzbekistan, I take pride in the legacies of both the Timurid and Ottoman Empires. It's interesting to note that during conversations with Persians and many Turkish people, I've discovered that they too have a sense of pride and believe their respective empires were superior to others. For example, Persians often harbor historical grievances against Arabs and Turks due to past invasions, similar to how Turkish people may have negative views of Timur. However, it's essential to acknowledge that historical perspectives can vary. In my education, I was taught that Bayezid of the Ottoman Empire's actions may have provoked Timur to lead his army into conflict with the Ottomans."

Nukri Surguladze
Nukri Surguladze - 24.09.2023 14:09

For those who wonder why timur always raided georgia, because georgian king george VII never surrendered and kept fighting. Everytims when timur would left for major campaign somewhere georgia would attack timurid holdings and destroy all of garrisons timurids had in caucasus. Once georgians even attacked tabriz and destroyed timurid army there, so it was understandable why timur always raided georgia, to remove georgian ability to wage war. Guess he could not because moment after death of timur georgia went to fight against qara qoyunlu turkmen.
Timurs invasions of georgia deserves another video, its actually quite interesting history.

Mainul Islam
Mainul Islam - 23.09.2023 11:32

Muslim killing Muslim

odiadordeisrael - 21.09.2023 22:13

Never thought I would, but I was rooting for the Ottomans the whole time.

Coğrafya Kafası
Coğrafya Kafası - 17.09.2023 11:12

In fact, it was the Anatolian lords who invited Timur to Anatolia.

Maria Jason
Maria Jason - 10.09.2023 16:02

I have come to realize TIMURID just love blood and fire and Bones of human beings......
If he was tested today he would called a Pyscho.........
There is different between him and Genghis Khan......
TIMURID was all over the place just love to see people miserable and afraid...😂
This Man is horrible

Inquistive Minds
Inquistive Minds - 05.09.2023 23:32

Timur never spared Georgia even if he undertook a morning walk in the west🥴

reza azad
reza azad - 04.09.2023 20:46

All. Are Turks

Tau Rohkea
Tau Rohkea - 03.09.2023 17:41

i guess he hated georgia

LelouchVi Britannia
LelouchVi Britannia - 03.09.2023 01:26

"The old Conqueror" 😂

カゼツ - 01.09.2023 15:28

bruh what did georgia do to timur lol

AniSphere - 30.08.2023 20:08

Too much trash talk and falsehood indo that do not associate with reality

Real One
Real One - 29.08.2023 10:41

Timur was a bloodthirsty monster that was only a muslim by name and a pig in actions. I'm sure he's in hell now.

Inquistive Minds
Inquistive Minds - 26.08.2023 11:02

On one side Timur Lan was making towers of muslim skulls and on other side was punishing non-muslims for not converting to Islam; what a paradox?

Mamiliko - 20.08.2023 19:23

Turks OTTOMAN SAFEVİ TIMURSD HOLDEN ORDU ATTİLLA HÜLAGÜ METEHAN ...........................................

SPANGELICAN TEAM - 18.08.2023 01:20

Because Trtars are Kıpchak Turks as Timur...

SPANGELICAN TEAM - 18.08.2023 01:11

No History writes Emir Timur is beaten....For the Kıphack Başbug ot Turkistan...

Shehan Senanayaka
Shehan Senanayaka - 13.08.2023 20:47

Timur a great great grandson of genghis khan and chagathai khan was a great military leader. But his sacking of cities is the most horrible thing. Specially a country like georgia and it capital city of Tbilisi. Also the battle of Ankara one of the most decisive battles in early ottoman age. Also it led to the interregnum of ottoman sultanate which still expanding. Brilliant video. Animations are superb. We always appreciate your hard work and dedication towards these videos. A huge fan of you from Sri Lanka ❤️🇱🇰🤝🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🔥

Pauline George
Pauline George - 13.08.2023 00:22

So Beyezid is ant-man!😆

Alpha Beta
Alpha Beta - 12.08.2023 01:25

According to reliable sources, Temur was a wise man! He was not as cruel as he described today! He was a Muslim and had big respect to ISLAM. He also made Samarkand a scientific centre of that time!
After all, Temur was the greatest ruler among all the Turkic rulers. May Allah s.t. bless Him!
(It should also be admitted that he killed a lot of people, but which ruler did not do that at his time! It's very hard for a man to be perfect.)

Chungus - 10.08.2023 03:19

Most underrated chad.

Gürkan Gültekin
Gürkan Gültekin - 09.08.2023 15:52

it was a mistake to confront Timur in Ankara where it is similar to Mongolian homeland and he knew the terrain better than Bayezid

Nenad Milanovic
Nenad Milanovic - 08.08.2023 17:17

Stefan was knight of Order of the Dragon. At the time in Europe he was one of most respected and skilled knights. There are records of French, German and other knights coming to him so he could proclaim them to knights.

Also another thing that is not mentioned and it was recorded in Ottoman scripts is that Stefan led three charges against Timur forces when they souranded Bayezid but couldn't break thru even with his heavy cav.

leon - 07.08.2023 17:01

Alexander,Gengiz Khan,Amir Timur💨🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Özgür Sivrikaya
Özgür Sivrikaya - 03.08.2023 01:47

Nothing to doSomeone who doesn't know that Timur is Turkish, that her state is Turkish, that the language used is Turkish and that her soldiers are Turkmen :)

x00xy x00xy
x00xy x00xy - 06.07.2023 23:06

turk vs turk

Torianna Sigourney
Torianna Sigourney - 06.07.2023 01:45

ankara Messi?

Joseph Lee Bob
Joseph Lee Bob - 06.07.2023 01:05

the ottomans were better, but thing is they just got lots of rebellions mid war

Сабина Абдухофизова
Сабина Абдухофизова - 27.06.2023 19:40

Bizkim Mulki Turon . Amiri Turkistonmiz. Biz Turkning Bosh bo'g'ini Turkmiz. "SohibqironAmir Temur Ko'ragoniy".

eges72 - 27.06.2023 17:07

The Irony is how Bayezid raised Serbian and Greek Devshirme children to counter the Turkic bureaucrats' opposition to him, in contrast to the current situation today, where you know, Turanism thing

Anon (watch Dominion 2018)
Anon (watch Dominion 2018) - 27.06.2023 02:32

what happened to Toqtamish after this? Are there more videos on him?

Justin Priest
Justin Priest - 14.06.2023 10:44

Crazy to think about how loyal Stefan was to Bayezid, despite both of their fathers (Lazar and Murad) having killed each other in battle.

Some dipsh*t in the Comments
Some dipsh*t in the Comments - 10.06.2023 12:19

Georgia: Exists
Timur: "...and I took that personally."

M.M L - 06.06.2023 23:07

Lord of Ring battle ❤

Patrick Thomas
Patrick Thomas - 27.05.2023 05:59

I see Timur as a Warhammer fantasy Khorne Champion. Skulls for the Skull throne.

boz - 22.05.2023 23:08

without mutiny, it's unlikely bayezid loses

Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte - 21.05.2023 03:46

Well done series of videos as always.

erik mora
erik mora - 10.05.2023 19:57

Do u have a playlist for Timur start to finish

Esad Yazici
Esad Yazici - 08.05.2023 19:55

Bayezid dont escaped

BestLobjaGamer - 29.04.2023 01:21

George VII was a good kijg. People critisize him for not submitting to Timur but if he did that we would lose christianity and thus our identity. It isnt said in this video but his army waged partisanic wars against timurids, in the final invasion Timur chased him to utmost west part of Georgia, but right when he almost had king cornered, he suddenly decided to recognize it as christian independent country only asking for it to become tributary but Timur very well knew George wouldnt pay him shit afterwards. We can tell how grudgefully Timur left our country since he sacked churches on his way while he himself had admitted Georgia as christian. He couldnt reach his goals. Georgia is country where Timur the Lame fully felt his "Lameness" 💪

BestLobjaGamer - 29.04.2023 00:57

Georgia : breathes
Timur : "Lend me your strengh god! I'm gonna put an and to this mans whole life !

Muhsin Shah
Muhsin Shah - 27.04.2023 20:19

Amir Timur Lenk was the greatest conqueror of all time.
Respect Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 from Pakistan 🇵🇰.

SSK Crew
SSK Crew - 27.04.2023 11:00

On the way back Stefan was granted the title of Despot by the Byzantine emperor.
