Discover How Science Confirms the Bible | ICR Discovery Center | Dallas, TX

Discover How Science Confirms the Bible | ICR Discovery Center | Dallas, TX

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@UserRandJ - 27.07.2022 23:28

Would really love to visit!

@cheryldyer5181 - 28.07.2022 01:57

Me too! One of these days!!

@SuperPhester - 28.07.2022 04:07

EVOLUTION is NOT even a believable theory!!!

@marschlosser4540 - 28.07.2022 09:26

You folks rock!

@rodericgurrola1745 - 23.01.2023 23:20

I would love to visit it looks amazing like the Ark encounter in Kentucky and the creation museum.

@saturncereal - 25.03.2023 00:27

This place is amazing! I went here today in texas. Cause I had a school Field trip!

@dagwould - 08.03.2024 02:53

No! Science does not 'confirm' the Bible, as though science sets the standard. Science, when it is correct, REFLECTS the Bible. In fact, the nature of the world set out in Genesis 1 and 2 provides the frame of reference for our understanding of reality and explains why science is possible at all.

This is:

There is an objectively real world that is rationally accessible and intelligible (created with rational causality and in intelligible propositional terms).

It is made by the mind of the one is whose image are we, so there's the expectation of cognitive congruence: that is we can really know things.

The material world is not god, so we can work in it, it is not 'owned' by 'spirits' as animists believe, which hinders its study, and it is not controlled by capricious pagan gods or dualist good-evil spirits. Only Judeo-Christian understanding sets this foundation.

Study of the world to know it is part of our calling to be stewards of the creation.

Thus, the Bible is not a science text book, it is the book that explains why science is possible!
