#58 Pass by Value & Pass by Reference | JavaScript Functions & Data | A Complete JavaScript Course

#58 Pass by Value & Pass by Reference | JavaScript Functions & Data | A Complete JavaScript Course


2 месяца назад

547 Просмотров

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@Martin958 - 19.07.2024 10:52

Why did you do memory address: 0x12345 for both the flight identifier and the person object? They should have different stack addresses.

@Martin958 - 19.07.2024 16:35

As a point from yestedays video, I noted that you said a value type stores the identifiers primative type directly. But you also said that it stores the address on the stack that the value type points to. Which is it?

@muhammadnaveed7953 - 19.07.2024 18:40

Thank you Sir ❤

@acupoflie - 21.07.2024 17:52

sirr why you gave up nodejs series in the middle of it 😭😭

@jedgreco - 03.10.2024 20:44

Strings cannot be stored in the stack because the stack can store up to 64 bits. A strings are stored either in the program binary as a constant at a fix address, or in the heap, and the stack points to that heap address. I think strings in JavaScript are always immutable constant so for the same literal the address in the stack remains the same.
