27 TRUE SCARY STORIES | The Lets Read Podcast Episode 067

27 TRUE SCARY STORIES | The Lets Read Podcast Episode 067

Lets Read!

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@iniegrosso2316 - 01.02.2024 18:08

Love listening to you. Your stories are so good. I know there supposed to make me sleep but there so interesting I have to listen to see how each story ends lol. Really appreciate all your hard work.

@simonearchibald2664 - 07.02.2024 06:36

Each of these stories has me totally shook, but I can't stop.. 😳

@moomoof8720 - 15.02.2024 04:00

is there no life guards with those creep kids there

@richellmcknight446 - 19.02.2024 18:58

To anyone in the position of the waitress with the $100 tip- REPORT IT!!! At the VERY least, tell EVERYONE at your job, including all the managers. I, personally, would go to the police station and make a report. You can file a report without filing charges or anything else, and it gives the police a concrete chain of events if that man escalates the behavior or actually attacks you. I had to actually DO this with my ex husband, and this info came straight from the officers at my local station, so it's 100% bonafide. They told me the biggest problem with stalking, threatening, etc, type of situations is that no one ever reports them, then something BAD happens, and you have no proof that there was already a situation building before the big event. So always report it!❤

@moderndesign5282 - 03.03.2024 02:45

43 min in and still not scared 😒

@jaiemadeyoulaugh - 03.03.2024 10:35

Not gonna lie first dude got Matt killed 🫤🤷🏾‍♂️

@AsianGhostStories_ - 04.03.2024 09:03


@jjohnnySkip - 05.03.2024 17:44

This is one of my fav

@bobcharlotte8724 - 11.03.2024 06:02

Mr. Preston is good example of natural selection working its magic.

@IanMM88 - 19.03.2024 21:44

I feel like that guy is trouble but i would keep taking his money and then when he tries something get the authorities involved lol

@mellisande638 - 19.03.2024 22:01

QOTD.. pickled caulifower!😋 Hellfreezer, I love hearing your H.F notes😊 you always give sensible,sound advice!❤ Thank you for everything😊

@OutisNemo666 - 21.03.2024 20:51

Thought 911 could trace calls

@dianawatton7570 - 05.04.2024 17:51

In regard to a crazy girlfriend and receipt of essential oils I would have marked the package refused and returned it to sender. Then I would block her in every way possible. I have two granddaughters who did that to me. I sent birthday cards to 2 Great grandsons and she returned the cards and the money marked return to sender. The other granddaughter has not spoken to me in 10 years. To my dying day I don't know why. The children of my dead son's ex-wife are not allowed to visit Me nor I them-I don't know what I did to make two women hate me the way they do. I'm old now but I am a survivor and I won't let it destroy me. PS I don't smoke drink or do drugs other than pain medication prescribed by my doctor.

@NuckingFuts56 - 13.04.2024 21:52

Hey Joel the story about that crazy Dad Richard. Has there been any update? That was interesting and insane! 😮 Thanks awesome video.

@katetruthseeker2758 - 02.05.2024 11:33

Id keep the hundred and avoid him forever else

@samcommander4249 - 18.05.2024 07:42

Girl that’s a gut feeling aka instincts trust them and protect yourself at all cost if he is a retired oil worker more than likely he is a very tough guy mentally and physically so if that is true and your fear for your health I mean truly are in fear you need to buy a gun or spray train with your weapon of choice get proficient w it and PROTECT YOURSELF. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it . I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried away by 6

@misskitty8619 - 22.05.2024 09:13

Yeah crazy lady.... Not a big fan of that one I'm not a snowflake lol but basically calling the story crazy lady when honestly there's a lot crazier stories going on out there... And what did you say she had bipolar disorder... Trust me people with bipolar disorder don't just go off and do those kind of things and you don't make the situation better by calling them crazy lady.. maybe she was just in a neighborhood that was a little too high class for her.... Right on I guess... I hope crazy lady got some help. Yeah some of these stories you can completely tell what kind of neighborhood they grew up in what their tax bracket is how they address other people as adults it's just kind of weird. 😂🎉

@misskitty8619 - 22.05.2024 09:17

I encourage other people with real horror stories right in because this channel needs a few more actual horror stories not very sensitive people misunderstanding different situations earlier in this video someone said will I may have been interpreting it wrong I respect that with all my heart because sometimes we do interpret things wrong. The crazy lady one just kind of ticked me off.

@lisakickass2824 - 27.05.2024 12:40

For the story of the girl and the pool and boys harassing her, this touched me in such a way. Growing up, everywhere I turned was someone trying to SA me, cousins were the worst being I was the only female born into my extended family.
You will find a man to trust, may take some time. I'm 45 now and found someone I feel I can fully trust and understands when I get weird. Finally.

@Hunterman-zs8bv - 03.06.2024 13:11


@davewielhouwer11 - 17.06.2024 06:52

Bro you are so right, if multiple people tell you a hot girl is crazy and to stay away, believe them. If you need proof, ask them. I was warned about a smioking hot girl i had just met. The guy wanted nothing to do with her and she thought he was a great guy. The guy warned me she would cling on to me like white on rice,all the while she drinks to excess and acts looney tunes. She would call me in the middle of the night and say her boss tried to s.a. hee. After the 10th time, i was over it. I had to change my cell number bc of her. My brother died and i recieved a call at 4:15 a.m. when my parents told me. I told her unless it was an emergency, to not call after midnight as late night phone calls are very upsetting to be startled awake. This chick made it a point to call me a 3 4 5 a.m. regularly. Sometimes she needed to talk, sometimes it was some b.s. about an "agressive boss". I changed me number, vut somehow she got my new one, but i didnt care. My new phone had the ability to ring but i could make her calls silent. If i blocked her, she would call from a diffetent number. So i would wake up to 10 missed calls and vm of craziness. When i saw her out one night she asked why i didnt answer when she needed me, i told her she meant nothing to me. She should date her boss, (he was bald and like 60) she threatened me, which i laughed...she knew she couldn't do anything to me other than annoy me. So she threatened to hurt herself unless i took her back. I told her "do what you need to do", im never, "coming back." It was then she realized i couldnt care less about her and i was done. Smooth sailing ever since. Sorry for long story, trust people who warn you and have no reason to lie.

@andyzachow9903 - 20.07.2024 04:26

Who doesn't get the consept of filet mignon..??a good cut of steak isn't very complicated .

@davewielhouwer11 - 29.08.2024 07:28

Why does everyone use the word "partner" now. No one says husband or wife/boyfriend/girlfriend. It's partner. Was never in the American lexicon until 5 is years ago

@davewielhouwer11 - 29.08.2024 08:39

I was cramming 4 years of college into 5.5 (had too much fun) and ended up being a big brother type to a bunch of frosh and soph girls who were all cure and very nice ladies. I had a real good looking girl myself and she was friends with many of them, so there was no issue with me being friends of theirs. The issue came when a real sweet girl started dating a dude that I knew well and knew he was bed news. I tried to tell her, but it was no use. Some girls think they can change "bad boys". She brought him to church even. Little did we realize that he threatened her that if she ever broke things off with him,he would sell her as a sex slave and never see her family again. We only learned of this after she was "free" of him. I knew he was no good, but didn't realize he and his dad were part of a human trafficking ring. He took a prison deal and took the fall to keep his dad out of jail. It took 5 of her best years away from her. She had to leave home and live with friends out of town that he didn't know of. She only returned when he went away and the father was told that if he contacted her on his son's behalf, he too would go to prison. Luckily, she met someone and is now happily married. Like the story says, if people tell you to stay away from someone and they have no ulterior motive, listen to their advice. Ask why if you must...but stay away. Some people don't ever escape

@bree1573 - 02.09.2024 10:09

I heard get scared and shot up in bed wide awake. The fact that I had no idea about that about faviere is crazy. Get scared was one of my favorite bands in middle/high school. I had to look it up and sure enough it’s true. And the fact that he was the singer for my favorite ep by them made me gag and puke in my mouth a little bit.

@cloverfieldmonster7599 - 02.10.2024 08:29


@staciahall8324 - 02.10.2024 22:57

It’s illegal to work when you’re not clocked in. (&, i believe, if you get hurt their insurance won’t cover you.

@KimberleyLeek - 12.11.2024 10:11

How do you live ANYWHERE and not know what Filet Mignon is?

@abbie2703 - 13.11.2024 13:52

Pretty interesting, there’s so much more to “life” literally than meets the eye. I see so many people not wanting to come back (me included 🫠) and it makes me wonder what source thinks of that? I know we all have to though. Hopefully I can remind myself to choose a little easier next time lol. Thanks for the probe 🤍💜🤍

@brendacapestany2518 - 01.12.2024 16:48

To the waitress take the 100 dollars and let him know that you donated to a charity. Show him the proof and it much appreciated.

@josephprofaci917 - 02.12.2024 23:46

not 'all bite' for albeit voice cloning

@Lyssa312 - 03.12.2024 05:48

Bullies suck but ppl like Irving should not hold regular jobs. Bullying doesn’t justify murder and that’s exactly what it would have been. Now the family of the deceased gets to sue because WHY WAS HE WORKING THERE?!

@knotjusthooked - 04.12.2024 00:31

Why do people continue to use Tinder? Or any dating app for that matter. How many horror stories do they need to hear? Asking for a friend 😂😂😂

@tinyvanderwesthuyzen6513 - 04.12.2024 15:33

You legend

@lengmoua6073 - 05.12.2024 01:40

There's about 2300 spoken different Asian languages. Why the heck you even guess if you're not sure. Yea, Just guess one, I'm sure you nailed it. 😂😂

@starkeiamaisonet8894 - 17.12.2024 17:25

Damn..UK u running fast as hell, u get carpet burn lol I'm glad he was ok and had that knife 🗡

@Gojojjk-v4x - 26.12.2024 07:55

When my boyfriend and I have sleepovers, he always rolls his eyes when I turn these stories on before falling asleep because he knows I can’t sleep without them. He says it’s like a practice run for nightmares

@tanyakeller1308 - 16.01.2025 16:48

I was saved by my Grandpa coming thru the door frm his 2nd job as a security job at the hospital where he just happened 2 pick up the Hiemlich (sp?!) Manuver & saved my life!! I was about 4 yrs old & a lady at the bank asked my Mom if I could have a piece of candy which was like a grape Lifesaver but w-out a hole n the middle- just a disc. By the time my Gmpa got there my Mom, my Grma & a neighbor frm down the street who happened by all had tried everything they knew of like patting my bck, trying 2 have me swallow water, holding me upside down & shaking & patting my bck & I wldn't have lasted much longer & I was born n 1972 so thus was around '76 or '77 when the Hiemlich was new & no 1 had ever heard of it B4. There's No way an ambulance wld've gotten there n time & my airway was 100% blocked, there's really never enough time 4 an ambulance 2 get there n this situation 😬 So Grpa walked n, saw what was up, grabbed me & did the Hiemlich & the candy shot across 2 the kitchen sink & I could breathe!!! I still won't suck on candy or chew gum when I'm alone!!!

@Doodoolala790 - 17.02.2025 17:38

The guy in story 2 sounds like such an egotistical douchebag

@ginanavarro3091 - 24.02.2025 12:22

❤ come on let's go Joel
