You must watch the best polish serie „Świat według Kiepskich” Please!!😊😂
ОтветитьHello from France 👍😉 please can you react, Clovis king of the Franks.Thank you
ОтветитьIf you are interested in this stuff, go for:
Volker Pispers History of USA and Terrorism
But its kinda different: It's 'political cabaret', something like 'educational (political) satire'.
Hi Dude react to ; Volker Pispers - USA & Terrorismus !!!! 😊😊😊
Cheers from Bochum City Germany
Jesteś zaje..fajny gościu , ale i tak nie rozumiem ani anielskiego ,ani niemieckiego . Więc i tak jestem w du.... 😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe problem is that the part about "antisemetism and racism" is even more prevalent nowadays. So fcking sad ...
ОтветитьDamals konnte man noch so im Fernseher reden 😅😊
ОтветитьThat´s all true, even if it´s uncomfortable.
ОтветитьCheck out a new German comedian "Nicolai Binner".
But sadly he has not done any English shows until now I believe.
But in my opinion one of the most political incorrect comedians and the best you can find today.
There are some few very good old ones that some are no longer on stage of.....
Can't remember the name actually.....
Dieter Nuhr, Rüdiger Hoffmann and especially
Thats the name VOLKER PISPERS!
He mostly did highly intelligent comedy on world affairs and US hegemony and such stuff.
Have a look into him he is comedy history you shouldn't miss at all!
That's what German satire is supposed to do! It's making you laugh with immediate snap breathing afterwards, bc you see into the mirror! Old tradition! In the 1600's there was a famous Court Jester ( Till Eulenspiegel) who had to move from employment to employment under fear of death bc of his way of satire. Reminds of the origin story of 'the emporor has no clothes'!
ОтветитьI may have been born in America but my heart lies with Germany.
I may be a mix of Polish, Dutch, French-canadian, Norwegian, Irish, German, and potentially Native American (my dad was a liar so we need the dna test)
But my heart lies with Germany and America's enemies.
His comments about Nazis in Russia seem to refer to Nazi terrorists in Germany, who killed imigrants over many years and when they were exposed, the German secret service destroyed evidence of the case. Also there is a lot of antisemitism, racism and nationalism in Germany. He does not really explain it, but the audience surely knows, what he is refering to. Non-Germans may miss those points.
ОтветитьThe American Government has not worked for its people since the Federal Reserve was enacted.
ОтветитьWer die Wahrheit in Deutschland sagen möchte, muss das über Satire machen. Alles andere wäre Volksverhetzung. Kein Scheiss. Traurig aber wahr.
ОтветитьAs a German, it's very funny and interesting to watch your reactions to our interlectual satirists. Haha, thanks for that!
ОтветитьSchön zusehen das, das klischee vom humorlosen Deutschen aufgeräumt wird,danke😊
ОтветитьWe in Germany have a sense of humor, right?
ОтветитьUnfortunately the second last point gets lost due to - at the time actual - topic of some nazi-terrorists:
The story of Russian nazis murdering and then filed destroyed was actually in Getmany: German nazi terrorists killed people with foreign roots as also some cops. The ‚Verfassungsschutz‘ had some of them on the playlist for information and deleted these files while under investigation.
Heute auch noch
Ответить😂watching you laugh just lightened up my day
Ответить😂happy to see you enjoy our german Satire and our comedians...enjoy. Your laughter is contagious.
ОтветитьIt's so nice to see you laughing so much. A joy. You have your heart in the right place. Thank you for that!
ОтветитьGermans have no humor? And intersting... how do Kiew look right now? Future thinking without knowing it. Thanks for reacting!
ОтветитьLove this laugh, i am laughing double as much because of you !!!
ОтветитьDa gibt's viel bessere in Deutschland... Aber lange wird dieser Humor nicht mehr währen.
There's much better in Germany... But this humor will not last long.
Germany is going into left-woke ... i don't have to say that, because then i will get arrested.
Yeah it's most funny when your American 😢
ОтветитьGermans are mostly very educated
ОтветитьHagen Rether ist der Beste..
ОтветитьGenau, es gibt kein freieres und glücklicheres Land als Nordkorea. Kein Vergleich mit den USA.
ОтветитьIt's Rether, btw, not Rather ;)
ОтветитьThis is a really bad german comedian, look for Mario Barth, Olaf Schubert, Torsten Sträter, Kaya Yanar.
Wirklich der Rundfunk ist echt durch😂 so eine schlecht gestellte comedy wo die gäste klatschen statt lachen, auf Kommando.
Most of his stuff (sadly) aged like milk.
ОтветитьDa siehste was die linke Socke gesagt hat. Armer putin. Armer armer putin. Armer putin. Und der kleine Mann aus den USA lacht drüber, ist aber sauer mehr bezahlen zu müssen. Wtf.. Dieser channel ist als hätte ich Charlie Brown abonniert. Nur mit etwa 200 iq Punkten weniger..
ОтветитьI as a german did not laugh. I guess that proofs germans have no humor 🌝
Ответитьit is not satire .. it is an german special kind of comedy / satire .. it's political cabaret (Politisches Kabarett)
Ответить...Kiew will look like Bagdahad.....well sadly Putin is psychopath like Bush and all the others. Past and future. Why do we have such shitty leaders I wonder.......
ОтветитьFor clarification, especially for those who are not from Germany: The incidents involving neo-Nazis, the killing of migrants, and the accidental shredding of files and evidence related to the far-right extremist group NSU (National Socialist Underground) were carried out by German neo-Nazis in Germany. The BND, an agency similar to the FBI, also came under criticism in this context.
ОтветитьI fear you didn't get it all, but thank you for your hilarious laughter!!!
ОтветитьI like Hagen Reter since many years.
Ответитьin the vatican it's 100% ... unless one of the sides is of minor age ..
ОтветитьHagen Rether, mein Lieber
ОтветитьLeider alles nur zu wahr! Unfortunately everything is true ... people forget quickly to feel comfortable
ОтветитьI kind of feel like as Germans, we're getting a sort of reverse backlash right now: after decades of ''oh no, those weird unpleasant humorless Na- uhm, Germans'' there's now the astonishing & pleasant discovery that Germans do, in fact, have a sense of humor.
ОтветитьI saw him live, it was so much funny and selfcritical❤. Please have a Look to Bodo Wartke. It's Kabarett with music
ОтветитьEiner der besten ☺️👍... Kabarettist nennt man das nicht Comedy... Loriot ist zu empfehlen...