How to Overcome Shyness

How to Overcome Shyness

The School of Life

2 года назад

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@louisruffin6808 - 30.06.2023 00:14


@laughingbat1695 - 18.03.2023 19:53

This is also true but in practical terms it doesn't work. I recommend everyone to watch a similar old video by this channel itself.

@hennessyemencastillo2775 - 06.02.2023 06:16

Why I am so shy, I don't want to be like this forever, I hope tomorrow I woke up with full of confident🙏😢

@atciitwcat - 06.02.2023 00:03

"we run away from our shadow, we live in fear of being swatted away and killed" realize this will never happen. it someone wants to "kill" you, they're the one with the selfish problems. my grandma told my uncle who was nervous in social situations: "what are they going to do? shoot you?" he was never socially awkward again. life is way too short to live in unnecessary fear, love yourself and love life.

@user-im1yw2jv4n - 02.12.2022 01:42

Why do I have to be shy. It makes everything really hard

@ChelseaATea - 22.10.2022 13:50

I always liked this quote: "When you're 20 you care what everyone thinks of you, when you're 40 you don't care what everyone thinks of you, and by 60 you realize nobody ever thought of you anyway." If only we could speed this up, to truly realize and feel this before 60!

@John-yh3je - 22.08.2022 22:21

I use rats or moes.

@Crystal_G_1989 - 14.08.2022 17:20

Im 32 years old man and I discovered shyness as a result of toxic parents parenting, like example always comparing you to others, parents with no moral support for their kids... Im glad I risk myself to have a live in partner and have 2 kids, even my mom dont agree with all my decisions, all those shyness slowly disappear but it still hunt me still this day, all of those self-esteem issue that i regret during college years for not being confident, I blamed all those because of toxic parenting...

@jerseynorris2005 - 03.05.2022 07:34

This does not help overcome shyness. It's just explaining a part of it.

@avaweiss954 - 22.04.2022 16:17

Haha, the animation is very cool

@Mark70609 - 22.02.2022 01:03

Anxiety sounds like the root cause of shyness.

@thedieselguy - 07.02.2022 03:39

I knew this was going to be a bad video , just wanted to know how much

@levero - 04.02.2022 01:24

Let's see how much shy people are watching in 2022.

@williamspitzschuh8167 - 21.01.2022 21:37

This is extreme shyness lol

@labradormcgraw - 17.01.2022 03:46

If I were a wealthy man,
Such things I'd give to thee:
All gauges and guises
Of umpteen surprises,
And wealthy I'll someday be.

If I were a clever man,
Such things I'd build for thee:
All manner of modes
Of humble abodes,
And clever I'll someday be.

If I were a travelling man,
Such things I'd bring to thee:
All features and faces
Of faraway places,
And travelled I'll someday be.

If I were a braver man,
Such things I'd promise thee:
All valour in verses
Of tethering curses
Will someday be set free.

@vishalsinghkatoch53 - 12.01.2022 04:38

Alian - These videos hit the spot

@joelmckaig8923 - 07.01.2022 05:10

It’s not that I’m shy. It’s because of every woman where I live doesn’t want anything to do with me

@ggstylz - 06.01.2022 21:09

I think you’ll also find that there’s a genetic component to shyness and sensitivity in general.

@rosytellez21 - 31.12.2021 05:47

People usually ignore me or use me to make others laugh...Soo...that's why I rather not talk and say I'm shy

@slender428 - 30.12.2021 01:48

I'm shy but I force myself and it don't feel great

@kat-nd9pn - 30.12.2021 00:31

My childhood shyness turned into social anxiety in my teenage years. But im fighting it, i may get the feeling like im about to die when i need to approach someone but i still do it and pretend im perfectly calm. Some people wouldn't even believe me if i told them what goes on in my head, how miserable i feel with every social interaction because i'm good at acting like im not panicking every second of my life.
I dont allow social anxiety to control my actions, because it is already controling my mind.

@anneliesvanhagen4116 - 28.12.2021 02:31

5 min video with title How to overcome shyness is spent 3,5 minutes looking at how shy people might see themselves and then 1,5 minutes of saying nobody cares. Totally wrong title is all I will say.

@goofytuna6077 - 09.12.2021 08:57

People say im quiet but its just cause I have nothing to say 😂. I hate having to force myself to make small talk but I do it anyway just to be polite

@dream8004 - 08.12.2021 22:17

Before I even watch this video I want to say that I NEED some advice on that matter

@nardeenkeryakes2847 - 02.12.2021 09:39

The judgement we fear from others is often a reflection of the judgement we give out. In a way, being less harsh in our judgements towards others greatly helps us be less afraid of what other people think. Our insecurities and worries are validated by the fact that we think those negative thoughts about other people ourselves, so why couldn’t they do the same? In learning to think kindly towards others, you learn to think kindly of yourself.

@yeshuasage3724 - 25.11.2021 16:34

Ok im not at that level of self loathe to where i imagine im am a roach or a insignificant animal

@nicole866 - 20.11.2021 05:56

The School of Life did not have to read me like that 😭😭😭

@mrshaneobuenosnodgrass3328 - 15.11.2021 07:24

When I finally realized that everything is not all about me I found self-acceptance and felt more confident around others.

@sulabhsharma3611 - 13.11.2021 10:11

"Why you standing far behind, come front. You'll give food order this time. Y u shy?"

Didn't know how to describe my shyness. I guess I can copy script of this video. It's 100% accurate.

Don't worry nice peeps, I'm improving.

@tariq4939 - 11.11.2021 07:05

so we’re just gonna act like this art style isn’t creepy as hell 😭

@superarc8398 - 11.11.2021 02:29

For me I think people are cringe and most of time I think that , "I can able to become friend with someone but he is so boring or less smart" .

@ryaneby7648 - 10.11.2021 15:24

I can’t help but see 😐 in between their eyes

@frogman4555 - 08.11.2021 18:28

I notice these things in other people. They must be noticing the same about me. Another pointless video from this channel.

@NameZei - 06.11.2021 22:15

This literally did nothing, would someone like to tel me the answer to the title

@missoctober8859 - 06.11.2021 17:48

I'm curious if anyone else can relate to this: For some reason, I am much more quiet and/or shy around CERTAIN people. And I'm comfortable around others. I can't even explain why. And it's instant with some people (either way).

@oof-go3iz - 01.11.2021 04:26

Man ever since I was a kid I never had social contact with people cause I had over proctetive so being like this is just how I feel

@Gabriel-bz5sm - 31.10.2021 05:38

why shyness seems to be such a controversial topic on internet?

@Hahaa_hehee - 30.10.2021 23:45

You had missed the primordial root of the problem.
Shy people have parents with anger-issues.
There is a quote saying
"A pampered child who throw tantrums is far better than a traumatised child who is disclipined; atleast he is not a corpse in agony of existence, ever pacing towards his inevitable relief of suicide......whose blood is upon the words of his parents"

Often when parents reject their children whenever they do an act they disapprove of, the child dies a little. The undeveloped adult within is born out of necessity, and the child is forever broken. He develops self-disdain....a sense that he was not upto the expectations of his parents. He, an infant who learned to walk,talk and watch a year ago now competes with adults in their 20s. Even gentle words in harsh voice sinks into their minds and haunt them. They feel that everyone will attack them like their parents, who were supposedly nicer than strangers.
It is when they have developed into adults, they become shy Instinctively and a failure tragedly.

@Shalashashka7 - 30.10.2021 11:32

I relate to this but honestly at 27 I'm still picked on especially by older married men the most insecure
I have a Spirit like a tarantula I just wanna stay burrowed at all times

@tanairigonzalez9793 - 30.10.2021 04:56

due to my shyness is hard to concentrate on what is being said in a conversation, when is my turn to say something or answer a question I stuttered, I can’t help rushing to talk fast and I have noticed even though people pretend they understood what I said, is not true..once I noticed how bad and insecure I am doing in the conversation or meeting, all I am thinking is when is going to be over. I am almost 50 now, seems like I will die this way

@Joh-G-tv - 29.10.2021 15:45

Haha ... Same with me ... But i think ... We are not shy ... Its just our level of thinking is beyond ... And we just dont know how to express it to the level that they wil understand and relate to it like we relate and understand when a non shy person speaks ... Maybe there is a communication skill already out there for us shy people we just have to search for it ... ,😜

@dan7533 - 29.10.2021 08:16

we about to die soon, be brave and get going and go crazy

@glaci0n - 29.10.2021 06:32

Ik no one cares. Sadly I also know that I lack in social skills since I can’t read the room and or respond in the tone others desire, my lack of confidence is from my lack of communication. I’m in a perpetual cycle.

@user-pg3oo4vo7h - 29.10.2021 00:26


@user-pg3oo4vo7h - 29.10.2021 00:25

How to Overcome Shyness

@goldybutt - 28.10.2021 07:27

The speaker sounds like Emma Watson! __

@persie8060 - 27.10.2021 20:13

Every time I listen a new video by The Shool Of Life, I'm surprised, how right the video is.

@gopro7687 - 27.10.2021 06:42

I use to be very awkward and shy, but now I feel very confident and got laid.
