Yes Tim! Let it smoke, that's fine 🚂👍. Best regards from the Mühlviertel, Hans 🍻🇦🇹.
ОтветитьSuper, díky za typ!! 🤗
ОтветитьGreat to see more of the trains from the Czech Republic and this
awesome looking train here with the nice scenery on both sides of
the tracks very beautiful until next time thank you Tim.🚂🚃🚃🚃
That engine has flat spots on its drivers. Leave those and it'll beat your engine to ruin.
ОтветитьI'm not a train head but your videos are great thank you for the entertainment.
ОтветитьTaka krasna zeleznica a este som u nej nepocul sa mozem schovat. Dik za video.
ОтветитьNot so tourist friendly track a bit noisy maybe suspension problems !! from the railway system got to give extra points ,narrow gauge for tourists !!! LOL😄
ОтветитьA very nice film, thank you for the great video.
ОтветитьNice little museum operation. Not overly ambitious in their operation or amount of track they are trying to maintain. Like a lot of U. S. museums, they've got a back lot with a lot of "stuff" probably given to them that they will most likely never get around to restoring.
ОтветитьHai nice video.
ОтветитьVery nice video!
ОтветитьThomas & Friends ❤
ОтветитьVery nice, like ! ! !
Ответитьwhat is its speed?
Ответить😮Well done people.
ОтветитьNice to see
ОтветитьThanks for a great ride on a lovely scenic little railway! Cheers!
Ответитьexcellent video!
ОтветитьOh this is so lovely. God bless you on your adventures.
ОтветитьThat's a beautiful ride! I want to ride that, too 😀Is it open all-year-round?
ОтветитьSuper video, ďakujem Vám veľmi pekne, krásne prostredie 👍🇨🇿👍🇸🇰👍🇨🇿👍🇸🇰Krásny deň prajem všetkým priaznivcom železníc, ex bratislavčan od 89 Attersee
ОтветитьSehr schön und liebevoll gepflegt! Welche Spurweite hat die Bahn?
Ответить" NEIL'S BACK HALLELUJAH🥳" A really wonderful little railway in a beautiful country thanks Tim cheers Bob.🍺🍾🍷🦘
ОтветитьCongratulatios in Brazil 😊
ОтветитьInteresting that the line was originally standard gauge and now is narrow gauge. Most times it goes the opposite way. Nice museum.
When the Diesel powered train is idling and starting to move you can detect the ALCo heritage of the engine. Something that the USSR copied and modified but still sounded the same. Is the T478-1002 a rebuilt T479.
Oh cool, I didn't know it was still running, going past, I always assumed it was an abandoned piece of track or some industrial side track, but it's cool to see that they actually still run the trains from time to time. I'll probably visit sometimes.
Also, it would be cool if they gave the trains some proper platforms at Zastávka, since the station is getting reconstructed.
Úzkokolejka bude brzy republikový unikát jelikož byla vpuštěna na nově rekonstruované nádraží Zastávka u Brna. Takže vedle standardního rozchodu bude i 600mm na jednom nádraží ve stejném designu na jedné platformě. Finančně co se týče nástupiště to bude v režii SŽDC, ale trať tj. výhybky apod. si musím Muzeum zakoupit z vlastních zdrojů - je to finančně velice náročné, takže pokud bude zájem jakákoliv podpora je srdečně vítána.
ОтветитьWhat an absolutely cool video!!!!!
ОтветитьHi from South Africa, love your videos
ОтветитьKeep making video's at loss...we love them!😊
Ответитьhi. nice video. i follow you. i filmed my truck drives too.
ОтветитьThomas And Friends
ОтветитьNejlepší video, tohle se povedlo 😎🤓👌
ОтветитьWhat a lovely small railway! Thanks for the video!
ОтветитьLembrou o trem que tinha no play entre em São Paulo- Brasil!
ОтветитьWhere is it????? Iam from Argentina
ОтветитьBeautiful heaven
ОтветитьI enjoyed watching this train ride. I love the luscious greenery. Very lovely museum with very rare trains. Thank you.
ОтветитьCzech republic is a West uropiun country, very smart narrow gauge ❤❤❤❤❤ most beautiful with natural beauty 💚🍏 seens, best super important interesting injoy full relaxing lovely wonderful awesome very smart railway journey, best super important interesting injoy full relaxing lovely video,it is quality highest super and best, God bless you all the best very very so much thanks you namaste 😎😍✍️👌🤞🙏👍🤝🇮🇳💌☑️🌎🌍 my name is mahaveer prasad Kanwariya my country name is India 🇮🇳
ОтветитьEine ganz tolle Bahn, macht bitte weiter, und alles Gute für die nächsten Jahrzehnte ❤️❤️❤️👍👍👍
ОтветитьBeautiful place 😮❤
ОтветитьSmall railways are so charming.
ОтветитьThank You Tim. It was a lovely journey through lovely countryside. The Czech Republic looks like a great country. I wish I could visit there.
ОтветитьNice train video 😎
ОтветитьThis line must have been considered important to have justified the engineering: cuttings blasted through rock, embankments, respecially. Many thanks, Tim. The wander through the yard, workshop, museum was a great inclusion.
ОтветитьEine der seltsamsten Schweizer Strecken die ich bisher gesehen habe.
ОтветитьNette Bahn! Wär ich gern mal mitgefahren! Grüße aus Ebensee, Österreich!