Season 2 is out, please watch ❤
ОтветитьSeason 2 is out now!!! Can't wait for your reaction 😁😁😁😁😁
ОтветитьI love you guys and for some reason you’re the only ones keeping me alive LOL IM GOING THROUGH A BREAKUP
ОтветитьIm gonna watch this to remind myself what went on besides the games. A lot of the plot i forgot
ОтветитьI have a hard time watching Sangwoo and Ali in ep 6 😭
Ответитьfun fact! sae-byeok's actress, hoyeon, won a season of koreas next top model!
ОтветитьSpoilers: The woman who sacrifices herself to get rid of the thug - I love that she ALSO made sure to fall in the direction of the next platform, so that their end wasn't wasted. Her last act was to make sure the others had a better chance. Such a G. She did what she had to to survive, but she wasn't a bad person.
ОтветитьAlso I do think the ending "game" with the homeless man is super interesting, because Gi-Hun did actually lose. He lost because he missed the obvious solution: HE should've gone to help the homeless man. He had all the power in the world to make a positive impact. But he didn't. He stood there waiting for him to die, exactly how the VIPs watch the competitors die. He proved that he's no better than they are. He literally proved Il Nam's point. Someone as kind and loving as Gi-Hun.... And when you give him the power to help others and fix injustices, he won't do it. He would rather let his money rot in a bank account, feeling sorry for himself. That's the real lesson he learns from that scene, and it's why he suddenly starts spending the money.
ОтветитьI'm fairly sure they wouldn't allow this but for the glass bridge game there's a couple ways to win without falling to your death.
Firstly, spread your legs so that both feet are on the metal beams. Then just waddle across.
Another could be using your shoe. They made them take off the shoes but didn't say they can't hold them. The shoes have no laces but if you took off the jacket you could tie a knot at the end of the sleeve. Slip your shoes inside for weight. Then hold it by the untied sleeve and swing it like a flail towards the glass.
Il Nam's goodbye to Gi-Hun makes me tear up every time.
Like I know dude is just pretending but still.
a very scary tall young girl 😂😂
ОтветитьRed? No they’re pink lol
ОтветитьThey’re going to love Ali, aren’t they?
Ответитьcan y’all react to Alice in borderline plsss it’s such a great series
ОтветитьIdk why Jiyeong's death hit me harder than Ali's (although both hit hard). sae and ji scene was just so fckin sad
ОтветитьPeople sell their dignities and lives for money. That’s our world, isn’t it?
ОтветитьWhat I loved about this series is that it shows what human nature truly is. They get pushed to the edge and do anything to survive. You can say that you wouldn’t be like but in the moment no one knows how they would react so you truly can’t judge these characters too harshly.
Ответитьlol yall saying put the daughter in squid games omg noooooo! never! that girl is too smart (hopefully) to ever go there.
ОтветитьI haven't seen season 1 in a while but watching again with yall was fun! Glad I found y'alls channel.
ОтветитьSo two things I thought about as I was rewatching this series with yall: 1) that boy that showed his face during the Dalgona debacle was young but he was also a SQUARE. Meaning he was the top of the soldier tier below The Frontman. How is it possible for someone so young to be so high? It’s scary. And 2) they recruited Ji-yeong straight out of prison so she had no “debt” like the majority of the players. Why did they take her there? I personally think they were going to recruit her as a soldier but her heart was too pure. She was essentially too good for them. So instead they put her in the game. I’m probably wrong but it’s what I consider.
Ответить"What does it mean? Who can say?" They literally just told us his brother won in 2015.
Ответитьthe gasps LMAOO funny asf i love yall both, I love coming to this video a lot even if its kinda old
ОтветитьDid I already watch your S2 binge? Yeah lmao. But I'll never get tired of watching first reactions
ОтветитьThe main this about the money is that it's blood money, I would struggle to touch it as well, do you really think you could keep living life with that.
And, them coming back into the game, yes it was technically free will, but same as an abused wife/husband goes back to the abuser, it's pure manipulation.
Such, good writing!
no hate but are they gay?
ОтветитьThe fact that its much easier to watch this now : )
ОтветитьThis show reminds me of😂😂
ОтветитьCrazy watching yall go from "protect the precious little old man" to "gooood kill him already?!" to "alls fair in love and squid" 🤣🤣🤣 same tho Gganbu is a WILD episode
ОтветитьPls watch Murder Drones... its a comedic horror you'll love it :3
ОтветитьI miss player 324 Thomas garcel
ОтветитьThe irony thing is there making us the vips by watching the show
Ответитьthe prize is $31,605,360 USD
ОтветитьThe red light green light dol is named Young-Hee. She is actually voiced by the same actress who plays the daughter. The line she says is actually a 10 second countdown but instead of counting down with numbers the countdown uses the 10 syllables of the line.
ОтветитьImagine charging ill people to go to hospital and be treated… I thought South Korea was a civilized country.
ОтветитьThese people don't pay attention
ОтветитьThe line for “Red light, green light” is actually “The hibiscus flower bloomed” which in Korean is 10 syllables.
For the game of Dalgona, the director himself found that if you lick it, you can get the shape out in five minutes, so that’s why they used licking in the scene.
Korea’s phone number is always a 11 digit number with the first three digits being 010 or 011, so anything other than that is going to be a fake number.
If you zoom in on the part where Jun ho was flipping through the player’s information, you can see that all player information started with number 2, number 1 is always someone on the inside that won’t die.
Jun ho’s older half brother In Ho participated in the Squid game in 2015, at the time In Ho’s wife had cancer, and they later found out that she’s also pregnant, In Ho borrowed money for his wife’s treatment, but he was reported to the authorities as accepting bribe and they terminated him from the job as a police officer, he entered the squid game in 2015 in hopes of getting the money for his debts and help his wife, but his wife passed away giving birth to their kid and he didn’t get the money in time, after he won the game, he went back to work as the leader of the guards in the squid game because he can’t go back to being a police officer after he got terminated from the job.
Im black, and watching anyone react to squid games, all I do is react to yall talking to the screen. I know what’s gonna happen and it confirms I am not crazy to be so invested.Especially when she got hit with glass, I’m like dont celebrate too quick 😢lol.
ОтветитьI cry every time I see my favorite characters Ji-yeong and Saebyeok die. I wish Saebyeok didn't die.
ОтветитьWe need this kind of show where Saebyeok and Ji-yeong are the main couple characters. 😔