The Idol is EASILY the WORST show I've ever watched

The Idol is EASILY the WORST show I've ever watched

netflix party

1 год назад

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@richardfelts7507 - 12.06.2024 06:29

Did you actually watch the whole series? Or even really watch the first episode?

@huehuehue2448 - 12.06.2024 21:02

"This has gotta be prosthetics" IM CRYING LMAOOO

@martysupreme6240 - 16.06.2024 07:04

Euphoria makes me sad, why would you intentionally try to inflict that emotion

@thisuserisusing - 18.06.2024 01:39

So they brought bunch of singers with 0% acting skills to make it look more realistic and relatable LOLLL because like Jennie?The weeknd?Troye sivan?
They def knew what they were doing.

@Angela-mi3on - 07.07.2024 02:36

the way right before she said "lemme put the subtitles because ain't no way I just heard that " I did the same for the same reason 💀

@nakiyahhhlove - 10.07.2024 02:47

my sister put this on i was so scared. 😭😭 loveee abel but he’s terrible at acting lol

@Earthsylewind - 17.07.2024 01:42

“Troye Sivan had to hope on this project to pay his bill”😂😂😂💀 girl you so wrong for that 😂

@DONYGofficial - 23.07.2024 16:47

You clearly sound like a hater

@tasmeenbaker9912 - 07.08.2024 19:42

I hate the way they cuss, they cuss like Middle Schoolers on the playground tryna be cool

@BP_PAVEDTHEWAY_GO_CRY_ABT_IT - 09.08.2024 07:51

I love jennie with all my heart but why was she in this show!!?? This show is traumatizing 😭😭

@diamondchizota3112 - 13.08.2024 03:42

uhmm... call the movie investors to take their money back

@emilywilson4774 - 27.08.2024 13:09

Not the temu sponsorship 🤦🏼‍♀️

@Sarah-hr2li - 13.09.2024 21:50

Honestly the show is bs but why are you promoting temu?!

@hurryuptomorrowxo7 - 14.09.2024 09:29

Its acting. why are yall getting so pissed at the weeknd. he did nothing wrong hes just playing a character.

@fatimyjl - 16.09.2024 13:46

Gurl not you watching Cory's videos😂 Samurai's unite!

@sonyawix5871 - 08.10.2024 16:30

The problem is, they strived for a psychological thriller, so its logical that the “romance” is a horror show. But the Weekend does not have enough training/experience/innate talent to portray an interesting, nuanced antagonist. Lily Rose Depp was good, but she does not have much to work with it the first place. Its a very poorly thought-out story. Bad writing. And the leading people behind it are talented in some aspects (Sam has an eye for visuals), and horribly incompetent in others (Sam’s mysoginy really plays into his absolute inability to write a well-rounded, nuanced female characters without camera-fucking them every moment he got). But you know what is the greatest sin of this show? Its BORING - and its the worst sin you can commit as a storyteller.

@sonyawix5871 - 08.10.2024 16:36

I like the POTENTIAL of Euphoria, but not its execution. I watched the 1 season with my brother and his girlfriend. Its was as visually appealing, as it was BORING. Sam really does have a knack for making beautiful, boring shows. And I hate them being underage high schoolers. Geez, make them college students? These people are CLEARLY adults. And if they need to be high schoolers, there needs to be more nuance shown, so that it would be a critique on such lifestyles being led so young. Euphoria romanticizes the fuck out of drugs, sex as coping, abandonment issues etc.

@Aaron-ms5bl - 09.10.2024 22:29

What was he thinking, why’d I watch this

@via3978 - 22.10.2024 01:01

and now youre unsubscribed

@darkerwave2268 - 23.10.2024 19:21

bruh we saw the side of the weeknd we never thought we would in a movie, we only knew him in his songs and the fact that he made this show is incredible. i personally enjoyed this movie and to me it has one of the greatest productions we have ever seen.

@xogirl-u7p - 30.10.2024 22:30

The definition of: she was too stund to speak

@No_thanks5655 - 05.11.2024 18:08

I will say I do like her songs. One of your girls, world class sinner, I do like them both

@CheungSumYau - 08.11.2024 15:42

Hello, Angel🫦🫦🫦

@Bassotronics - 15.11.2024 11:51

It's funny how when The Weeknd made the album Starboy, there were alot of awesome videos that could be made into a full fledged movie of some sorts. Especially "MANIA" which was an awesome 12 minute mini movie.
He has so much potential to make a great action packed movie of some sorts in the vein of "After Hours".
But sadly, "The Idol" did not meet the mark. Now... this being a show... The Weeknd could learn from his mistakes and actually give us a great properly produced action packed movie. Almost in the style of Fast And Furious but with a touch of Starboy and Afterhours.
That would be bad-ass as long as he has the proper director and Guidance.
One can only dream!

@Biscochito_ - 15.11.2024 19:53

that show is 365 and fifthy shades of grey in a Cringe version without warning. Cringiest narcissist script. The "hot villain" is not even hot. Since when glorifying "Rat tail" is hot? 🤷‍♀️.

@Obamasson18 - 03.12.2024 10:40

the temu demon

@malouhenry1998 - 04.12.2024 00:25

Sponsored by temu??? Yikes 👎

@BirthdayboySeptember - 04.12.2024 01:49

no way sh was watching coryxinshin

@Girlsrocktheworld - 06.12.2024 18:42

Girl I love your videos but being sponsored by Temu.... a bit disappointed 😐

@sh6wn - 13.12.2024 04:02

i only came for jennie

@averypadula8024 - 13.12.2024 07:43

I had the same reaction to Euphoria literally I couldn’t go forward bc I felt low key traumatized 😂

@itsokay7760 - 14.12.2024 18:04

Some people like weeknd and sia should be applauded and noticed for their singing talents only💀

@WitZ021 - 15.12.2024 08:44

“Yea I kinda like that about him”
Brother what 💀💀💀💀🙏

@AntoniaMazelyte - 20.12.2024 09:08

No way you just sponsored TEMU????? Please no I love you but that’s just not it. Girl. How can i trust hour other sponsorships now???? 😢 Temu is ASS. It’s not only fast fashion (exploiting nature and other hard working people) but also so low quality!!!

@nabby7189 - 21.12.2024 15:18

Girl with is that I hate this so much ewwwww omdssssss no not Jenny bro please

@Biggiecheeseness - 03.01.2025 01:51

Not the temu sponser. That’s like getting sponsored by shein

@anikatesfaye90 - 03.01.2025 03:30

If you're not going to comment properly, there's no point in making this video. Stop talking nonsense. You don't even know Abel, you're searching on Google

@Uh.umuhhhh - 14.01.2025 06:10

I think one of the worst parts of the show is the one single high pitched tone that plays whenever there is no dialogue

@cataguti0 - 15.01.2025 14:50

Don’t judge for looks

@Angelina-m7l - 25.01.2025 06:32

Little late to this video but anyways.. what I find to be most disturbing about this film is the fact that the Booktok girls literally romantacize over stuff like this. This film is literally the books they read but in a video form. Its so gross and I can't understand why people are normalizing their weird behavior.

@who_is_kamila - 29.01.2025 04:59

.... i want my 11 minutes back

@juxyboxjoint - 08.02.2025 18:15

guys believe me he'll do better in hurry up tomorrow movie 💔💔

@ghosthaunter6820 - 09.02.2025 01:16

The weeknd is great as Tedros in this show. Sleazy, manipulative, volatile, unhinged and insecure Abel"The Weeknd" Tesfaye nailed it all. Loved the show as a whole and am excited to see what the weeknd acts in next. You on the other hand are grating as hell and seem absolutely insufferable.

@BENgalFan1369 - 25.02.2025 07:34

He is my mans idc

Edit: the weeknd not the other freak

@Dortses - 27.02.2025 07:56

Listen you just don’t understand The Weeknd fr

@lordheath3710 - 10.03.2025 08:02

Nahhhhh why did they do Abel so dirty 😭😭😭😭
