"Cyberpunk 2077 VS Starfield"

"Cyberpunk 2077 VS Starfield"

Asmongold Clips

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Barry Rumz
Barry Rumz - 01.10.2023 15:14

After 39 patches it's now a good game lol

Joshua B
Joshua B - 01.10.2023 14:53

Coh Carnage is a paid actor by CD Projekt Red... literally... Is what the Starfield stans would say lol. Cyberpunk is so much better in every way. I do agree Starfield has great ship building which is fun and all, but it's apples to oranges. Glad you're enjoying your playthrough of Cyberpunk!

mr doesvoices
mr doesvoices - 01.10.2023 11:15

Yeah, but the fact that they didn't try to go for 60 FPS on console

Billy Magada
Billy Magada - 01.10.2023 05:49

To bad Cohh will blindly defend the games hes in. Hes not wrong here, but his defending CP when it first came out was notable.

Homosexual Harley
Homosexual Harley - 30.09.2023 23:39

Cyberpunk has a better aesthetic
but starfield is better at launch

wilder cerrate
wilder cerrate - 30.09.2023 20:20

The world and writing of cyberpunk kept me playing through the above average gameplay loop (with aspects of the game being like PS2 level like driving and the police mechanics on release)
The gameplay of starfield is keeping me playing starfield a lot more than its world, the writing so far is pretty good.

Darkion Avey
Darkion Avey - 30.09.2023 20:07

SF gameplay is worse than CP overall. They couldn't even bother to make the jet pack hover or boost horizontally.

Bastien Millecam
Bastien Millecam - 30.09.2023 12:19

Why am I watching this?

Revl8n - 30.09.2023 04:23

So Starfield is Minecraft with ships?!? 😅

Truth Seek
Truth Seek - 29.09.2023 21:39


TwiztedWolf - 29.09.2023 19:20

Comparing Starfield to Cyberpunk is a night and day comparison but the only difference is Starfield recently came out where Cyberpunk when it came out it was in a bad state but then they just made it amazing. So let's see if our friends at Bethesda can do the same.

Marcus - 29.09.2023 18:41

Even I’ll say it now, I do love cyberpunk but man night city is one of the greatest city’s in video game history it feels like an actual
Real place, more than gta 5 to me anyway

Prince Lobo
Prince Lobo - 29.09.2023 18:40

Kudos for cdpr team to not ditch the game completely but keep working on it relentlessly.

myballs Paul
myballs Paul - 29.09.2023 18:25

gotta love when streamers watch a video. (plays two seconds, pauses, commentates an hour on the two words said, closes video)

The Last Person on Earth
The Last Person on Earth - 29.09.2023 16:13

When cyberpunk was released, everyone mocked it with GTA 5. See how the tables have turned 😂

Claudian Reyn
Claudian Reyn - 29.09.2023 14:20

The Phantom Liberty's Dogtown is so crazy, anywhere you walk you are in awe. The scenery, the complexity, the vibe is on a movie level, this is by far the best game so far.
Starfield looks like a Fallout 4 mod, with instanced space simulation like 15 years ago. There is no vibe and no life to it, the design is dull and outdated, the story sucks. It's like comparing gold with stones.

Chris Hausmann
Chris Hausmann - 29.09.2023 14:02

Hear me out. Combine them

Yarmoth - 29.09.2023 09:23

Asmongold's editors making sure that they get all kinds of malding balding asmongold in there.

Боремся против Барби
Боремся против Барби - 29.09.2023 08:56

Why when it comes to Starfield instead of "ship building" I do hear "shit building".

Fnhatic - 29.09.2023 02:31

SteamCharts on Starfield vs. Cyberpunk is downright pathetic as far as Starfield goes.

Starfield was literally beaten in players by a *patch*. In fact, the hype for the patch alone had Cyberpunk competing with playercounts for Starfield before the patch even released. Post-patch, Cyberpunk mildly beat it, and now that Phantom Liberty is out, Cyberpunk is absolutely dunking it. A DLC for a three year old game is beating a AAA title that was hyped for years from one of those awful developers, like Blizzard, who has an army of simps who would preorder anything even if it was a computer-melting virus.

Starfield is a failure. Bethesda had to brag about the "number of players" by counting every single person who already had Gamepass who installed it once (note: those numbers are completely hidden and thus, it's almost certain that Bethesda literally just lied about it). You'll never get data about how many NEW people it brought to Gamepass which is all that matters. Comparing Steam sales to other games on Gamepass, it's obvious this was not actually the success they want you to believe. I don't trust for a second that 2/3rds of Steam users are also paying for Gamepass, which is what you'd be required to believe is the case to make their playercount numbers not humiliating. Starfield isn't even a month old, the drop in player interest was catastrophic.

It's a terrible game made by a terrible company who I wish to god would just go bankrupt and entirely out of business already.

Haf Þór
Haf Þór - 28.09.2023 22:51

Learn how to cook a steak

moof moof
moof moof - 28.09.2023 16:29

Cyberpunk's graphics are surface level though, it's a really dated game when you want to do anything in the world.

LGTV - 28.09.2023 15:24

Not even mods can save Starfield. Bathesda gameplay and story telling is just so outdated now. I have zero expectations for ES6

john coffee
john coffee - 28.09.2023 15:07

It's not the same because starfield is 50x bigger than cyberpunk

brandon buttry
brandon buttry - 28.09.2023 11:18

Cyberpunk is redeemed

Chairman of Constellation
Chairman of Constellation - 28.09.2023 10:22

I adore both games. Best RPGs ever made until cyberpunk orion and starfield 2 comes out. Or some other insane open world futuristic sci fi RPG by someone else.

Lord Of Chaos Inc.
Lord Of Chaos Inc. - 28.09.2023 07:29

To be fair Cohh was an NPC in CP77 but SF is an absolute skeleton of a game. If you had to play one obv. get CP77.

Acane_Vision - 28.09.2023 04:56

even at launch with how bad the game ran, cyberpunk still looked 1million times better than starfield and had more heartfelt quest lines throughout and a even better story

Kevin - 28.09.2023 04:54

I love both. Problems with Starfield 1 local map 2 storage boxes don't share. Problems with cyberpunk 1 Save files are not separated by character.

Blutwind - 28.09.2023 02:30

Neon does the cyberpunk look pretty good but starfield is not in the same leauge as cyberpunk2077 and thats okay both games are fun imho

DEADtoRISE08 - 28.09.2023 02:20

Comparing to Neon to Night City is wild

Neon is one block compared to whole City

Also other than Neon Core, it’s just empty

Adoring Fan
Adoring Fan - 28.09.2023 02:02

It took cyber punk 3 years to get to where it is. Why am I the only person who remembers how dogshit cyberpunk was at release. The game was completely unplayable for like 90% of people.

Robin Vlad
Robin Vlad - 28.09.2023 01:39

Sure Cyberpunk is ok now after several updates. 😂

Spider Bite
Spider Bite - 28.09.2023 00:34

He was basically in the game, of course he'd praise it.

Lepus Felix
Lepus Felix - 27.09.2023 23:56

Cyberpunk 2077, I remember its launch, how bad it ran on some systems.
And now, look at that, just...something to behold. A real beautiful looking dystopia.

Hunter 01
Hunter 01 - 27.09.2023 22:47

I didnt even play Starfield and i wasnt really hyped for it anyway. They better should make a new Fallout and Elder Scrolls soon, THEN i am hyped.

Morgaith - 27.09.2023 22:03

Starfield art direction is good, there are exceptional micro details, but Night City design is simply outstanding.
Cyberpunk doesn't have realistic looking procedural planets tho.

Robert Cross
Robert Cross - 27.09.2023 20:18

starfield convinced me never to buy another bethesda game again

ML - 27.09.2023 19:28

CohhCarnage is a moron. oh how people forget how bad Cyberpunk 2077 was on release and it was definitly worse than starfield on release on a true comparison. Would I want bethesda to move to a unreal engine? no..yes the creation engine has major flaws but it is a haven for modders which is why starfield will be better.

Achafilms - 27.09.2023 16:04

I play both games, but Starfield is the king of RPGs so far, for many reasons:

-The amazing graphics, the detail in objects and geommetry are on a higher level, and the photorealistic looking planets, a real eye candy. (not all, but most).

-You feel the cities truly alive when walking around, the world interacts with you on many levels: the announcements, the people, the computers, the technology, the robots. You can establish conversation with hundres of NPCS. (short or long).

-The unpredictable events of the world, makes it addictive to keep exploring. (CP2077 city still feels fake, except for the new enhanced police)

-The constant feeling of discovery is also addictive as well.

-The huge amount freedom of choosing what to do next gives you superior immersion. (space combat, exploration, conversations, everything has RPG elements)

-NPCS make the game VERY immersive, they interact with you, they interact with other npcs, and eventually you will find yourself interacting with a bigger group.

-Your companions feel more alive than ever, being aware of what you do, what you say, and what decisions you make.

-there are many different factions, some good, some evil, and they also react given your decisions.
-the wars between factions.

....and those are only to name a few, but enough to make Starfield, undeniably the best RPG experience. by far.


Dead Cat
Dead Cat - 27.09.2023 15:51

With any luck , starfail will be playable in a couple years once the modders fix the bugs, crashes and poorly optimized code.

ImaJhin - 27.09.2023 15:45

Yeah ship building was cool the first 2 to 3 hours but most the Habs are useless on the ship and their utility is copied like no reason to get a 3x1 living quarters when it actually had the same thing as a 2x1 all in one but the 3x1 does not have research or nav table, IT HAS THE SAME CREW SLOTS they literally have 2 beds in the living quarters taken up by sentient blankets Bethesda (I love them but) Good God they were lazy and some people don't see it like really dig into it, I don't see anyone talking about them exiting atmosphere at e3 deep dive they flew from ground through clouds then into space but we somehow got a load screen simulator really baffles me no one's giving them heat all the dungeons or caves are pretty much the same and they could've let you stow in the starboard ship and bring some stuff to your next play through but NOOOOOPE they take everything besides skills so there no real incentive to build outpost and your very limited to what guns you can put on the ship I like starfield but it's painstakingly clear Bethesda was legit lazy af

petllama - 27.09.2023 15:45

Cyberpunk has better cyberpunk cities.

Starfield has better space and ship building.


Dead Cat
Dead Cat - 27.09.2023 15:42

Cyberpunk, 2k ultra ray tracing 60 fps..

Starfail.. fsr does nothing, changing settings does nothing, glitches, bugs, crashes, booooooooorinngg.

The most exciting part of starfail is the constant worries about system crashes.

maskinistn - 27.09.2023 13:06

2.0 with path tracing and ray reconstruction looks so fucking good. I just cruise around the city and rake screenshots.

bezerka durka
bezerka durka - 27.09.2023 12:37

And you've changed your opinion on starfield... again

Sgonz0 - 27.09.2023 05:18

Cyber punk polished up after years ago. Starfield real development happened 1 year ago and was way less bug ridden than cyberpunk. They just have to polish it more like cyberpunk.
And starfield story and content is immense. And the side quest stories are not copy pastas. They are mostly good or decent.

Peter Aasa
Peter Aasa - 27.09.2023 04:27

Starfield is amazing. and im problably gona play till Elder scrolls 6, and cyberpunk is a mess.
