Mongoose Change Streams with TypeScript - watch()

Mongoose Change Streams with TypeScript - watch()


2 года назад

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Johannes Ambré
Johannes Ambré - 20.08.2023 01:19

Very helpful, but I think you docker-compose file isn working anymore. It always says Server selection timed out after 30000 ms when trying to connect. Any Ideas?

Ananya Kaushik
Ananya Kaushik - 20.07.2023 13:08

Love you man, thank you so much for this content, it's wonderful how you share this information in depth, while at the same time you make the viewer understand how to develop a certain train of thought, so they can themselves recreate what is taught. Please keep making the world a better place with tutorials like this.

Sirac Cevizci
Sirac Cevizci - 01.03.2023 10:15

Connected to database
MongoError: The $changeStream stage is only supported on replica sets

when i run the application, this error still shows up.

I did run the docker file, what should i do?

Venkatesh - 17.01.2023 06:01

Thank you❤, it is help full for typesense

FARAZ RAZI - 13.07.2022 15:55

Is there any way to get user _id with after watch. (The user who did it)

apu obaidur
apu obaidur - 28.05.2022 14:21

I'm in love with your content💚💚💚💚💚💚. However, I have a question spinning in my head, I was trying to deal with two different collections inside change-stream events. One collection on watch mode listens on the 'insert' event, and my goal is to push/set the newly inserted data/_id to another collection using the updteOne method. My attempts failed, and the function returns a null value. I would be grateful if you help out by replying or making a follow-up video.

Bhupen Pal
Bhupen Pal - 23.01.2022 18:08

What if an application is running on multiple servers, and if something is updated then a service has to be called. Will it be called multiple times? If yes, how can we handle this?

John Wick
John Wick - 12.10.2021 13:08

Hi, I have followed your tutorials and used Mongoose in pair with TypeScript since then and I still cannot get over the horrendous Intellisense speed that Mongoose provides, it slows down VS Code so much it becomes aweful to use. I see today that you suffer from the same thing and been wondering how come you still use it !?

BERAT DİNÇKAN - 09.10.2021 11:32

this tutorial made me think about using this watch stream on an IoT system. When data comes to the server, we update the last data of the device. at the same time, we can check the alarms. thank you again

iNono - 24.08.2021 15:32

What is the best procedure to update the document within the event handler? I want to edit a value directly for new documents. But data.fullDocument is not a model object on which I could call the .save() function. Can I somehow get such an object easily, or would I have to execute a Model.findById with the ID of the "fullDocument"? Doesn't feel so good to then have to search for each document again to have it as a model object.

Ikraam - 21.08.2021 02:16

Hello Tom. I got my first dev job two weeks ago. And you’re almost at 1000 subscribers! I’m pretty sure I’m one of the first 20 subscribers ahahah!

Bare Bears
Bare Bears - 19.08.2021 08:14

Great stuff! 👌
Could a make a video on postgres/mysql db modeling with typescript?

Tarik - 17.08.2021 17:25

Thank you for the tutorial. Never saw it someone using, so you use in your projects? If yes, what are the use cases?
