7 Secret Behaviors That Women Do That Are Red Flags (You Would Never Know These!)

7 Secret Behaviors That Women Do That Are Red Flags (You Would Never Know These!)

Apollonia Ponti

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@GaryPhillips-zf6eg - 11.06.2024 22:30

I've been seeing someone for five months but recently realised she was addicted to painkillers. I found them in my car. It explained a lot of unusual behaviour. When I confronted her she immediately blocked me on all socials and my phone despite us never having argued about anything. So disappointing.

@terrytawhai2886 - 11.06.2024 22:35

Good morning from New Zealand 🌞😎, thank you so so much this helps so much,now I have a greater understanding of the red flags and I have been through this recently,but thanks to you ma'am I can now recognise these signs and act accordingly....

@rogerward3390 - 11.06.2024 22:46

Do you ever change the content?

@kojob.9154 - 12.06.2024 01:43

You did very good with this video; every point is critical

@tgmjrtgmjr8221 - 12.06.2024 07:05

Hi, I love our videos. Some advice, since you are basically public speaking, you need to stop mumbling and speak up, increase your volume and fix your microphone also or mix it properly, it is not picking up your voice.

This is a common problem I see across online platforms. I am extremely computer proficient, have built two desktops that I currently use, so no it's not my computer or any software related issue on my end. Yes, I can turn up my volume, but obviously that is not a solution, turning it up to such extremes does pickup some of your speaking too loud actually which is an indicator the issue is on your end, not mine. Thanks!!

@chrisbarnett40 - 12.06.2024 07:44

Phnx pried

@divyanshudhiman8493 - 12.06.2024 08:34

Can you give some content on trust issues? How to deal with them?

@theculturebrewingchannel5619 - 12.06.2024 09:19

I was on great terms with a woman, she was the one asking me to meet and we were having a good time. We had an argument because she kept saying things and asking things about my previous relationship that was hinting that I was the bad guy and my version wasn't true. I called her out on it and we argued over messages. No bad words were used and I simply said that if you dont think I'm a good person then why would we continue hanging out. She accused me of threatening her and went silent. I followed up apologising for any miscommunication and that I care about her not the argument. Silence. Silence for 6 months now other than her liking a message addressed to me in a group message. It's very strange, but I won't reach out because the silent treatment stuff is super abusive behaviour to manipulate me into capitulating and letting her off the hook.

@georgevossen3846 - 12.06.2024 10:49

I'm starting to feel like shallow Hal the harsh reality is the hippo or the giraffe

@DarynSmith955 - 12.06.2024 12:16

My big red flags are when woman love bombing and cutting off everytime when I talk and clingy needy controlling

@johnnycalderon9951 - 12.06.2024 16:40

Omggg i should of watch this 2 years ago. She checked off at least 5. Specially the last one yes i lead but damn she did absolutely nothing

@kirkstewart-vf6hg - 13.06.2024 00:13

Dogs cats maybe my father was right.😅

@fernandoreyes6336 - 13.06.2024 02:54

Do selfish/ narcissist realize there doom no matter what they do in life ??

@missrell1224 - 13.06.2024 07:33

1) love bombing
2) nit picking
3) cutting you or others off when speaking
4) pressures you into drinking
5) uses body/sex appeal to get what she wants
6) stonewalling
7) put all men in a negative light

@RobbiJamesVogt - 14.06.2024 23:04

Mine blamed me for her sleeping with someone else…
Told me I didn’t give her enough space …

@GregoryDennis-wr7ky - 15.06.2024 04:07

It makes me feel dirty because normally if I need a shrink I go to a woman. I don’t go to men for that. You assholes understand me? I hope you’re all prepared to explain “how.” 😄

@GregoryDennis-wr7ky - 15.06.2024 04:09

Why the fuck would they even entertain the idea? I never failed any psychological evaluations.

@GregoryDennis-wr7ky - 15.06.2024 04:17

Idiots. 🙄 because I’m obviously an bsww what some people are implying and they’re IMBECILES. Why the fuck would I have that and “how” would he do it? Explain it. I’m infuriatingly amused.

@GregoryDennis-wr7ky - 15.06.2024 04:26

I obviously hope for ☝🏼YOUR sake assholes that you’re gonna be able to explain because you may wind up having to explain it in Civil Litigation and you’re gonna owe ☝🏼ME some money for saying it too.

@Danny-zs3eu - 15.06.2024 14:04

Calling men toxic and red flags is red flag in women.. There are 1001 reasons why women are red flags nowadays

@jsmith9298 - 15.06.2024 18:01

I had an ex who told me we had t go to her mom on Valentines Day because it was also her Moms birthday. I said ok great. 15 minutes after we got to Moms house, her ex husband walks in with flowers for her mother. My ex noticed I got very q uiet and pleasded with me to tell her whats wrong, that I looked like something was bothering me. I said if you dont know why I look bewildered, you will never know. I ignored it, but a few years later, I had to walk away. To her, being friendly with her ex and his family, and inviting me to all her ex hubbies family functions was completely normal. If you ignore the red flags in the beginning, those red flags will be the reason you walk away in the end. Trust your gut

@jagjag513 - 16.06.2024 05:20

Thank you!

@MrTracyLow - 16.06.2024 06:40

Stonewalled for me.. I stopped the situation-ship after the second time I was stonewalled. This video lets me know I did the right thing in calling it off after 2 months.

@SantiagoA.Wright - 17.06.2024 05:29

This is a great Video. This brings back painful memories which i have been enduring. My relationship of 5 years ended 3 months ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.

@oh.boi.keepyaheadup - 17.06.2024 07:06

octopussy from octopus band just put me in solidarity confinement

@dwaynebronk - 17.06.2024 08:47

Had the exact same thing happen to me😂

@davidsisson2026 - 18.06.2024 16:11

I've e got a friend or 2 who cut me and others off. They also talk and talk very loudly. Its annoying to say the least. So i also need to watch myself and concentrate on listening. I don't need to instantly reply.

@BowHunter55 - 18.06.2024 17:56

The love bombing and nit picking was spot on. The same things I was loved bombed about became the same things she nit picked and criticized. Talk about confusion. Once I came to the realization that she never liked me, I went no contact and began healing. Its amazing how people can bait and switch. When I stood up for myself I was too sensitive or took things the wrong way. (Gaslighting my own emotions)

@comitosway - 18.06.2024 17:58

This happen to me. It sucks together almost 2 yrs. No other woman had shown me that much love before. Then I fell hard for her. 1.5 yrs in said she needed space. She felt smothered. I said, “I am just reciprocating the bar that she set.”

@peacelove4150 - 20.06.2024 18:46

You’ve outlined everything I have witnessed in the last three months, then was told I need a break and I knew the end was near. Guess what, she decided to end things with me this week exactly a year after we met.

@kurtissimms5523 - 21.06.2024 02:25

You've REALLY made a good point, especially for me right now... 🙌

@Jumpmaster1990 - 21.06.2024 20:53

My ex-wife was in love with the idea of being in love. She didn't show red flags until after our son was born. It was down hill after that. I endured physical, mental and emotional abuse to stay near my son. All this while working as a first responder and battling PTSD caused during military service, 20 years of hell. I've been divorced since 2012, she of course immediately started dating but I'm sure that was going on while I was working late shifts or overtime. I've been alone 12 years, and have been getting better. Looking forward to retiring this year. Don't intend on sharing the rest of my life with any woman. I've learned that once they gain your confidence, they will do what they can to destroy you. Now, I don't care about women who aren't related to me. Flat tire, change it yourself, hold the door open, you don't need a man, help I'm being assaulted, you're a strong independent woman, Not my circus, not my monkeys. Not my problem. Women complain about where are all the good men? You made us stop being good. Congratulations.

@goku360100 - 22.06.2024 09:48

Oh my goodness the last 4 especially 5 and 6 are extremely common. It's so freaking common that it's extraordinary. Don't nobody wanna deal with that extremely toxic behavior. all of them especially the last 4 are extremely ugly.

@unclefester6033 - 22.06.2024 18:22

Having kids by a few others is the biggest redflag😳. No SNAGGLEPUSS FOR ME😯

@bigkaliba3220 - 24.06.2024 02:16

This sounds like a woman with borderline personality disorder. You can never have a healthy relationship with that kind of woman.

@22rapper - 24.06.2024 14:55

Love bombing is hard to recognize cause im naturally loving all the time and romance for me it is sustainable i done in year long relationship and 2 years relationship each day without fail and supportive i was raised that way in church treat your spouse like god love the church so somw cases can make people miss out on somthing genuine that what make some people un replaceable

@stevenlawrence5733 - 24.06.2024 15:48

Men are silent about their suffering and their heart getting broken because it's not masculine for men to complain about it or reveal that a woman has hurt them. Men harbor thoughts of all women being evil indeed.

@samodamir264 - 25.06.2024 01:52

Almost everything that been said is facts.

@justinflores1620 - 25.06.2024 05:48

You have described things I’ve been experiencing perfectly with my son’s mom for awhile when we were dating, she’s shown me all the red flags you describe in this video

@ryandomalesky4079 - 25.06.2024 05:50


@joelombardo9346 - 27.06.2024 01:51

Why don't you try speaking to women, instead of men to help them instead real men like me don't need your advice, we have great mothers, sisters, girls we go out with or woman friends!!!u need to concentrate on woman not real men, print out a instructions booklet for fake men !😊

@matthewwilliams5201 - 27.06.2024 14:31

This is more or less the red flags for a narcissistic personality style, isn't it?

@Papistemce. - 27.06.2024 23:29

First time visiting this channel

@A.nasierkhan - 28.06.2024 13:22

Wow thx a million. Your advice is gold😊

@AnthonyArgyros - 28.06.2024 20:59

They hang around with low value “guy friends” who deliberately wait for their opportunity to sabotage.

We all know this , though

@ECO473 - 01.07.2024 22:45

Those are not red flags...THEY ARE STALINGRAD!!!

@tanziha - 02.07.2024 02:19

Some men do this to us women too. It's not a gender thing, it's a character thing. If you find yourself not finding a good woman, its cause we are staying/hiding at home from all these 7 red flags from men we've dated 😢

@cewilliamsable - 02.07.2024 10:20

The love of many has waxed cold fellas... save yourself the time, heartache and headache, because its not worth it.

@NJM4279 - 02.07.2024 11:40

No, she is not a red flag. She is a red rag"

@msg4869 - 07.07.2024 21:20

Some very good points, and yes I am in a half relationship with a for sure red flag girl lol. Really at least in this video she has only tried one, using her sensually. And was very surprised when I laughed and stepped away for the evening. She has used it her whole life I know. At least for now she is in a mess, will we end together maybe but maybe not, time will tell.
