Hitler - Murderer, Dictator, Führer | The Hitler Chronicles: 1929-1938 (2/4)

Hitler - Murderer, Dictator, Führer | The Hitler Chronicles: 1929-1938 (2/4)


1 год назад

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Spartan93 - 10.09.2023 20:11

It’s not inexplicable that he rose to power… if the dollar hyper inflated we could easily see this again whether it’s right or left wing that’s irrelevant

kleermaker1000 - 24.08.2023 21:40

This documentary doesn't show how Hitler came to power. In fact he lost the last free elections and then got dictatorial powers because the catholic 'centre' party supported him and gave him those dictatorial powers. Without the support of this Centrum party Hitler never would have gained that extreme powers of an absolute dictator.

lizzard wizard
lizzard wizard - 24.08.2023 14:55

the villans got a point tho

Big Boy Blue
Big Boy Blue - 15.08.2023 03:21

Manure brown uniforms. STFU. The Communists were fighting them in the streets. What should they have done . Nothing? After the war is what led up to this. Patriotism and love of country.

Barry Gol
Barry Gol - 09.08.2023 23:55

Hitler had strange ideas, but displayed some of the greatest acts of warfare, it was very well done.

MARC DELENTE - 29.07.2023 14:02

le communisme pour les allemands c était la gangrène comme aujourd'hui d ailleur.

Gianna Giavelli
Gianna Giavelli - 05.07.2023 05:22

If Hitler really was evil as they tell us why did he seek a referendum in Austria to allow them to become part of the German Reich he had already seized Austria more or less there was no need for it he got 99.7% of the vote in favor doesn't that tell you something

Gianna Giavelli
Gianna Giavelli - 05.07.2023 05:21

So Hitler's rise to power power was completely legal and he was loved by the German people in fact he was only trying to save the Germans in Dominic Poland and the police refused to negotiate that was the start of the war

Nightmare Neighbour
Nightmare Neighbour - 04.07.2023 22:35

Great bloke very much misunderstood and stigmatised by the media owning zionists

Horsey Mama
Horsey Mama - 27.06.2023 15:50

Holy crap.. wasn't expecting that with the pig. I'm having nightmares for the next few nights..

Kenneth Charles
Kenneth Charles - 26.06.2023 02:41

Hitler's propaganda and subliminal messages were designed to intimidate and make monsters out of the common citizens.
He never killed anyone but got the German people to participate in all kinds of evil against other German citizens, who Hitler declared non Germans or Arians.
This is why Donald J Trump has become so dangerous, because he's using Mein Kampf Nazism ideology to gain popularity in America over white winged Trumpatized extremist and white supremacist domestic terrorists organization; pretty much like Adolf Hitler's brown shirts and Benito Mussolini's black shirts terrorists organizations who brought them to power until they controlled the military and then both black and brown shirts were wiped out by trained military soldiers.
Maybe that's why Donald J Trump used rebel forces in hopes that he could inact the the insurrection act and declare martial law and cancel out the election and stay in power and use the military to his advantage and become a Tolitarian racist anti semitic anti Democracy movement called make america great again. (The red caps.)......

🌅Sunrise Schubert🌴
🌅Sunrise Schubert🌴 - 24.06.2023 18:47

He was against international Rothschilds families and their banking cartels NWO cabal.

Alex Sveles
Alex Sveles - 24.06.2023 15:57

Hitlerism and Stalinis are more like meo religions messianic movmenta.
Mussolini valled hims3f Dice ...father.
Stalin was called Vozdah or Bos
And Hitler was Fuhrer ..Leader.

Not your Fall Guy, Daddy or Son
Not your Fall Guy, Daddy or Son - 24.06.2023 10:27

Hitler was selected by the invisible hand and propped up to ultimately fail by design. He's like a Wreck it Ralph then after the chaos, tossed aside and vilified, yet needed as a scapegoat villain to thin the herd. That's why a goat head is symbolically attached to the devil and in the word ScapeGoat. There to take the hit and blame. Basically a strawdog figure as they keep the black/white game going.

RJA - 24.06.2023 06:18

Nazis are the LGRBRKFHBTVRV$$;):)-&&&: of the 1930s

abcStuff - 21.06.2023 01:13

Germans wanted their own country, their own identity, but Hitler took it to far.

sunny kambli
sunny kambli - 20.06.2023 23:16

In the pass we are lift the job but in the future we will do it again the fulfilled our whole things

Tom Hermens
Tom Hermens - 19.06.2023 03:45

He was a corporal in the army. Born in Linz Austria

Chris Sanford
Chris Sanford - 17.06.2023 09:24

Hitler muppeted Musiilinnii
