Иерусалим - Центр Мира. Фильм 2. Новые Религии

Иерусалим - Центр Мира. Фильм 2. Новые Религии


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Евгений Тоймурзин
Евгений Тоймурзин - 26.08.2023 07:09

Огромное спасибо вам
Очень интересно

Господь всемогущ
И придёт день и час
Когда господь
Призовёт к себе
Всех нас

Igor Babenko
Igor Babenko - 19.08.2023 10:16

Современный Город Ашкелон 45.52 минута этого повествования находится на Средиземном Море и ни как не соседствует с Иерусалимом он находится на расстоянии в 70 км от Иерусалима.

Roksana Shef
Roksana Shef - 23.07.2023 11:57

Мне нравятся вера мусульман😂признают Иисуса пророком, а не сыном Бога😂где логика?) Иисус сам сказал, что он сын Божий в этом и был приход его на землю . Показать Бога !!!

Andrey Kochebin
Andrey Kochebin - 23.06.2023 16:18

Когда мусульман возглавляет умеый лидер восстанавливаеться мир. Без лидера они постоянно воюют

Andrey Kochebin
Andrey Kochebin - 23.06.2023 16:12

Дай Бог еще хотя бы один раз посетмтт этот город.

Николай - 17.06.2023 11:11

Пакойный был а не умирающий, похороная процессия шла вот от того креста пакойник и воскрес ,так и узнали чей

Василиса Премудрая
Василиса Премудрая - 05.06.2023 14:34

Мухаммада застукала его малолетняя жена Айша и Хафса,когда тот совокуплялся с рабыней Марией аль Кибтией. Под давлением хафсы и Айши Мухаммад клятвенно пообещал перестать заниматься сексом с рабыней. После клятвы он получил откровение от Аллаха ( Коран 66: 1 - 2) в котором говорится, что его клятвы аннулированы Аллахом и он может дальше не лишать себя того удовольствия,которое ему позволил Аллах. Муслимы зависят от книги Коран и поступают так как поступал пророк ислама. Во всех мусульманских странах процветает многоженство на детях. В полном смысле на детях девочках. Пожелые бородатые ложаться с девочкой Фу,какая мерзость. Вскоре всему этому придет конец. "Человек властвует над человеком во вред ему ".

Василиса Премудрая
Василиса Премудрая - 05.06.2023 14:16

Многоженец ,грабитель караванов вознесья на небе? К какому Богу он вознесся? . К Аллаху ,который снимал с него клятвы ,которые он давал Айше не совокуплятся с рабыней ,когда она застукала его на ней сверху. К тому Аллаху ,который позволил насиловать женщин захваченных в плен в присутствии их мужей? К этому Аллаху он вознесся?.
Аллах и его сотоварищ Мухамад нарушали законы Бога Торы. Кто они такие? придет время скоро и Бог ЯХВЕ.ЙХВХ покажет всему миру их ложь. Они будут опозорены перед людьми.

mayor Strobar
mayor Strobar - 12.05.2023 10:35

🇺🇿🇺🇿 👍

Весёлый бездельник.
Весёлый бездельник. - 10.05.2023 13:21

жиды вам причешут идиотам.

Тахмина Каримова
Тахмина Каримова - 01.05.2023 10:40

Мечта-побывать в Иерусалиме🙏❤️

Александр Мамонтов
Александр Мамонтов - 30.04.2023 12:51

Люди любили не Иерусалим- построеный в 19 веке,а Еросалим( Византий,Т.роя,Царь- Град,Константинополь,современый Стамбул).Все события происходили там, Исус Христос,в народе Андрей Боголюбский,Царь Византии(Иудеи) с 1182 по 1185 гг. Андроник КОМНИН. Читайте КОМИССАР КАТАР. ИЗБА- ЧИТАЛЬНЯ.

Хасан Абдураимов
Хасан Абдураимов - 28.04.2023 11:32

Прожидовский рассказчик.

Эдуард Eduard
Эдуард Eduard - 23.04.2023 11:14

Ну император Рима Константин разрешил христианство.
Но, русская Православная церковь христианство превратило в шоу.
В те времена ( Иисус,Йешуа) носил хламиду,
а православная вера нарядила в зорото и парчу.
И обязательно иметь семью.
Словом миф о Иисусе не выдерживает ни какого понимания.
То что евреи терпят в Иерусалиме столько вариантов религии.🎉

С.Ник - 21.04.2023 13:31

Более всего за христианскую веру пострадали армяне, принявшие её на гос уровне в 301 г. Сейчас об этом не принято говорить , но именно это послужило причиной постоянных войн с Арменией мусульманских стран, что продолжается до сих пор. Именно борьба за веру ослабило Армению и армянам приходится до сих пор защищать христианскую веру , и даже в одиночку, находясь в полном окружении врагов ХРИСТИАНСТВА

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 19:52

if I find out that I have Jewish roots, the Jews will rejoice and rejoice 🤣🤣I will be among them.🤣🤣Replenishment will be for the sons of Israel 🤣🤣

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 19:16

so they divided faith and that scripture, each on his own, where there is no that truth, everyone wanted his own faith, where it was divided into writing and law, God, whom Allah, so faith was divided into direction, each on his own

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 19:13

I can see the imprint of the hand of the prophet, which was hidden from the eyes, where the hand is put into the hole

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 19:08

it would be better for the Jews to take Christ for themselves, why is the karan written? I need to understand ... the bible is written about Christ, .. How is it possible that there are two scriptures, the Qur'an and the Bible? different truths and reasons, and the laws of God ... who wrote the Quran? from where is the evidence of what was written in the karan?

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 19:03

I can’t understand Christ was on Golgotha, God was the father, where did Muhammad come from? Is there where Muhammad was in those places where God was? to christ.. or instead of Christ you called Mohammed? For what ? when christ is christ

Mohamed was also on Calvary like Christ?

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:55

if a Muslim has the keys to the temple, then the land belongs to Muslims, not Israelis, but in the biblical scripture it is written about the sons of Israel, then the Muslims decided to squeeze the lands of Israel towards themselves from the Israelis, where they interpret their separation .. if you are one Allah and the Karan, this is not means that you need to take away from the Israelis,

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:42

how are those Muslims where children are taught to kill from Alah, you tell me that there is something that departs from the truth of Muslims, where the division into a direction where there is no truth stands out as truth, where they saw Muslims who will say about their error from the truth, and will prove the truth of yourself, in your own justification from the place of writing the truth, in the writings about the truth it is said how to understand the truth, the truth can be understood when you yourself are in the truth, or when you have descended from the truth you will not find the truth, you will not be in the truth, even though you will speak from the truth 🤣🤣🤣

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:24

Muslims, find in me something that will stone me according to your truth, in the place of writing ... I often see the delusion of Muslims and instruct myself in the place of writing of Muslims, I see the division of Muslims in the direction with which it is connected, Allah went in the direction of dividing himself ... often Muslims betray themselves by faith not from the truth, but into the writing of the truth, where they judge themselves to the truth, where you will not see your error ... Not everyone is given the minds of righteousness by a Muslim

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:15

the people of Israel were persecuted, but by this you are closer to God as the sons of Israel, be to those who do not accept you, you are the sons of Israel ... sorrow dries the soul, do not worry about the blessings of life, about what is roaring ... why divide the land of Israel when you can live everything in the land of Israel, observing the laws of God, there is a division as it is written in the scriptures ... what do you divide God? or the land of Israel? Or do you share faith? in the Scriptures and God were looking for what to find his fault, so you are looking for, so your truth is closed to you, how can you see a true believer when you yourself are in error, trying to establish your truth .. God sees the heart and God sees your deed and you, the truth is a fine line given by God, but not from us people...

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:07

the people of Israel were persecuted, but by this you are closer to God as the sons of Israel, be to those who do not accept you, you are the sons of Israel ... sorrow dries the soul, do not worry about the blessings of life, about what is roaring ... why divide the land of Israel when you can live everything in the land of Israel, observing the laws of God, there is a division as it is written in the scriptures ... what do you divide God? or the land of Israel? Or do you divide the faith?

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:05

the people of Israel were persecuted, but by this you are closer to God as the sons of Israel, be to those who do not accept you, you are the sons of Israel ... sorrow dries the soul, do not worry about the blessings of life, about what is roaring ... why divide the land of Israel when you can live everything in the land of Israel observing the laws of God, there is a division as it is written in the scriptures

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 18:02

it is high time for this land to split, all this is being done all over the world, where there are wars, where there is no humanity towards each other, where envy and money and power rule a person, not good deeds .. the appearance of Jerusalem should be beautiful innovations and decorations? or to be Jerusalem without innovation and without decoration, but to be a holy land, where there should be a commandment from you to God to those who are on holy land ... you believe that according to the history of the European Union there is no country like Russia, you are Israel and should be the heart and holiness of the earth to everyone, without dividing people and countries ... we accept those who accept us so Israel, Israel must accept and those who do not accept, as God commanded in the holy land of Israel..

the people of Israel were persecuted, but by this you are closer to God as the sons of Israel, be with those who do not accept you, you are the sons of Israel ... sorrow dries the soul, do not worry about the blessings of life, about what is roaring ...

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 17:46

it is high time for this land to split, all this is being done all over the world, where there are wars, where there is no humanity towards each other, where envy and money and power rule a person, not good deeds .. the appearance of Jerusalem should be beautiful innovations and decorations? or to be Jerusalem without innovation and without decoration, but to be a holy land, where there should be a commandment from you to God to those who are on holy land

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 17:38

it is high time for this land to split, all this is being done all over the world, where there are wars, where there is no humanity in relation to each other, where envy and money and power rule a person, not good deeds ..

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 17:30

why is Jerusalem divided into two lands where is the holy land, where the righteous and the atheists live for the sake of life, where sin is given to that, yourself .... where there will be holiness of oneself where everyone seeks both to God and the pleasures of life, all weaving, still the horror of that that priests go where they do not dedicate to service, marry, start families where they live on the money that people give, where will the priest be holy to God, where he is given to worldly life and service to God?

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 17:14

scriptures say that the rich will be taken away, the poor, the person, there is nothing to take away...I was then worried when I was alone with God in the sacraments of myself, where I spoke not to a person, not to a church, to God, I came to God in prayer, in everything only God was consecrated in that, not, a person, through the mouth a lot sin, through thoughts there is a lot of sin, in order to be away from this you need to move away, to be in edification to God in what is pleasing to God, where God expounds his truth in you ..God cultivates you to God where you give yourself in everything to God, where God rejects the worldly, where he will reject you, where you will reject what is not pleasing in you to the fact that you are to God, God separates what is not pleasing

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 16:59

I found God not in a church where you are to a person, not to God, I was at one with the sacrament with God, I brought prayers to God, I spoke with God more than with a person, I was far from worldly to myself, I only I think in prayer, God heard and gave, I only came to God for everything, I was zealous for God, I did not let in a worldly stay in myself, where thoughts and words and deeds, and the reading of God's commandments and mine were only to God, I didn’t care about anything, God cared, I was only to God in everything, I loved myself to the one, in the meantime, where I was to that myself to God, I launched a murmur at those who are unclean and by this I became unclean to myself , where I could not free myself, it is much more difficult to return that self to God,I was eternal wanderings from those who judged me, I wrapped myself in this to wander

I asked God to always be in poverty, where I was always in petitions to God, where I would always be to God, where you forget God in that overabundance of yourself to be that objectionable yourself to what is unnecessary for yourself, in needs. in petitions to God only a poor person, a mournful person, a person in illness, a person in need, little people that the name of everything in life is difficult to be to God that overabundance of everything that a person has

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 16:34

I didn’t want to live with a wicked husband, I got divorced, the proof of the wickedness of the men I was, I insisted on this right to get permission from the church for a divorce, I had the right to stay and pray for him living that life with a wicked husband, or divorce with that proof his wickedness, I chose to get a divorce, I was rejecting myself to my husband to his wickedness, I was disgusted, I did not want to live with it .... he knew that I was with God at that moment where I was far from my worldly self ...

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 16:25

I do not have the right to get married a second time? and then, with the permission of the church, I can, and remain alone to God

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 16:23

I am divorced, this right was given to me by the church, I could divorce with unclean men, for whom I am a woman with my children and paid to life

Soul Wanpach
Soul Wanpach - 19.04.2023 16:20

when I was pure to God from the worldly, from the corruptible, from where money and clothes are not needed, I knew that spiritual saturation not in the church, where I was alone with myself to God, where I did not speak to a man, only with God, where you arrive in yourself to God in the sacraments yourself to God, where God opens your spirituality, filling you with the spiritual food of knowledge, where you can delve into that truth of God, overflowing yourself, where you are peaceful to God from worldly things that are not needed, you gouged my soul yourself to that one, where I was wandering from God myself, now you call me to the god of your righteousness 🤣 I want to be exile from your righteousness, you judged me with a judgment seat, I was a prayer man and God gave me seeing me ,how could God intercede in prayers for ungodly me, where you judged me with your judgment seat, I will not be judged by you, only to God when I stop, I will answer for mine, you should worry about yours, as I was not clean with God , to you clean, ..., you will be condemned for my wanderings for whom I was wandering from God and from myself and your judgment on me

Анастасия Аствацатурян
Анастасия Аствацатурян - 18.04.2023 14:25

Спасибо большое,за представленный фильм!

World peace
World peace - 11.04.2023 20:47


Толян toliany4
Толян toliany4 - 11.04.2023 20:17

Ислам меня не интересует

Анна Кузнецова
Анна Кузнецова - 08.04.2023 19:21

Про Бога Создателя где? Нас не Апостолы создали, они были призваны Иисусом для благовествования. Иисус Сам Богу Отцу молился.

АСЛИШО НАЗАРШОЕВ - 07.04.2023 01:12

На небеса люди попасть смогут только через Христа. Мухаммаду на небо дорога закрыта!

anonim1212 - 05.04.2023 20:33

Мусульманы будут размножаться но не когда не будут больше чем христиане. Бог оставил для нас благословение и радуйтесь те кто познал Его единого Бога.

Светлана Костина
Светлана Костина - 05.04.2023 14:03

Очень хорош храм всех Наций

Светлана Костина
Светлана Костина - 05.04.2023 14:01

Была.. Видела.. Всё так.. Народу много.. Гомонят. Болтают.. Благости нет..

Вардгес Манвелян
Вардгес Манвелян - 04.04.2023 15:22

Иерусалим центр сатанистов

Vadik Cuba
Vadik Cuba - 03.04.2023 04:46

Надеюсь придет время когда все верующие в Единного Бога смогут найти компромис и жить в мире и согласии. Желаю всем мира и истинной веры. Амин

Сергеи Ташьнскь
Сергеи Ташьнскь - 01.04.2023 14:06

Центр мира -значит для меня человек-личность,определяющая себя носителем качеств,знаний.не возвышающий себя,а ищущий себя в жизни ,данной ему до смерти.

Евгений Горячев
Евгений Горячев - 01.04.2023 13:29

Вот и подтвердилось: начать надо было с мира, а не с войны. Что толку святыни не рушили, а щадили - вот отсюда и появилась поговорка "Благими намерениями вымощен ад". История потом подтверждала всё это при любом случае и на каждом шагу

Евгений Горячев
Евгений Горячев - 01.04.2023 13:14

А, ну теперь то и понятно всё - правительство Англии, а не правительство С. Ш. А. создало в Италии Ватиканскую религию - вот и мира на планете Земля никогда не было и по сей день нету. Ироды
