you look lovely, Martko. Your look is your own and you are adorable. Pozdrowienia z USA.
You're CRAZYYYY! I love it!
Natężenie bluzgów jak w "Psy. Ostatnia drogeria".
Pewnie to głupie pytanie (choć ponoć takowe nie istnieją)... skąd ta muza?
ОтветитьBycie dziewczyna musi byc bardzo trudne😂
ОтветитьNa co dzień wyglądasz na 17, bez makijażu na 13 :D Marta od dziś nie piszemy na FB, tylko oficjalnie na YT, bo nie chcę mieć problemów z prawem...
Ответитьi have a big nose too :\
ОтветитьBoom! now your ready to start your day. :P
Ответитьhahaha you are awesome!!!! And great shirt BTW. You have brightened my day
ОтветитьDzięki, Marta!! I will try this before work tomorrow. Wish me luck lol!!!
ОтветитьAkurat na poczatku wyswietlila mi sie reklama Rimmela, a potem powiedzialas get the london look xd miszcz przypadku xd
ОтветитьWszystko pasuje ale nie chce mi się płacić za operacje powiększania nosa :c Czyli jestem w 85% Mertą, to już coś c:
Ответитьgiant nose haha
left eye, left hand...
Fortunatelly guys dont need make up.
Marta jest bardzo ładna.
Ответитьlol..this is so funny
ОтветитьJestem chory na nie lubię słuchać Polaków jak mówią po angielsku xd
ОтветитьWow, cieszę się, że trafiłam na ten kanał, chyba tu zostaję xD PS Mega plus za muzykę z Simsów 2 o ile mnie słuch nie myli 😂
ОтветитьJak to robisz, że masz taką ładną angielską wymowę? Prawie nie słychać obcego akcentu xd Ja też dość dobrze mówię po angielsku, ale każdy od razu wie, że jestem z Polski albo okolic :)
ОтветитьYou are way too hard on yourself if this video is serious. Most Polish women have natural beauty, and that obviously includes you!
ОтветитьThat's one of my favourite videos ❤
But I tried it and it doesn't work, I still look like... me :(
(Yellow hearts!)
Wyglądasz jak Merta...Hmmm
ОтветитьI dont watch, in fact, even follow let alone give a comment on the same person's Vlog frequently .... i found yours is wittingly different....Ha ha ha... you are very raw and you speak your mind clearly which makes this video blog very interesting. Thanks though!!! LOL
ОтветитьYou are PRETTY inside and outside and SMART!! :)
ОтветитьLOL!!! :D <3
ОтветитьDoes this work for guys too?
ОтветитьWhy is your skin green-ish yellow and weird pink coloured in this video?
ОтветитьAle mi to humor poprawiło <3 Dziękuję!
ОтветитьHaha you are funny and sweet Woman:)
ОтветитьI've got a giant nose too...
ОтветитьI don't know why I watched this... I don't even wear make-up! XD If you're wondering why I comment on a bunch all at once, I watch (listen) to these mostly while I am working. They are quite entertaining and I work when mostly everyone here is asleep so I can't exactly have conversations with people. (Thus the influx of comments!)
Ответитьi tried it and it works!!!!!
ОтветитьI can't 😞
ОтветитьLove your personality and humor. I never subscribe to people on you tube; you're the first 😎
ОтветитьJust be cool you look Sarmatian. I recently took the ancestry DNA test and found out we Polish are decended from the sarmatian knights and the Amazon women. Rome got tired of us raiding them and forced us to be thier calvary. They took the sons very young to serve in Rome,s army. The daughters were forced to be the warriors and defenders of the tribe. The Roman's have busts of the sarmatian knights and my family looks like them 5000 years later. I have an uncle who looks like a twin of one. If the Polish look at the sarmatian faces they would see thier family 5000 years ago. You can say you are Amazon by DNA your hecklers can not say this
ОтветитьHow did I miss this video?! Omg!! Love it! Made me laugh and relate so much ahaha you even wear more make up than I do xD
ОтветитьI have no idea, why you think that you have the big nose. You have absolutely normal nose :D The only person who thinks your nose is big is you :D
ОтветитьYou're naturally beautiful to be honest
ОтветитьInstructions unclear. I turned into a Kecper.
ОтветитьThese things show me that in Spain there is Polish blood! My face looks a lot like yours hahaha
ОтветитьYou look 11 and 50 at the same time
ОтветитьPiękne xd
ОтветитьNew beauty guru! <3 xD
ОтветитьThis is you? Cool.😀👍Marticore, pardon for old are you? You look like teenager.🤔
ОтветитьU r beautiful the way you are
The personality is important which you have the best personality ever
Polish women are beautiful no cap
Ответитьfun fun fun xD
ОтветитьDamn it I like your charisma
Ответитьmerta naucz mnie angielskiego xd
Ответитьhaha this is so fun!
ОтветитьI mostly do makeup in artificial light in the bathroom, so that was a real challenge!
Also, this video has both English and Polish subtitles :) Enjoy!