INTERVIEW - Courtney Laplante - SPIRITBOX

INTERVIEW - Courtney Laplante - SPIRITBOX

The Break Down with Nath & Johnny

2 года назад

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@freddydavies2822 - 30.07.2022 15:59

So crazy!! You blokes are lucky. Going from watching this interview to listening to their music, particularly the breakdown in Hysteria, so amazing to see this side of her and then the deep and beastly side in their music. Love it

@sarahripleyrheajones2221 - 30.07.2022 16:33

Great interview guys. Courtney is amazing.😭

@guttergods8735 - 30.07.2022 21:48

Tickets bought for the Spiritbox show in Bangor Maine. Along with Mastodon and Ghost. So stoked Let’s Go. Congrats on the interview. Great job guys.

@emilyoxley1578 - 30.07.2022 23:01

She is such a beast on stage yet such a genuine and down to earth individual. Mad respect for this woman.

@troyaturner1979 - 31.07.2022 14:30

Johnny: you could've got a motorized wheelchair, front stage..
Nath: That's 💯 your option, you lazy fucker


@x.eternal.x9150 - 31.07.2022 17:59

Love Courtney and Spiritbox!!

@jonathanzytkoskee9740 - 01.08.2022 00:43

So glad to tune in to listen to talk about global warming lol

@joshwilliams565 - 01.08.2022 02:22

I'm driving over 5 hours to see Spiritbox on the Ghost tour. I like Ghost and Mastodon a lot, but I'm not driving over 5 hours to see them.

@worduser899 - 01.08.2022 03:36

"Climate change is doing awesome".


And then I wept a little.

@joshinaround9551 - 01.08.2022 03:44

Ah man, that Australia tease at the end. So keen for that news to drop.

@D4rkm00r - 01.08.2022 13:28

Courtney La Plante played Rugby! what a take away .......

@Chevellion80 - 01.08.2022 19:39

Great convo guys! She is so humble and genuine....

@EzPulsy - 02.08.2022 00:29

I love when huge artists are such chill human beings haha. Again, can't wait for the next interview, love these 🤘🏻

@lesleyjerrett8973 - 02.08.2022 03:01

Hi Guys, I'm Harper's 👵. She visited a couple of days ago; normal kid, heating slime in the microwave and insisting we touched it 😅. When she is with her family and friends you'd have no idea there was this mini celebrity thing happening for her. She has a solid support network with her Mum and Ben and her Dad Jake. Courtney, Spiritbox, Jason/Pale Cord have been absolutely amazing in their support of Harper and if this all ends here it has been a fabulous life experience for her. Thank you for all for the positive support you give. 😊

@StalkerIII - 02.08.2022 07:59

Awesome interview guys. Keep em coming.

@lea.christine. - 02.08.2022 16:13

Congrats getting to interview this amazingly talented beautiful iconic queen! 🥹🖤 Awesome work guys!

@mattbriggs6928 - 03.08.2022 07:04

Great interview champions. Got yourself a new subscriber 🔥🔥🔥🦆

@Snakeplisskin440 - 03.08.2022 08:33

I love the clean vocals Courtney has been adding in these three latest tracks. She could do an entire song without screaming and I wouldn't mind a bit. Also the tracks them self have such a nice groove. I feel like the groovey metal, not saying they're following it but, has become the thing lately.

I love Gojira for the same reason that I love Spiritbox that they don't seem to be afraid to try new stuff. I love bands where I can listen to their songs and be like, oh this is this, or this is that song, rather quickly. They all have a very specific sound. I hate listening to an album and I can't differentiate more than like two songs from the rest because it sounds all the same.

Great interview. Love this.

@classicbananamilk - 03.08.2022 09:12

Great work as usual, boys! Love interviews like this that just feel like a chat between friends

@blakewhitney3238 - 03.08.2022 09:46

Killer interview guys - so sick having Courtney on.

@willtulip5328 - 03.08.2022 13:09

Please be that they get added to good things !

@mjc220683 - 03.08.2022 18:05

We were at the gig she hurt her ankle and we had no idea. Such a pro, performance on point!

@ireladdy - 03.08.2022 18:42

She says that Spiritbox is a "guest" along for the ride for Ghost and Mastodon. I bought tickets to that show SPECIFICALLY for Spiritbox!!!

@takoshihitsamaru4675 - 04.08.2022 06:46

Courtney, since you technically asked for it...I did not dig Rotoscope, not even slightly.
Whereas Sew Me Up and Hysteria were incredible.

I count myself as a fan since I like more than 2 songs on every release you have, and have you in my regular rotation of playlists. I also got Eternal Blue the day it released (might've even pre-ordered) I'm also the proud owner of 2 identical "Hurt You" shirts (I want more but your merch prices are fucking insaaaaane here in AU I'm talking like almost $100 for a t-shirt)

The thing is, for the most-part, you are still making the music I really love to listen to, so I'm still listening. That might change one day, doesn't mean I don't still love what you've given us so-far. Rotoscope isn't the kinda music I want from Spiritbox, which is fine, the band doesn't exist for me.

@jamesweaver3379 - 04.08.2022 19:40

I hear some Korn Issues guitar tone in this.

@asthma0andthenavy - 04.08.2022 23:19

Spirit box is in the driver's seat to show the metal scene how to be successful, Courtney and the band have the formula. But, shying away from headline will cost you.... I agree 1-3 ep. Then record, is setting the stage for today's industry... But as popular as they are and shying away from while there opening a tour headline a tour in-between can lead them to being top of the game....

@carmenhammond527 - 05.08.2022 07:52

Oh man, I can't wait to see them live 😣

@styxxhs3010 - 05.08.2022 14:35

hmmm didnt know this channel existed but anything courtney laplante pops up on my feeds… so we’ll sub since shes here… and see where your channel takes us for here…

@jonaskohler7683 - 05.08.2022 21:25

how can u have an interview and within the first few minutes I have to listen to a friggin weather update

@somersfamily - 08.08.2022 04:29

Thank you for the interview. I love her. Spiritbox was so sweet to our daughter at a fl show. She made them a pic and got a security guard to hand it to Michael . She walked away with drum sticks , a pic and a air kiss from Courtney. I love this band

@gdcc1989 - 08.08.2022 06:35

Got lots of love and respect for Courtney. Her and her husband's band are really something. I agree with her assessment with the latest Rotoscope track they put out. Does have that similar Korn sound, but with their own twist on it.

@jonaslagander5405 - 08.08.2022 10:19

Great interview with a vocalist genius. How about getting the guitar genius from the same band on as well?

@aidanmaley8905 - 09.08.2022 04:46

Omg that's so cool you got to sit down and chat with her!! Awesome interview guys 👏

@heavymetalpatriot1149 - 10.08.2022 06:29

Climate change is a hoax remember its not real science when you have to kill the opposing scientist.

@KilldeerMedia - 10.08.2022 16:24

Great uplifting start to the interview 😏

@FLmetalhead - 10.08.2022 18:01

Don’t believe the climate change BS. It’s all a ploy for the government to come in and take rights away and expand its power. Even if you truly believe we are in danger the last ppl you want “helping” is the government. The last cpl years should have made that clear to everyone if you weren’t paying attention before.

@palanthis - 11.08.2022 21:45

Ya know you're getting old when a couple of metalheads interview the lead singer of one of the best metal(ish) bands today and the first thing they talk about is... the weather.

@itPowerBrain - 17.08.2022 22:28

Can confirm, UK has been on fire.

@philmaiden4630 - 28.08.2022 03:00

I love Courtney.

@digitalmouse3314 - 04.09.2022 06:29

She does not need to worry about people not liking the band. As a fan of all three bands and liver of every song all 3 bands write.

@UnGranSaurio - 21.10.2022 05:58

Noooo i just seeing this!!!! I discovered them a couple of days ago and im obsessed! They are so good and her control!! What the hell! I hope they grow bigger than the beatles and come visit Chile🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

@UnGranSaurio - 21.10.2022 05:59

I also have to say you 2 are the coolest! Keep doing great material for us!! You are killing it!

@StephanieV04 - 28.10.2022 22:04

Omg!!! They were in grand rapids! Damn it no one I like ever comes here. I missed it.

@madmanscomment - 06.12.2022 15:47

Whats happen with her face...

@xjb27xjimbeamcola26 - 18.03.2023 11:25

I love Spiritbox...soooo different....absolutly brilliant..

look @ this one -- ILLENIUM - Shivering (feat. Spiritbox) -- 🤘🤘

@pandaonsteroids5154 - 03.12.2023 23:22

It makes sense that being a vocalist you have to be physically fit.. But then there's Brendan Murphy that his only routine is vaping and drinking and he does just as well 😂😂😂

@tyler6320 - 02.01.2024 01:39

Johnny's teeth ✨🥰

@cricrugman23 - 17.07.2024 16:13

Shes so awesome such a awesome human and so freaking talented

@LoganWard4621 - 03.11.2024 12:38

she is very pretty/pretty and beautiful/very beautiful
