UPLOAD : Season 1, Ingrid upload's herself for Nathan

UPLOAD : Season 1, Ingrid upload's herself for Nathan


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@tempo703 - 02.11.2020 23:08

Cant he use that pen thing for more gigs

@Djeispark - 03.11.2020 18:30

Why didn't she just go there to see why he didn't answer her???? She would've seen him FROZEN. Dang it cliffhanger!!

@lrobertson1029 - 07.11.2020 07:54

Just use the code pen to get more gigs noob

@ΔημήτρηςΛάππας-θ7η - 08.11.2020 03:25

I didn't understand why she didn't just add another 1G instead of calling for tech support?

@scenery_vii6264 - 15.11.2020 17:46

Still can't get enough from my expression/reaction from when Ingrid told Nathan about her bombshell 😂

@brysonchao5040 - 16.11.2020 14:02

For sum reason I feel like Asian girl over there could be next love interest where it would be like Nora vs her

@chigoziedike6138 - 30.11.2020 00:54

This is true love right?

@ryanzhao2052 - 01.12.2020 07:34

I binged the final episodes and like wtf didn’t they break up? Where are the directors going with this. Regardless I’m glad they’re keeping her around.

@yahiawaleed828 - 19.12.2020 12:54

Honestly, there has to be a job system and panel from which they could interact with the outer world... Such absolute control will not fly... He has to find help from Nora

@UR_spongebob - 24.12.2020 14:28

Now and forever....😂😂 Too much even for a dead man to bear

@karwane1 - 27.12.2020 03:57

Kinda feel a little bit bad for Ingrid.

@jonboll2066 - 05.01.2021 18:38

That was not Ingrid.. it was someone who uploaded a avatar that looks identical to her.. Right before Ingrid should up Nora and her dad said there is definitely someone else pulling the strings behind the curtain.. more to the story.. so they failed to kill Nora.. what would be the next logical step since Nora disdapeared.. go after Nathan.. trick him

@kalebbruwer - 25.01.2021 17:55

The whole 2gig thing makes no sense. If you managed to model a human brain on a computer, you'd measure the file size in terabytes. Compared to that, the bandwidth costs basically nothing. And I don't understand why he picked 2gig over the Lake View alternatives anyway. Sure the alternatives were a downgrade, but 2gig? Why?

@Ajamtroye - 27.01.2021 11:37


@amehak1922 - 07.02.2021 19:05

I can't wait for season 2!

@pyrogames_ - 13.02.2021 02:31

thanks for the spoiler, i was literally missing only the last one ep

@yukihalfbagi1000 - 03.03.2021 00:08

Ingrid is not dead it's his father I guess plan to kill Nathan since Ingrid's father said " gloves are off " meaning ingrid can't protect Nathan anymore that their deal is off and he can freely kill Nathan to summize it imagine a rooster without gloves and w/gloves

@mskizzsogood5929 - 17.03.2021 18:15

So did Ingrid father have him killed by messing with his car.

@MercedesE-rb2nw - 25.03.2021 00:57

Best show

@mrwhammer - 29.03.2021 08:51

Wait did ingrid commit suicide

@davidcartagena1272 - 26.04.2021 06:39

Ingrid is so beautiful and sweet

@mattiew9750 - 10.05.2021 12:09

Song.. Please

@reggiebrown7549 - 10.05.2021 14:11

My thing is she knows hes a 2g now so u didnt think after his elevator stunt he was runnin alil low smdh

@bostonnstokes - 12.05.2021 23:06

I started watching this show yesterday and I finished it yesterday

@kj-marslander - 05.06.2021 09:24

she's a delusional brat, but she loves him I guess.

@adhrinathr8158 - 05.06.2021 14:16

I badly need a GF like Ingrid 👀

@andrewcarlson3486 - 12.06.2021 01:37

She's cringe worthy

@tfmihancea - 16.06.2021 20:16

I really hope the scriptwriters would not make it to easy by making Upload Ingrid not Ingrid. I really hope that spoiled possessive woman has done some brave sacrifice and know the protagonist is in serious moral dilemma. This is how we get caught IRL

@CrimsonHelldrake - 27.06.2021 12:49

wouldda been hilarious if this show just ended with him frozen in 2 gig prison, im kinda hoping there wont be a 2nd season just because of how hilarious that ending would be

@springcbas2290 - 19.07.2021 03:42

Love this series

@nawreen7636 - 03.08.2021 23:37

I think it is really Ingrid not someone else there were little moments where there were signs and possibility that Ingrid wasn't as bad as she seems maybe she will find someone else later also it was shown Ingrid was really unhappy if it really was her then it was loneliness and her own unhappiness that drove her to do something like that not love the way she seemed really unhappy and lonely it isn't out of character for her to do something like that

@kishronndabandebele4559 - 22.09.2021 18:31

best scene

@gudaran - 25.09.2021 10:45

I miss 26 episode season... in such a sense, i couldn't get enough of this show... really looking forward to season 2 which can't come soon enough!

@newbyartist4527 - 26.09.2021 06:38

I cried when he froze before he told Nora

@vitoriaback317 - 17.10.2021 04:03

Pov: eu sou o comentário em português que você está procurando

@sy5763 - 14.11.2021 02:22

Ingrid is my favorite character in this show. She acts so well and the character has so much to explore. Nara is good and she does not have much unexpected from her character.

@charityau - 23.11.2021 12:08

I'm already watched it for 3 times!! Season 2 release faster pls!!

@-Jmoney- - 18.12.2021 11:11

Need more from Ingrid shes hot as hell lol.

@jorr1334 - 04.01.2022 01:12

I'm not sure that is really Ingrid. Her expression when she first looks at Nathan is like she despises him and Ingrid would make everything about her Avatar impecible, here hair is limp.

@Jujubee87 - 15.03.2022 19:37

I binged this show in one day awhile ago then completely forgot about it saw a trailer and remembered I watched it so now get to binge all over again yay

@SetASpark - 30.09.2022 12:04

I feel so bad for Ingrid. She's not the best but she loves him and has good intentions. Nora was so annoying at the end, she knows he's moved to low gig yet she can't think that he's running out of data!

@BlackSailPass_GuitarCovers - 02.12.2022 19:55


@Uluc994 - 21.01.2023 19:33

How nate was able to hack the elevator anyone understand?

@Caekitsune_95 - 06.04.2023 00:57

Yep I rather deal with the real afterlife than that place! Lmao 🤣

@tobedeleted2030 - 27.04.2023 18:09

Episode ?

@williamblake7 - 24.09.2023 02:24

I can’t believe this is real and you’re selling it for money and it’s the best you could do.

@averageguy1261 - 26.09.2023 06:00

Ingrid is the real catch. Just saying.
