This reminds me of when the Pharisees were arguing with the Sadducees.
We all come from the same God, who is the God of Abraham, but we all hate each other because we all want to interpret the writings for ourselves.
The WORD of the LORD says:
Worship and obey ME by dropping your prideful interpretive skills and loving your brother.
I tell you; love your enemies, but by this, I mean; Do not have any enemies. I want you to be pure of heart; both toward ME and toward MY creation. My creation includes your brothers and sisters.
I do not care about what you believe about my nature or about the nature of the Messiah that was written about.
My WORD was written down so that you would all come to a knowledge of ME. Not so that you can all fight over your interpretation of ME and My redemptive Messiah.
You will all see Him coming with the clouds at MY appointed time.
STOP creating sects for yourselves and teach your brothers and sisters about MY commands.
This one is unwatchable, Sam interrupting way too much. I know that he has to debate a lot of slimebags who use the same tactics but no excuse to do it that much
ОтветитьDid Sam call him a girl? That's wrong.
ОтветитьSam is no expert (by far) on biblical hebrew and will forever ignore or be ignorant about the correct meaning of the construct "et asher dakaru" which translated correctly means "regarding those whom they have pierced". If the verse meant to say "Me whom they have pierced", it would have been in correct biblical hebrew "Elai asher dakaru" rather than "Eli et asher dakaru". The addition of "et" renders the meaning "about whom" or "regarding". So you can see that sam is so confident of his mistranslation, but does not have a clue as to the false claim he is making ...
ОтветитьSam first grow some hair on your head 😂
ОтветитьVictory for Sam! At the very beginning put the Jew in their place who just wanted to play victim card!
Not to mention first of all it’s their religion! Our gentile religions was Zeus Poseidon hades and Odin Thor! 😂 it’s not our fault suddenly all nations started to worship the god of Israel!
I'm a complete novice so tell me if I am correct. When I hear the Jews speak of the 2 Messiahs in the Talmud it makes me think that this is an attempt to explain away their rejection of Jesus. To an honest man Jesus being the Messiah is undeniable but completely at odds with their version of the Messiah. So they attempt to merge the 2 by claiming there will be 2. The first will come during the coming tribulation and Christians will see as the anti-Christ but Jews will be fooled into thinking its their Messiah. The second is actually the prophecies of Jesus but modern Jews can't actually admit that so they have created the 2 messiahs. In a weird roundabout way they are right and wrong at the same time. unfortunately for them their first "Messiah" is not what they think it is.
ОтветитьYes he is.mewsiah but not God .
ОтветитьI trust this Rabbi as much as i'd trust a fox in a hen house. Anyone with The Holy Spirit can sense the demonic hatred for Christian's & Jesus Christ pouring out of his pores,
ОтветитьSam keep waiting for your false messiah till the end of your life...he won't come and you wasted your life in a lie
ОтветитьYou are not respectful, that is why he gets angry, you have to stop, you are a trinitarian, that is paganism, Jesus never thought anything about your trinity.
ОтветитьYou are not respectful, that is why he gets angry, you have to stop, you are a trinitarian, that is paganism, Jesus never thought anything about your trinity.
ОтветитьYou don't have respect, you lost it.
ОтветитьBen David is coming during Jacob's trouble to preach to the Jews ( last opportunity ) and is a She.
ОтветитьYou’d be Way more effective if less rude,
ОтветитьScientists fed up with politicians supporting one religion or another to succeed... 🙄
Real Messiah .... 😒
God... 🤦♂️
Pilpul.exe encountered an unhandled exception and must close. Talmud.SynagogueOfSatan.FailedPilpulException: Scripture Dependencies not found.
ОтветитьFor a guy who seems to like comedy (judging by his t-shirt) Sam sure likes to create a lot of drama.
ОтветитьWell this is painful.
ОтветитьLmao I have never seen a rabbi that looks and sounds like a bodega owner.
ОтветитьIf Jesus is God, why didn't he act like one. What God climbs up a mountain and curses a tree because it didn't give food? Come to think, when does a God need to eat? Jesus himself was Jewish and claimed that from his descendants the Messiah will arrive... and we know full well that idiot didn't leave children after him.
Ответить1 Corinthians 13:1-7 CSB
[1] If I speak human or angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. [2] If I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. [3] And if I give away all my possessions, and if I give over my body in order to boast but do not have love, I gain nothing. [4] Love is patient, love is kind. Love does not envy, is not boastful, is not arrogant, [5] is not rude, is not self-seeking, is not irritable, and does not keep a record of wrongs. [6] Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. [7] It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Sam, you had amazing knowledge, but you are just noisy gong. Im uncomfortable listening to you trying to refute this rabbi, before ever letting Him speak. I know you will not fold into changing your viewpoints, but to not exercise patient during this, is working against yourself. It seems like you dont want to convert him, you just want to destroy his arguments. You are very boastful and i ask brother to brother. Focus less on debates and more on revealing truth.
2 Timothy 2:23-26 CSB
[23] But reject foolish and ignorant disputes, because you know that they breed quarrels. [24] The Lord’s servant must not quarrel, but must be gentle to everyone, able to teach, and patient, [25] instructing his opponents with gentleness. Perhaps God will grant them repentance leading them to the knowledge of the truth. [26] Then they may come to their senses and escape the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.
The Jews that we have now are the descendants of the Pharisees and their ilks. So it is not a surprise that they reject Jesus. The Pharisees didn't accept Jesus either.
ОтветитьJesus is not the God like Christians believe. Jesus is not the messiah the jews are waiting for. The king messiah is the antichrist and the Jewish messiah
ОтветитьRespectful rabbi and Disciple of sa✝️an. Behaviour proofs that Christianity is cult of hatred and Christ is false God.
ОтветитьAn idolator telling a believer in the one true and only God that those who believe the same are burning in hell. You can't make this up
Ответитьfunny how they say he's the messiah, yet scream when revealed that he was a jew. the hipocrisy...
ОтветитьThis is the most funniest video ever. Its like 2 sam shamoun talking to each other. “Yo take it easy” “ill cook you slowly” “barbecue slowly, got plenty of time” mate. I cannot hold myself but laugh at those sentences 😂😂😂
ОтветитьI love how anyone thinks they can debate Sam and win.
ОтветитьSam, you have no idea what Messiah Son of Joseph is and you do not at all understand what the messiahs are
ОтветитьMathew, chapter 17, verse 1 to 13
ОтветитьFYI, this guy is no real "Rabbi" he is not taken seriously by any of the mainstream Jewish groups. Hes a sad joke.
ОтветитьAs a secular Jew I have been looking in to Christianity allot through your debates I think you should have more respect for Jews without the Jews and there suffering there would be no Christianity and no Jesus.
I think it’s fair to understand that for thousands and thousands of years the Jews believed in one god that can be seen they brought the believe in one god that has no physical form into the reality of the old world.
And then comes Jesus for a short amount of time and all Jews need to change there believes and now suddenly believe in a god that looks like a man the same as the greec gods or Roman gods.
Even if Jesus is the messiah and god I truly believe that this is misleading and caused allot of Jews to not be able to accept him as god.
Jews will always attack, you defend and they play victim, so disgusting
ОтветитьEste tipo que se cree rabino judio ortodoxo, tiene un canal donde blasfema sobre Jesucristo a más no poder. Se le revuelve el estomago a uno solo de escuchar como insulta y menosprecia a Jesucristo. Dicho esto, Sam... deberias tener mas autocontrol sobre ti mismo y asi dejas que estos tipos se contradigan con las mismas Escrituras. Tú Sam aguanta como un campeón y luego les metes una buena paliza como haria Bruce Lee..😉🤷
ОтветитьJesus was just a soul & he is being filtered out of the past & Time! There is only one God! There are infinities of creators! changes are being made on this Earth that are most favorable to Heaven! Infinities of Blue Heavens were made, the ones on this Earth were given pasts & they have & are keeping about a billion Creators as Humans on this Earth going from the past to the present into the Future! Heaven is also letting Creators as Humans to be born & live on Earth! They have priority! These changes were made in the past 2 days! Angel souls for Archangels & angels are 2nd in terms of life incarnations on Earth! 13 billion Jewish souls were created in the last week & they were also created in the past! The Jewish souls will be 3rd in terms of incarnations on Earth! 100 million souls in people on Earth who are deserving had their souls turned into Jewish souls! Sincerely the Senior foundation creator! I am not Larry!
ОтветитьThose were Catholics not Christians.
ОтветитьSam, I like you and you know all the scriptures but, you really don't let the other person answer.
ОтветитьHello. To the man that's Jewish. Hi, I'm of Spanish descent and have lots of Jewish ancestry on both sides, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi. Will you speak to Dr. Michael Brown? I love Israel and I love Jewish people. I'd love to see you accept Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you with truth. Thank you.
God bless Israel. ❤✝️💯✨🇺🇸🇮🇱
Two narcissists bickering is all i see
ОтветитьNow all rabbi tovia follower should see😂😂
ОтветитьThis "Christian" guy is extremely obnoxious.
ОтветитьAbraham‘s children are so nice & respectful to each other, obviously!!! They love each other till the last drop of blood 🩸! That’s the kind of love their Abrahamic Gud taught them! 😉
ОтветитьI’ve never seen a Christian so rude and mad for no reason. Imagine thinking you won by being an absolute jerk