INSANE AI Image and Video | Forbes Doxed AI Developer | MagicAnimate and Magnific.AI

INSANE AI Image and Video | Forbes Doxed AI Developer | MagicAnimate and Magnific.AI

Wes Roth

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@MAGAMAN - 02.02.2024 07:36

Those bizarre changes show that AI doesn't really have any intelligence. It's just trying to find a closest match picture of a face in its library that fits the color and shape of the face in the picture you are "enhancing".

@theshawnmccown - 01.02.2024 03:19

It's not "confused". It doesn't comprehend. It's mixing similar shapes from other images that have been tagged with key words to create a new image using mathematics. It's A.I., artificial being the key word. It's not actual intelligence but fake intelligence. Something made to resemble intelligence but isn't actually intelligent. Like an artificial tree, it's not really what it's faking to be.

Now if it were actually intelligent then it wouldn't be artificial intelligence but man-made intelligence or non-organic intelligence. But, we can thank decades of artistic directors who know nothing about A.I. or a majority of what their films are about, to create movies and shows that misrepresent it. And a society that relies on entertainment as accurate representation of what something is to educate themselves. A.I. is not actual intelligence.

@PiotrSzaranski - 28.01.2024 13:29

I feel like your comments don`t bring much to the table, you even ack basic knowledge regarding ai and images you are showing to us. Looks like you are trying to milk some clickbaity trend.

@MANIAKRA - 28.01.2024 08:54

Very interesting video! Thanks. Subbed

@il2673 - 25.01.2024 03:32

It incredible. Wish there was a way to tell it not to add more faces. 😂

@idegteke - 22.01.2024 05:36

AI is the very definition and demonstration of the complete lack of intelligence. The intelligence of AI is, per definition, precisely zero.

@dwainmorris7854 - 20.01.2024 23:07


@mika8794 - 20.01.2024 19:01

She-jus Christ on 14' wtf 🤣🤣🤣

@kionmahuermicio9860 - 19.01.2024 12:28

Recuerden que hace más de 100 años la gente se rehusaba a usar automóviles...

@Awoo- - 18.01.2024 06:18

You fuckers are basically exactly the same people that shilled crypto and nfts huh?

This bubble is gonna burst too then.

@boogieman7233 - 18.01.2024 03:22

So it's supposedly cool to start sh!t and hide? No, have the balls to come out of the dark shadows.

@marioeguerrap - 17.01.2024 22:33

On one side, I believe anonymity provides incentives for online trolls; on the other side, the fact that he volunteered interviews before they doxed him is completely just busted.

@foofoo3344 - 17.01.2024 15:03

When the AI Machines take over, we wouldn't have the right to complain because we literally let AI replace us

@huverdoose - 17.01.2024 15:02

The press isn't the press anymore.

@Paultimate7 - 17.01.2024 08:10

Why the fuck are you people continuing to call this "upscaling" Do you understand what that word means? No? Fuck sake.Its just AI image creation based on a scene. This isnt what upscaling is. Its just ordinary AI image generation. Fuck off!

@Dougget - 17.01.2024 07:50

Would be nice if we can do a selective areas in different parameters.

@gamecomparisons - 17.01.2024 03:03

Non-liberal Arts Majors might not remember the theory that Adolf Hitler was truly set off by being rejected for his Art. Tread carefully when critiqueing AI Art folks....

@decaprio7421 - 16.01.2024 22:35

Why they don't like him?

@AdamCHowell - 16.01.2024 22:33

Terrible terrible bullying from forbes... That said… If they had an AI that, with just a prompt, could gather all the online info on this guy, and figure out who he was from that, then he really wouldn’t have much room to complain.

@DrugzMunny - 16.01.2024 21:25

AI is going to make it easier to dox people, so this is the sort of behaviour that he's promoting. Like apps that can Shazam peoples' faces -- AI will enable that. There probably won't be a comparable app for Shazaming people by their voices, as there isn't a comparable public repository of everybody's voice.

@MrSundayshining - 16.01.2024 20:31

Despite beeing very unethical from Forbes to do something like this, it's quite ironic that someone that pushes hard for technological developmentis is doxed by technology itself. Let's remind ourselfs that the internet is, at some level, a public space and shold be treated with a high level of discretion.

@gametouchcontroller730 - 15.01.2024 22:15

it will be interesting when we have the processing power to do this in real-time, imagine the GTA6 examples but the GPU is running this process before displaying each frame, that would be realistic graphics.

@music-oi2br - 15.01.2024 21:35

tldr; Forbes(media group) doxxed some dude who likes ai advancement because he likes ai advancement. long story short forbes doxxed a dude for no good reason. (personal opinion after this) it is not the responsibility of the people who enjoy advancement of technology to try to prepare safety nets against said tech but the responsibility of those who care about making it "safe".
(((Essentially keep up slowpoke the world won't wait for you.))) as for anyone who argues that that's bad i'd just say i rather someone less criminally inclined like these people push for the rapid creation of advanced ai than somebody with deliberately nefarious intentions cause that's what's going to happen by inhibiting these people instead of actually doing something worthwhile in terms of safety and regulation of ai a law is not an effective method of containing ai. in fact it i next to useless depending on how it was made.

@jacquesb5248 - 15.01.2024 11:17

they obviously didnt like what you where doing

@SerpentInside - 15.01.2024 00:44

HAhaha AI is changing faces and adding new faces. Beautiful gets uglier and uglier get beautiful. Like GTA picture, quite good looking blonde on the beach right hand, gets a grotesque face.

@sir.niklas2090 - 14.01.2024 20:30

Are we assuming that R* doesn't use AI? AI only became stupidly popular recently but has been used in games prior. I bet R* has some AI within their game. :D

@boraonline7036 - 14.01.2024 20:22

It get's bewbed up!

@ShadesApeDJansu - 14.01.2024 20:02

【Shades Finnish Pirates】Cool, i would have use for this and i would use it but i do not want to pay for it

@akuunreach3260 - 14.01.2024 04:28

AI tools already allow for faking photos, videos, and voices of people, and I could see it also making doxing easier, but new tech always has those that will use it for nefarious purposes

@carlosarambulo7420 - 14.01.2024 01:35

Government will go to great lengths to get into your business, violate your privacy, influence you and or jail you. This has become obvious since last year.

@MMCUSN - 13.01.2024 22:48

Leftwing females say males can be females and vice versa.
AI makes a better looking Woman than actual lefty females are.
Leftwing females are no longer recognized as Women.
World rejoices.

@takemeseriouslyplx2124 - 13.01.2024 19:21

I can guarantee that this tech will be able to run with something like dlss 6 and can be injected into old games and stuff to just breathe new life into them

@TT09B5 - 13.01.2024 18:05

I don't get how people just dog on AI. Got in a fight on reddit,of course reddit over it. I said sure I don't' want it taking people's jobs but it's great as tool, enchantment. Of course most of them whining where cringe level tubmlr "artist".

@CaptainMisery86 - 13.01.2024 04:54

at some point, AI models will be used to make VR porn and it's going to be amazing

@Draco3seven - 13.01.2024 02:41

Seems unethical to use gov resources to further a media corporations interests.

@pekvek - 13.01.2024 00:05

lara's bumbees are too small

@joedatius - 12.01.2024 23:58

its always funny when AI shills talk about how amazing some AI stuff is and show the ugliest looking stuff possible. AI is just the new scam not unlike NFTs.

@JjackVideo - 12.01.2024 20:55

Magnific seems about a year or two from being incredible and worth 20 USD a month

@PremiumMotoTV - 12.01.2024 17:27

Damn, Lara!

@folgsam - 11.01.2024 22:02

Enemy of Mankind, abhorrent and cursed

@hewhosays7979 - 11.01.2024 19:34

AI art is so soulless. And did AI just make a vagina out of mona lisa's hand? lmfao

@GuidoQuinceMaat - 11.01.2024 16:20

To me - someone who believes your privacy is a great good that we need to fight to preserve in this digital age - big influential people who go by aliases feel a bit like speaking to a crowd with a mask or hood on. While I think privacy is a great good, I believe it is also very important to be able to put a name and a face to influences like these because it is important to be able to deduct their motivation, position and maybe funding when doing things like this, not to mention having someone to address and debate.

Imagine Hitler being nameless. I think his background is detrimental to understanding where his ideas came from, and how he could have been so wrong. Imagine not being able to hold anyone accountable for these kinds of ideas. Then how do you challenge them? Fight them if they're wrong? How, if the source is an infinately-headed dragon? How, without a clear source? Maybe, that feels more wrong than doxing someone. So I'm really on the fence about this one...
