How David Fincher Hijacks Your Eyes

How David Fincher Hijacks Your Eyes


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raj singh
raj singh - 20.09.2023 00:44

Girl with a Dragon tattoo was going to watch again just now that one film has something I don't know what but you can watch it again and again and again even though you know the plot...... but just for those visuals are his best of the best.

Lanolinlight - 10.09.2023 06:34

In this regard, Christian Petzold is Fincher's brother from another mother.

lilsouschef - 07.09.2023 08:38

love it. thank you for this

H - 03.09.2023 21:56

New Crime Plot "Fincher ain't got Oscar"

Thomas Alexanian
Thomas Alexanian - 29.08.2023 23:28

Here after watching the trailer for his new movie, The Killer, I noticed the camerawork being a bit...shaky.

TheGeneralDisarray - 12.08.2023 15:34

I come back to this video again and again, it's such a great breakdown of this element of Fincher's style, and I think it highlights just why he's one of the best, if not the best, directors of his time. That shot with Downey Jr. sliding on to the office chair in Zodiac always stands out to me as particularly incredible, and I wonder how many takes they had to do for it.

Jay Sharp
Jay Sharp - 12.08.2023 10:10

Brilliant. I agree it is a crime he's not been given an Oscar yet

Jayashree Chakravarthy
Jayashree Chakravarthy - 30.07.2023 22:33

Thanks man…hope you’re doing well

SpasticJackson - 30.07.2023 05:21

Well done !

Desmond Lee
Desmond Lee - 23.07.2023 23:30

HOLY SHIT !! I have watched Fincher's work for thousands of times.... and I didn't pick up on this! Good Job! Thank You!

Cristían Undurraga
Cristían Undurraga - 24.06.2023 07:19

Excellent analysis and observations. I feel I should watch one of his film next time I watch a movie.

Chantell Schmahl
Chantell Schmahl - 03.06.2023 14:20

Excellent video!

hugo ambjorn
hugo ambjorn - 27.05.2023 01:29

fincer is awesome

PreWar - 26.05.2023 17:48

It’s a beautiful style. Motion pictures….
pictures in motion. We see it in our life along with emotions with each persons movements telling us something about themselves. This we know; we can relate. Big moments in life happen and you recognize it by the eyes and the body language; whether it be still, or frantic. That’s what makes it so familiar. Not big explosions; we tell our story with gestures as language alone is not enough. Scorsese does it with place and character in kinetic ways that tell the story. Fincher is more intimate in his uses. These signatures of work is what makes auteurs interesting and worth revisiting.

ShangleLP - 16.03.2023 00:39

this analysis was incredibly goo. wow

YoYolegend - 06.03.2023 18:20

what a great video essay, luv it <3

Heimgang - 25.02.2023 23:09

çok güzeldi

Joseph Pheby
Joseph Pheby - 28.01.2023 13:41

David Fincher fans are the most annoying people in the film community

Gonzalo Castillo
Gonzalo Castillo - 22.01.2023 06:43


robert plumer
robert plumer - 19.01.2023 09:40

I'm sure it played a part of how I got hooked on Mindhunter.

PaleBlueDot N
PaleBlueDot N - 05.01.2023 14:24

Something that interests me here is that personally, it does not give me the feel that if, say, the character is running then I am running. The exacting precision of the mirroring makes me feel that I'm not myself running, but rather that I am observing from a position of omniscience someone else running. It's like a distant god that is nonetheless deeply interested in these humans above all else. This deity of the camera is not interested in the outcomes, and has no desire, or perhaps no ability, to influence them one way or another. The only direct interest the camera implies to me is the desire to observe, perfectly and without bias, but I don't choose what is observed, and whatever is happening in the frame would happen with or without me.

Rob Weaver
Rob Weaver - 22.12.2022 19:15

Very good! Wish he’d finish Mind Hunter.

Bebe - 10.12.2022 18:07

Now that you pointed it out.. I can never unsee it again
Damn you Fincher, you brilliant bastard

Mathew Brooks
Mathew Brooks - 10.11.2022 16:59

Deadly. Very well done. He’s my fav for sure.

Jhon Jamora
Jhon Jamora - 08.09.2022 07:49

Great video!

Serge NRJ
Serge NRJ - 07.09.2022 00:46

Getting stumbled upon this again and again. Great piece, man. Esp. sound and editing... Greetings to all Fincher' fans 😎

Soph - 05.09.2022 20:24

In Mindhunter itself the idea that the camera movement is mimicking or following the moving character is kind of elevated to the next level at the end of season 1. The whole show is filmed with a steady camera, following the characters on screen. And then the last time seen we see the main character, he has a panic attack and the camera goes hand held, is incredibly shaky and disoriented - perfectly capturing the turmoil of the seen and, in a way, the movement of the main character. Truly amazing.

I say whatever I want and you gotta deal with that
I say whatever I want and you gotta deal with that - 26.08.2022 18:58

I think if there is one lesson to be taught to young filmmakers, it's this:
The more information you convey in one shot, the better. Playing with the editing is fun, but you need to space out cuts and transitions to make them feel more special.

Mr Teleport1
Mr Teleport1 - 10.08.2022 04:21

What is the background music called?

Anish Rao
Anish Rao - 01.08.2022 15:42

I also think that how we release certain bursts of satisfaction when we watch a dancer/stuntman/any choreographed act hit the cue perfectly. It’s the same with finchers camera movement, the actors hit the emotional and visual cue perfectly and it pairs up so nicely with the pacing he sets and ofc the editing that goes into creating the masterpieces that he does. This is the reason why I finished half seasons of Mindhunter in a day and you can’t skip his movies once you start watching them, especially fight club and the social network. It is very very difficult to take your eyes off of screen and the engagement certainly works for better story telling as the viewer is not missing any detail, Literally!

Michael Coy
Michael Coy - 21.07.2022 18:21

I prefer to say he commandeers my peepers.

Truthseeker - 11.07.2022 21:17

Mindhunter lives in mind rent free. I am Obsessed officially.

legion - 11.07.2022 01:52

He's the best living American director by far

T. J.
T. J. - 30.06.2022 22:17


Let's Sketch It!!
Let's Sketch It!! - 16.06.2022 23:16

the music , the examples, the 'TAKES'....... spot video. Appreciate it

Shayne O'Neill
Shayne O'Neill - 26.04.2022 10:57

Behavior over time reminds me of something Frank Zappa said about composition. He felt the art lies in balancing smaller dense 'weight' with larger spacious 'weight', like a pendumum, The more notes you want in a spacious passage, the more time it needs, the fraction of space to time must be small, but then you should balance them against passages with more notes to less time, with the key being that its not the number of notes, but the time they come in. You see it in his writing where he'll balance out dizzing relatively short blizards of highly structured notes and complexity with more protracted periods of simpler music, often as a backdrop to improvization to allow the soloists time to breath and the audience permission to tune out a bit more and just vibe with it, before it drops back into a much more concentration intensive, but shorter complex passage. I think its an idea that can be deployed across the arts. Longer more ponderous, or just relaxed in tone passages with shorter more intense passages. (Which also reminds me a maxim about what it feels like for a soldier in the trenches, 99% mind numbing boredom , 1% pants shitting terror. Obv the film maker should NOT be pitching for the 99% boredom, though pants shitting terror might be appropriate for the right sort of film!)

Andy Isaac
Andy Isaac - 16.04.2022 17:43

this is so on point! great analysis!

Kell Brigan
Kell Brigan - 09.04.2022 21:53


Badri Menon
Badri Menon - 17.03.2022 20:01

This is easily one of the best analysis I have seen in years. Love the work man. Fuck, you are a genius in understanding this. Brilliant one, brother man!!👍

Vikara Niga
Vikara Niga - 15.03.2022 10:59

Sorry to say sir, but the background music is disturbing the focus.

tommygreenbeans - 04.03.2022 02:30

This deliberate camera movement with an emphasis on behavior and movement was something that Alfred Hitchcock would do. In a commentary for the Psycho DVD, Janet Leigh (she played Marion in Psycho) said that she had to learn how to calibrate her performance to the speed and cadence of the camera so that they would be locked in synchronicity. It would almost give a voyeuristic vulnerability to his characters and only help to build more suspense in the audience by tuning you in to the actions and behaviors of the actors.

Anderson Kuba
Anderson Kuba - 31.01.2022 19:39

Awesome! This is the best channel.

JWFTW - 07.01.2022 14:26


FilmMagician - 05.12.2021 02:22

Really?? You were creeped out? Lol no you weren’t.

Jojal - 17.11.2021 04:20

OK I've been searching far too much but... what's the music used during the video?
Please help me

J - 16.11.2021 21:09

David Fincher is so artistic. I wasn’t even born in the 70s but I honestly feel the nostalgia of the 70s when I watch this. It’s crazy. Don’t ask me to elaborate. He’s a genius.
