Ball Python vs Corn Snake, The Best Pet Snake?

Ball Python vs Corn Snake, The Best Pet Snake?

Wickens Wicked Reptiles

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@baileysmith1297 - 23.02.2025 04:55

Making that last category worth 3 points for no reason is a massive cop out. Feel like he just did that so his personal favorite would win. Regardless I love the channel and will keep watching.

@jameslewis182 - 23.02.2025 05:02

Technically, I “have” both. I’ve got a pair of young Corn Snakes (a 1.5 yo Ultramel and a 1 yo Amel Palmetto) and I’ll be getting my first Ball Python (a female BEL) in about two weeks. I pretty new to snake keeping, having gotten into snakes just last year. I’m an older dude (50), had been out of reptiles since the very late 90s, got back into reptile keeping (a Bearded Dragon and an African Fat Tailed Gecko, who lives in my classroom when school’s in session) a few years ago. I fully admit having
phobia of really large snakes (Burms, Retics, etc.)…I’ll go full on panic attack when in direct contact with big snakes.
Since I was already back into reptiles, I figured I’d give a smaller species a shot and got my first Corn at an expo last summer. I did my research and had a short list (Corns, Spotted or Ball Pythons, and Western Hognoses) that would be a good choice going in. Since getting my first Corn, I discovered that I really, really like them! Since last summer, I’ve taken on another Corn and an adult male Hognose (Toffeebelly) and was shopping Morphmarket for a BEL Ball. I was planning on waiting since all I was seeing were in the $250-400 range and big expos really don’t come to my area and I don’t really care to make a long travel for an expo. Well…I found a breeder with solid reviews selling a baby female for $175, so I decided to pull the trigger on her and will he getting her in about two weeks.

@codygervais995 - 23.02.2025 05:31

Just my opinion but I find corn snakes far more beautiful. The slender bodies the colors and patterning. Plus the way they move is very inquisitive and curious. Anyway my vote would be conditional. If you want living art go with the corn snake. You want to watch a movie while your scaled friend sits on your shoulders get a BP. I see your corn snakes are very easily handled but mine aren't so much, they are certainly not aggressive or anything they are just quick and slender and not very content being still for any significant amount of time like a BP is. So that's my vote and my reasoning.

@samuelwarkentin5343 - 23.02.2025 07:03

corn snakes because they don't fast like ball pythons.

@pineapple5180 - 23.02.2025 08:42

I’ve never had a snake before because Hawai’i laws but I would pick a ballpython if I could. Corns are cool but I want a snake that I chill on the couch with

@ThyriaSharin - 23.02.2025 08:45

When I decided to get a snake, I looked into both corn snakes and ball pythons. In the end, after wandering a reptile expo and handling baby snakes, the corn snakes won my heart. I love the way they feel and the way they move.

@MamaTazz - 23.02.2025 08:54

I have corn snakes, ball pythons, a hognose, a red tail boa and a Dumerils boa. As a beginner snake I would have to say corn snake hands down. Their husbandry is easier, they eat consistently and they are more interactive. My hognose and my ball pythons are painfully picky eaters and it stresses me out!

@treyhorn5645 - 23.02.2025 09:11

That's great info . I have 3 corns my oldest is 9yrs old . Candy Cane is his morph I guess. He's a good boy...

@NotSure876 - 23.02.2025 09:51

Before I watch, I’m saying BPs are better because they’re easier to handle and look cooler and are better sized.Personally I’d say a house snake is the best of both worlds and better than both

@AustralianMakoDog - 23.02.2025 10:41

I've had a variety of snakes including some rare ones but ball pythons will always have my heart. My very 1st snake was a ball python and she just turned 20! I still love her a bunch! I really don't agree with people that say they're boring. I love that they're usually pretty chill and I feel comfortable letting kids handle them. They're just sweet, adorable cuddle noodles.

@SeverusSnape12345 - 23.02.2025 11:27

I got a corn snake. I like that I don't have to try to keep humidity up, which is a nightmare to try to do in the winter here, and they are also absolutely beautiful! She's an Abbott's Okeetee morph and is absolutely gorgeous! She's currently just under 4 ft long. She was kinda shy, but she's been coming out more lately. :D

@beccapenny - 23.02.2025 14:37

BPs are really cute, but I wouldn't want one because they do seem a bit boring and I love my pets to have a bit of spice to them!

@BarbaraHopkins-ji8lf - 23.02.2025 16:25

One category you didn't bring up is their eating habits. I'm sure corns eat better than balls.

@jsd9891 - 23.02.2025 17:18

I have a ball python and a scaleless Texas rat snake, I love both of them I think I might have to agree with this, the rat snake is loads of fun to handle but I can’t trust him to stay in my nephews hands when he wants to try holding him whereas the ball python I’ve had my 2 year old nephew hold without issue
Both of them are amazing

@shannonrobinson262 - 23.02.2025 20:28

They like it hotter than your house….i live in central California and keep my home at 82-84 in the summer. I’m more worried about keeping it cool enough in the summer. We have a Texas rat snake

@BoasandBuffoonery - 23.02.2025 22:33

Obviously the secret 3rd winner is the Boa Constrictor

@EnchantedPythons87 - 23.02.2025 22:39

I'm team Ball Python. None are full grown yet but I love how docile they are. My female is very active at night and is usually out. She also pokes her head out of her hide to see us, and will even come out when I open the door.

@romanyacik138 - 23.02.2025 22:40

I am always more impressed by ball pythons every time I see them, I live in a humid part of the country, where im actually having trouble getting the humidity in a hognose enclousure down to 40%, and i work second shift, so a nocturnal animal is awake when I am. Ball python would probably be the better one for me

@CalcifersCritters - 23.02.2025 23:58

I’d be more inclined to get a corn snake. We had two when I was a child, and as an adult I find myself more drawn to corn snakes than ball pythons. Personally the going off of food that ball pythons have been stereotyped for doing is what has me feeling “eh” about one

@danellescritters - 24.02.2025 02:52

You didn't touch on feeding. :-P Corn snakes are my favorite because I hate the stress of feeding ball pythons. However, I think that what's best is really dependant on whether or not the person wants the slow movements of the ball python or the interaction of a corn snake and whether or not a ball python missing a meal here and there is stressful. 😛

@garg4531 - 24.02.2025 03:51

Imho, they're both great options, but based on my research I'd have to go with corn snakes, at least as far as recommending a first snake for a beginner, since while ball pythons are loved their manageable size and ease of handling, they also have a reputation for being picky eaters

@dana8208 - 24.02.2025 04:55

I like that my ball python is boring haha as someone who needed a low key pet that wouldnt need consistent attention (other than monitoring heat/humidity) our ball python has been great!

@carolinemohler7 - 24.02.2025 05:33

Corn snakes are WONDERFUL! They are sooo easy to keep and sooo personable.

@professorflowers1840 - 24.02.2025 08:23

It's so hard for me to be able to definitively say which is better of these two, just because of a lot of the reasons you mentioned. What size snake do you want? How active? Do you want a fancy morph or are you happy with a normal? Where do YOU live? It all changes my answer of which would be best for you of these two species!

@larimatolaganon4946 - 24.02.2025 09:59

I recently was rehomed a corn snake, and the poor thing is terrified of people and extremely overweight. She's bitten me twice now, not because she is aggressive, but because she is scared. The two corns we bought and have had since babies are the friendliest, chilled snakes out there.

@onioncontrol - 24.02.2025 11:19

I'll say this to anyone watching this video if you thought corn snake is the correct answer for you look into gopher and pine snakes (bull snakes in particular). Gophers/bulls to me are like all the good parts about corn snakes while being way more interesting and engaging to interact with due to their big personalities and fairly high intelligence for a colubrid. Bull snakes also reliably get as long as a ball python and become much bulkier than an adult corn snake. If size makes you want a ball python over a corn snake but find the care and general behavior of a corn snake sounds preferable bull snakes might be perfect for you.

@saracooper1336 - 24.02.2025 11:31

I went with a corn snake as my first snake. I’ve heard ball pythons can be picky eaters and are more likely to go off their food for months at a time. I’ve had my corn for three years now and he’s never missed a meal.

@victoriafreke6751 - 24.02.2025 12:48

And keeping humidity high for ball pythons in the UK especially in the winter when it's raining all the time isn't too difficult. I've got an old Victorian house and keeping moisture out of my house is a trial rather than other way round!

@ChantalsCritters - 24.02.2025 17:14

Great video as always

@alesiawells-l4h - 24.02.2025 23:28

I was born in Whitmire South Carolina

@NoahRoy-c1v - 25.02.2025 00:16

Great video again Adam. Your channel is one of my favourites to watch. Really high quality stuff.

But if I could leave you with a few words:

“It’s colder than a mother-in-law’s heart out here!.”

@RandiMarie_1983 - 25.02.2025 02:56

Definitely should have done a category for eating. Corns hands down eat way easier than balls. Balls are notorious for going on strike and changing from live to frozen can be harder for balls. I am a colubrid gal though so i gotta give it to corns out of these two. Both are great pets

@GeoffOdom-nn4ez - 25.02.2025 06:18

I about to get back into having snakes as pets. Had a common ball when I was a kid and she was awesome. Only struck me a couple of time and both were my fault. Very docile snake. I will probably get a corn this time just for a change up. Great channel.

@westenlewis - 25.02.2025 07:09

are there any small tegus species?

@zparpart - 25.02.2025 07:24

Great Video!

@Seibertz - 26.02.2025 05:11

Getting a pastel clown for my first snake... next week im pumped!

@craigwalker6102 - 26.02.2025 17:41

Very entertaining video, as usual. For newbies, ease of care and behavior are the 3 point categories, so corn snakes by a landslide. For more experienced hobbyist, both are great pets. I have both, and wouldn't give up either. But... My 2 BCI are by far my favorites. Boa's for the win!!
Keep up the good work.

@DerrickaKimmel - 27.02.2025 00:33

I thoroughly researched both corn snakes and ball pythons before deciding that a corn snake would be a better first snake for me. Ended up getting a ball python instead. I have both now, and really believe it is hard to go wrong with either one. I will mention that age is a huge factor to consider. My ball python is nearly a full-grown adult and is bolder, more curious and of course, much more chill with me than my young corn snake.

@Mike_the_Magic_Man - 27.02.2025 07:28

My corn snake tends to be more active during the night

@msladihawk - 27.02.2025 16:12

I have both ball pythons and corn snakes, but I tend to always go to the BPs. The corn tends to be shy, whereas my BPs come to the doors as soon as it’s opened.

@PalmB94 - 28.02.2025 04:53

I have a ball python and my cousin has a corn snake. It's so cool to see all the differences between the two up close. Very different personalities

@SnakeTreasures - 01.03.2025 06:57

I think it mostly boils down to if you want a more interesting and active diurnal snake, or a chill and laid back lap snake. Or you can do what many of us do. Get both!! Everyone needs a daytime and nighttime snake right?!?!?

@bempe3z - 03.03.2025 02:09

where is the best place i can order a baby ball python ???

@willajeankelley5735 - 04.03.2025 06:30

I’ve got both. That’s the easiest choice.

@Pythonaddiction - 06.03.2025 14:32

Great video Adam! As someone who has worked with both species this video shows that there is really something out there for anyone who's looking for a new pet noodle!
Also - great b roll! - Something I need to work on myself LOL.

@CynthiaWest-xc2hd - 06.03.2025 20:43

Have you ever heard a corn about 3 foot long eat a foot and a half milk snake

@ItzDaggerWorks - 07.03.2025 20:08

My favorite pick will always be cornsnakes, my first snake is a cornsnake and the little guy is not even a year old, he's my little baby i love him, he's extremely friendly and i would never replace him for any other snake

@codingwithculp - 07.03.2025 21:28

I've been to both the Carolinas AND Africa and can very much attest to the temperature and humidity difference!

Anyways, I usually recommend corn snakes to most beginners and especially kids (well, their parents) as a good first snake, however, both are great. One of the issues with Ball Pythons can be them going off feed, especially in the winter. This can be disconcerting to a new keeper, and I have met far more ball pythons that are skittish feeders vs corn snakes. Pretty much every corn snake I've met is a voracious feeder.

I do warn people that corn snakes can be a bit nippy and more "aggressive" than your average ball but they tend to calm down with regular handling as a juvenile.

@robertgray9731 - 10.03.2025 00:20

My ball python who I thought was a boy then I learned it was a girl Django is 5ft

@WickensWickedReptiles - 22.02.2025 23:51

Which snake would you get?
