2022 Dive Computer Staff Picks

2022 Dive Computer Staff Picks


2 года назад

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@paulready8897 - 08.10.2022 20:11

Looks like a very low key and personable staff. I’ve been wanting a Teric, but I’m intrigued by the Garmin computer you and your staff were talking about. I definitely will be checking it out.

@ScottUrbach - 08.10.2022 20:31

Can’t say enough about my Garmin MK2i black titanium bracelet. Amazing dive computer and now my daily wear watch with outstanding health and lifestyle features

@wiredblue - 09.10.2022 01:30

very informative, thank you.

@vspd303 - 09.10.2022 14:41

Thanks for taking the time to post this video

@bloodymarvelous4790 - 10.10.2022 09:09

The Mk2i is an amazing dive computer, but very expensive, and I'm not a huge fan of the sonar transmitter. Though the range of the transmitter is fantastic (much better than the radio transmitters other manufacturers use), but I've heard people can hear the high pitched sound of the sonar. And if people can hear it, I'm pretty sure it will disturb marine life who rely on sonar communication as well.

I personally have a Shearwater Perdix AI (1st gen), and love it to bits. Yeah, you can't wear it to dinner, but that's not what I bought it for. I have a (dive) watch I can wear to dinner, and I have a smart phone, so I don't need those functionalities from my dive computer.

@klausschroiff4405 - 10.10.2022 10:50

The showstopper of the PEREGRINE is the lack of a compass. For me, at least.

@diver7799 - 10.10.2022 23:23

Does anyone use consoles anymore? Am I the last Mohican that wont change??

@Riskbreaker2009 - 11.10.2022 11:29

Scubapro Galileo G2 and aladin A2 both are air integrated

@Newa113 - 12.10.2022 05:12

I love my scubapro hud and transmitter.

@UltraReefReseller - 12.10.2022 06:02

Great video. Nice job of pointing out the computers that might be best for folks that need glasses to read stuff up close. Thanks!!

@julianwg92 - 13.10.2022 01:10

Any reviews on the Garmin descent g1 solar ?

@NachoTV - 13.10.2022 09:05

I wish the shearwater had more color cases especially orange 🍊 😫

@ruairidhbulger8514 - 15.10.2022 03:37

Personally, I'd appreciate an opinion of a high end computer for someone who doesn't want to wear it all the time. I want a dive computer to be safe when I'm not diving, not being at the end of my clumsy arms. I'm never going to spend extra money for the other functions I'm not going to use.

@MrTomluft - 20.11.2022 15:01

Thank you for another very informative video!
I'm currently looking into AI computers; specifically the i770R as it is rather inexpensive, features a compass, colored screen, apparently decent battery life etc.
Nobody seems to recommend it, though; it seems as if everyone in the internet is recommending spending a couple hundred $ more and get a "top computer", aka shearwater right away.
Britney shortly mentioned she is actually owning one - are there any obvious caveats I am overseeing with this computer or would it actually be a good pick for a recreational diver wanting to have AI, bluetooth and GTR on the main screen (looking at you, i470TC 😠)?
Here in the EU I can get a i770R for 769€, whereas e.g. a Perdix 2 would cost 1444€ (both including transmitters), which seems to be an overkill for an entry level diver not planning to go tech anytime soon

@ChrisMWilson - 31.12.2022 09:05

We just picked up the Aqualung i330R. It's a nice little unit with a good size coloured screen. Just getting into diving and for the price on sale I think it's hard to beat. Still need to dive it though. Looking forward to it!

@PokeSAR - 29.01.2023 09:05

Love my mk2i. Everyone at my shop uses a perdix 2 except for me.

@macdenvergonzales8513 - 05.05.2023 17:59

Thanks for advice im a divemaster and i pick. Shearwater peregrine i hope its lasts a while..!.😁😁😁😁❤️

@ALRAJHI88 - 29.05.2023 03:45

i have mk2i is best

@wildsurfer12 - 13.08.2023 23:11

This makes me glad I’ve bought a Peregrine!
