How to Approach a Horse

How to Approach a Horse

Utah State University Extension

4 года назад

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@theralendz9136 - 04.09.2020 05:54

An amazing video I just got a horse and this helped a lot thank you very much 😁❤❤❤

@R0jay - 24.12.2020 19:10

Nice vid very useful🤙🏿

@RickyJr46 - 20.01.2021 07:36

Thank you, this was really helpful!

@silenusmeduseon8814 - 21.01.2021 23:20

Nice confirmation.

@learleywells4498 - 11.02.2021 00:45

I think she "willingly" gave you her hind leg is because the first one felt so good and better to her that she didn't hesitate to give you her other leg to get all that gunk out of her hoof. lol!! If she could speak, she would probably say, "Ahhhhh, that feels much better." lol!!! :)

@jmitterii2 - 17.02.2021 02:37

I can now get a job cleaning horse hooves.

@papis_dad1847 - 07.04.2021 03:50

She is so beautiful

@gweiloxiu9862 - 16.05.2021 07:02

Until a person has a working understand of horse behavior, I think it takes massive balls to even approach an animal that totally outclasses you in strength and size.

@virginiamoss7045 - 21.07.2021 05:56

You're blocking what you are doing with your hand when cleaning the hooves. The camera operator should have come on around so we can see what you are doing.

@gerrycoleman7290 - 20.08.2021 20:07

Good horsemen do not speak when they are around horses. Humans speak when communicating. Horse use body language to communicate with each other. To be effective with horses, humans use their body language to communicate with the horses. We need to learn the horse's language to effectively communicate.

@gerrycoleman7290 - 20.08.2021 20:09

That horse sure could use the hooves trimmed.

@briannondahlke2763 - 14.09.2021 23:03

This was amazingly helpful since I started working at a stable!

@dorothymerrell6091 - 17.10.2021 14:49

She is gorgeous.

@karlthorsten9118 - 19.10.2021 06:12

Used to ride myself, a horse at the stables was like Fritz the horse in Django Unchained: he responded when greered, head bow and all. Unusually clever, understood a lot of words, more than is usual, and helped when anyone was gonna ride him. Pulled in his belly for the saddle belt to make it easier for us, purät his head into the bit eagerly, and more. And he wasn't trained, he just learned and paid attention.
Sadly, he passed away about 16 years ago, at the age of 39.
I was the last to ride him. I still miss him.

@attentionlabel - 16.02.2022 00:38

Hi, does this work with cougars? A cougar is trying to eat me

@clayoreilly4553 - 21.02.2022 22:35

Very nice mare. She's a beaut!

@bobbybrooks4826 - 28.02.2022 22:56

You don't need to know much that's special about horses everything he says is the same for all animals.... The only changes are those that relate to each animals capabilities... Your not going to treat a blind cave fish like a sighted animal... And , on the less obvious end, you don't treat a monkey like a human.. Many people do this thinking that these aborial animals live on the ground like them and have muscles that can do what we can even as ours can't do what theirs do

@bobbybrooks4826 - 28.02.2022 23:09

So I guess for us we have binocular vision at zero degrees ?? and then manage something way less than a 350 degree field of view maybe 170 degrees with 100 of it periferal and that peripheral is not that acute

@bobbybrooks4826 - 28.02.2022 23:16

If the horse has a blind spot in front of it then does it turn it's head or not to get into seeing binocular

@lrg613 - 02.03.2022 17:00

I worked retraining horses off the racetrack in my 30s. One day, I was told to work with another new rescue. I had to get into a very small stall with a giant thoroughbred named Frankenstein. First, I introduced myself and scratched his head and neck. After he seemed calm and accepting, I gingerly entered the stall with barely enough room for my body and his. I was pretty scared as I could get crushed if he wanted to. I continued to scratch and talk to him. Repeat for days. Poor guy was stuck in a tiny stall! So, I took him out to a small paddock to lunge. He was doing great - so willing to do as asked! Then, I noticed someone left a long whip in the sand and - stupid me - picked it up so I wouldn’t step on it. Frankie freaked! He screamed and jerked - did everything BUT buck and kick. Dragged me around because I wouldn’t let go of the lunge line for fear he would run into the fence even though I had dropped the whip. Frankie finally stopped screaming and calmed down just a little before the owner finally appeared, hearing the commotion. Seeing me disheveled and the horse panting, he grabbed the whip and was going after Frankie! Frankie was stopped along the barn wall so I put my body against his, arms spread across his body as a shield, and quickly explained it wasn’t his fault. He’s terrified of whips!! Everyone was told never pick up a whip around Frankie and he always behaved as a gentleman after that. I had to move a few months later but think about Frankie often, hoping no one every abused him again and he enjoyed the rest of his life because he really was a wonderful horse! I later owned a seven-year-old retired race horse who was not abused - we called him Big Dog because he was so gentle. But, many thoroughbreds are horribly abused!! If you can, join a rescue group and just bring them some love! It will be the most rewarding experience you can imagine!!

@mwansamackay2351 - 04.03.2022 21:41

I’m here cause they said I should approach girls like this

@nortromsilencer2997 - 11.03.2022 19:02

Her fur is shining

@pascalg16 - 07.05.2022 11:33

WOOOOAHH, eaasyy. You're alright girl

@surffboard1095 - 14.05.2022 03:46

I started going around horses in my 20s. To this day in my mid 30s I had no idea of any risk. I go up to distant horses to acknowledge them of myself. They come up to me I speak to them in a HIGHT Tone quietly as I was raised around my grandmother. I feed Stanger horses all the time. Never one has been rude. I feed them apples raisins cantaloupe scraps. They seem to like raisins cantaloupe more.

@Turboy65 - 23.05.2022 21:42

When a predator stalks prey, the predator is as silent as possible. Being somewhat noisy around a horse is a good way of telling the horse that you are not a predator.

I prefer to introduce to a new horse, if it is calm and curious, by going nose to nose and trading breath with them. In horse language, this is a polite greeting. This has always served me well.

@colinbateman8233 - 07.06.2022 04:26

Good solid information

@kuro3864 - 08.06.2022 04:29

I was at work and I went up to 2 horses. I was so amazed by how amazing they are and how intimidating they are up close but at the same time so gentle and calm.

@wajdiamayreh930 - 10.08.2022 22:29

Very useful video. Thank you very much. I bought a horse a month ago but she seems to kick at times. How can I deal with this problem and how can I train her?

@alyssa1829 - 26.09.2022 01:56

This video is very helpful! I don't know too much about horses but soon I'm going to start working at a stable with horses so watching videos like this helps me feel better prepared. She is such a pretty horse!

@JJadx - 28.09.2022 22:33

i kept approaching horses like i do with cats. turns out horses are kinda the exact opposite.
hilarious to me now that some horses still happily said hi. prob used to dumb*sses haha.

@woodendoor2719 - 27.10.2022 08:47

For a second I thought he said 'Karl Hooves'.

@shreenidhimohanraj5163 - 31.10.2022 13:57

Thank you for this video.. there was a stray horse roaming around near my neighborhood.. he had a wound in the left ear so I wanted to approach the horse and tie it so that I can get it treated. Watching this video gave me the confidence to approach the horse and tie it. Horses are so gentle and calm, yet they are also intimidating at times.

@alexwaugh5521 - 19.11.2022 00:20

What kind of horse is she

@Franklin-pc3xd - 21.01.2023 20:17

Wait just one blessed moment here!! How in God's name are we talking about "how to approach a horse" here with a handler already holding the horse on a halter line? This needs to be revised to demonstrating the approach when the horse is at liberty. This is like a video entitled "how to cook a soufflé" showing a person sitting at the table being served a plate of puffed eggs.

@Jmassey95 - 23.02.2023 19:35

I met a horse today, he was unbelievably friendly and as soon as I put my hand on his head he put his head on my shoulder and just let me talk to him and stroke him, was a surreal experience and I just wanna work with them now

@latorafitz - 22.03.2023 16:03

Does That Hurt When You Pick There Feet

@SuperCabrito14 - 22.04.2023 21:52

Great video, beautiful horse
