the theory it is to cover the taste of bad food seems still true in china Cantonese cuisines. Cantonese cuisine 粤菜emphasise on original taste 原汁原味 . using chilli defeat that purpose. hence the Cantonese people seldom use chilli and is still widely known to be people with the least tolerant to chilli in the whole china.
ОтветитьAre you still perpetuating the myth that Columbus thought he was in India, as in the subcontinent? No, he thought he was in the Indies.
ОтветитьWhy not go to Mexico thats where the chilis originated
ОтветитьMajority of us is actually masochist
ОтветитьTbh columbus was kinda dumb
ОтветитьWraptor taco lol😂
ОтветитьSo we showed up in India right and they started murdering us, so we went down the coast a ways. Geez 😂
ОтветитьI thought u were going to say chilis came from Kenya 😂
By the way Ecuador, Brazil,Bolivia people don't eat chilis
Chilis are from Mexico ,get your facts straight
First time viewer here, awesome video! Do you have a recipe for La Zi Ji? It looks amazing and I want to make it!
ОтветитьAre they a couple?
ОтветитьSo this has nothing to do with the band?
ОтветитьAs An Indonesian, Without Spices And The Chilli Pepper, My Life Loses A LOT Of Its Meaning.
ОтветитьHottest food I ever ate was in Thailand, back in 86 traveled from Bangkok to Phetchabun and Chang Mai, AND MY MOUTH STILL HURTS!!!
Ответитьi am indian nd i eat very spicy food that doctor told me to tone it down ....and it's not easy at all 😭 nothing taste good with less chilli 😞
Ответитьclick bait title
20 years???
Sportscaster in Virginia? What part? I guess I haven't been following long enough to have known that! I live outside DC.
ОтветитьI've always eaten spicy (whole jalapenos raw spicy) but when I had the hottest pack of buldack ramen I too had an epiphany that food could be THAT extreme life was so intense for a moment and I fell deeper in love with spicy peppers. My pepper garden is nuts
ОтветитьIndian History - Sangam Period (300 BCE–300 CE):
During this period, food habits became more refined, incorporating ingredients like coconut, green chilies, and spices such as cumin and turmeric, which are central to an age-old recpie called Puzhukku.
Sangam literature mentions boiled and mashed tubers as part of regular diets, especially for agricultural communities.
The Portugese brought several types of chillies to the Indian sub-continent. And, there are older and recorded food practices and recipies containing green chillies still followed in India.
Man I love learning about things
ОтветитьAmazing amazing documentaries!
ОтветитьMilk 😘 helps stop or calm the burn in your mouth. Buttermilk, if you can get it, but milk NOT water.
Greetings from Texas ☆♡
We have our own native indigenous chillies so this doesn't necessarily mean that most of the chillies originated from America,
ОтветитьThere are Chile and there are Peppers. Peppers were from India and Mesopotamia, Chile had it’s origin in Bolivia (the DNA study of all modern Chile/Chili can be traced to that region. The Mayans and Aztecs acquired Chile and incorporated it into their diet. When Cortes defeated the Aztec Empire after 1522 he brought Chile back to Spain offering as a substitute for Indian peppers and paprika but it didn’t spread throughout Europe till much later. As The Spanish Empire grew it was introduced to the Philipines and then found it’s way to China and Korea. Korean Kimchi was originally spiced with a species of edible holly berries then chile was introduced to what they have today. In 1598 Don Juan de Onate brought Spanish and Mexican Indians to colonize New Mexico and They brought the seeds with them and introduced it to the Pueblos. After the Pueblo Indian revolt in 1680 then the eventual reconquista of 1694, Don Diego de Vargas brought the Spanish families along with Tlascalan Indians, and settlers in Northern New Spain (Mexico) back to Santa Fe and resettled the Espanoles Mexicanos (Spanish and Aztec) from the valley of Mexico (Texcuco) to Santa Cruz de la Canada where they farmed the heritage seeds that are still planted and sold in powder in Santuario de Chimayo today. The spelling Chile is the one that is used in New Mexico and any other spelling is not original like “Chili” in Texas, Arizona, California, etc. The word is Nahuatl that is infused in the Spanish Language of New Mexico, like Tamale, Posole, Punche, Agave, Choche, Atole, Mague. Good reading of Historical events of the time can be found in Bernadino de Sahagun, The Conquest of Mexico, La Historia de la Nueva Mejico (The History of New Mexico) Gaspar Pérez de Villagrá 1610.
ОтветитьAbsolutely wonderful video... Thank you
ОтветитьTell Daria that the solution to spicy food is cold milk. Yogurt works too.
ОтветитьLove spicy heat. But as I was told by my German colleague, "It's always spicy twice" (Es ist immer zweimal scharf!) 😭 🚽
ОтветитьWhat an indian thing to do
ОтветитьJungle curry! The best!
ОтветитьKool nerd. Delicious
ОтветитьKampot paper is the best!
ОтветитьAnything spicy and hot is ❤ in my tummy. I am British South African born but live in New Zealand. My food makes Indians sweat 😂 seriously a natural high. The only hot chilli I struggled with was Carolina Reaper, I had a plant. Loved your docco's so much that I am now a new subscriber
ОтветитьThank you Columbus. Greatest influencer on the world cuisine.
ОтветитьRed hot Chili peppers 🌶️
ОтветитьJust admit it europeans did it better than all of yous and we still do
Ответитьcold dead eyes of a killer
ОтветитьI will never forget my taste of Laziji
ОтветитьShout out to Pueblo CO Chili, the Marisol, the pepper doesn’t grow “down” but up towards “up” to the sun. Respect to Hatch NM chili, still the King/Queen.
ОтветитьHe had renaissance maps from the fall of Constantinople that showed the Americas. He came looking for resources and spices etc. Not India.
ОтветитьVideo underestimates Hispano contribution to Chile culinary culture And small correction: unlike England, Spain established but for the most part but did not plunder native colonies.
ОтветитьIn Tunisia we love spicy food so much, Our Harissa is a testament to our love for Chili Pepper. Shout out to the early global trade that brought us this wonderful ingredient.
ОтветитьLos Gentes en (or in ) Dios or the people in God and they got en Dios or today Indian Columbus knew how big the Earth was and knew he hadn't made it to India. If he was going to name him after what he thought was India he would have called them hindustanians because India was called Hindustan.
ОтветитьChili Peppers 🌶️ change the cooking game from all cultures and continents. Originated to the Americas but now is Global.
As a spicy eater this is the best plant for man.
Yes there was a time when The Old World didn’t eat Chili Hot Peppers.