Investigating The Claims Of Psychics | DOUBLE EPISODE | Derren Brown

Investigating The Claims Of Psychics | DOUBLE EPISODE | Derren Brown

Derren Brown

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@CoconutPete. - 22.01.2024 21:47

What a right twat Joe is! Thank you for your amazing work, Derren!

@THINKINGCAPZ369 - 22.01.2024 20:48


@THINKINGCAPZ369 - 22.01.2024 20:46


@Godsvessel4truth - 22.01.2024 20:42

33 mins in guy asks to use the bathroom (or the lou, lol), and he does this to look at her pill bottles to get her name and info from the net or dark web. Then pretends to know so called "facts" about her and other people he also does this scam to. I would've put someone else's medicine bottles in the bathroom and then let him make a fool out of himself lol

@blump5080 - 22.01.2024 15:38

"Does that make sense" haha

@Tater4200 - 22.01.2024 12:40

😂😂😂😂😂 we researched all that physcic crap back in the 40s and 50s rooskie.. sooo..CATCH UP

@Tater4200 - 22.01.2024 12:00

I just cannot believe in a afterlife man.. it doesnt make ANY..SENSE.. 1st. We arent THAT special.. i mean we are SMART apes. We EVOLVED. Its not a theory..its a FACT.. theory is ONLY in the name because we dont have every single little piece of the puzzle.. we are still missing the corners....but we have the center filled out. We know what the main picture is. I cant imagine my ancestor the fish floating off to a "heavenly realm" to smile and look down on his fishly family... its just magic man. Its a pacifier for adults that are afraid of the fact. That when we do die. We LOOSE EVERYTHING...even our memories. Even ourself.. and its a scary SCAARRY fkn thought. I wrestled with it a LONG TIME. For 25 years i was a "christian".. but i got tired of lying TO MYSELF...forcing myself to believe in literall impossibilities. Its easier to believe IF YOU DONT READ THE BOOK.....maaaaan once i read that book... I knew...its all bull. Then my brother died.. who was basically my twin...i felt nothing. Not a whisper...a flick..a tingle..nada..heard nothing.. then my best friend shoots himself...same thing.. just NOTHINGNESS.. then I met a older man that had died from a heart attack and been brought back. He told me that he TOLD HIS FAMILY that he seen mother "mary" in a open field and talked to her. But said he made it up. To comfort his mother. He said he really saw nothing. He said one second he was awake. Fell asleep. Then felt like a blink he was awake again. Felt like he slept 10 hours. Said he died for over 4 mins.. theres just far too many inconsistencies and contradictions in the book. People dont live to be 800 years old. Never have. Bushes dont speak...snakes dont speak..donkeys dont speak.. people dont rise from the dead en mass... oceans dont split.. main thing. MAGIC ISNT REAL... theres more evidence telling me that there nothing...than telling me theres something.. and if a "all powerful all good all knowing omnipresent GOD" cant give me A SINGLE CLEAR SIGN.......that he exsist... then he is not as described...... cant be...rant over i reckon

@jondemoyne7253 - 22.01.2024 05:00

Her mums talking about a Paul... but he doesn't know what? So what the hells she saying then? Just "Paul". All he's looking for is hits. Thats all. No substance, no facts, no information... just hits.

@rippershammer2302 - 22.01.2024 04:00

I disliked that guy Joe within two minutes of seeing him. What a pathetic con artist scumbag. Glad Darren showed him as the charlatan he is.

@calamityqueen6148 - 21.01.2024 23:31

I mean the name though....Joe Powers🤮😅

@theunemployedtrucker - 21.01.2024 18:48

What a massive insult and a horrible way to mess with blind people, I'm sure it's just heightening all the other senses that people have because without eye's you can't see and im sure any medical professionals would say the same.

@theunemployedtrucker - 21.01.2024 18:42

Ahhh poor Joe he's been proved a pathetic fraud on national television and has spat his dummy out because he's made himself look like a massive TWAT 😂😂😂

@theunemployedtrucker - 21.01.2024 18:39

Why does Joe always want to use his customers toilet before he speaks to them ??????
Has he got some deviant habit where he goes round sniffing bog seats.
It's obvious Joe is a fake it's not hard to guess that someone of a certain age will have lost their parents and he's trying to force information on people that makes no sense and then trying to make out it's their fault they can't remember, he's full of shit 😂😂😂

@theunemployedtrucker - 21.01.2024 18:21

I don't get how Joe says he tells people facts when everything derren said to that woman from holyoaks was true, so there for FACTS 😊😊
PLUS Joe could use Facebook or other social media sites to find out stuff about his customers, personally i don't believe he can speak to the dead i think it's rather sick to mess with people's minds and emotions to extort money from them , i mean how do these frauds know that what they have said to someone could push them into suicide or committing a crime.
Playing with people's minds and emotions is a very dangerous game to be playing.

@user-bt5zy3xf1h - 21.01.2024 13:05

They are all fake

@Dierdre_Barlow - 21.01.2024 10:51

Always goes to the loo to look for clues first 🤣

@Dierdre_Barlow - 21.01.2024 10:31

Smarmy narcissistic energy from the "psychic". He's obsessed with energies....

@Hmmm63639 - 21.01.2024 05:08

😂 😂 the matrix Wtaf how stupid is that guy 😂 and the name of person very secret info 😂 😂 thanks to Daren brown for shining light on these clowns

@thesouthafrican1 - 20.01.2024 22:42

He goes to the toilet first probably looking at photos along the way

@dr_ned_flanders - 20.01.2024 20:45

Well one thing is true, the Bronnikov method is bollocks.

@dr_ned_flanders - 20.01.2024 20:23

Why does he need to go the loo in every house? Maybe the spirits are stronger in the toilet. All mediums are charlatans preying on the vulnerable. There is no evidence for believing otherwise and they always fail when put to the test under scientific conditions.

@MightyChoctaw - 20.01.2024 18:02

I'm getting the word... 'nonce'.

@VivienneMarsden-ky6or - 19.01.2024 23:48

Joe has destroyed a lot of peoples lives and faith.shame on him😢

@VivienneMarsden-ky6or - 19.01.2024 23:42

Joe power is fake😂😂😂😂

@VivienneMarsden-ky6or - 19.01.2024 23:41

Darren Brown is the real thing.❤ Darren Brown.❤ from Dublin Ireland.

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 10:27

I guess if he was psychic he would have already known that right

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 10:19

Oh I should just shut up but I'm going to say one last thing I completely believe there are people that are psychic but they would not use that ability for what this man is doing!🤔

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 10:17

Funny he said a dog wouldn't take that test no a dog wouldn't because a dog is 100% they don't lie they don't manipulate they love.

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 10:13

I don't know maybe I shouldn't be angry about this because it helps some people get through tragedy in their families but at the same time I can't help it be very angry with this man

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 10:07

He really should be ashamed! Real psychics don't do this and they dang sure don't do it for money!

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 09:48

Well pretty much you could find out anything he just said online!

@scapelaine4529 - 19.01.2024 09:13

Real psychics would never do this

@WadeWilsonDP - 19.01.2024 01:45

The fact that Derren asked to use the restroom right away and the "psychic" did the same thing is interesting.

@formerarcadian8167 - 18.01.2024 23:12

And it is terminal

@The_Tundra_ - 18.01.2024 19:05

Joe Power (ironic name) why are his pupils so dilated, is he ok? :(

@scratchy1704 - 18.01.2024 16:34

What a child having a tantrum when being called out 😂.

@stormriderkaos - 18.01.2024 09:21

The issue is that people WANT to believe in miracles, which makes them very susceptible to seeing "proof." I have a friend who was very vulnerable and spent 40 years in a cult called Jehovah's Witnesses who had him believing many bizarre things despite zero evidence for any of it. Thankfully he is recovering now but it's no stretch to say it stole over half of his life.

@stormriderkaos - 18.01.2024 08:54

"You saw her pull up in a Mini" . . . "I can't believe you'd stoop so low [to expose me as a complete fraud]." He's not even a good faker! His name should be Low Power.

@stormriderkaos - 18.01.2024 08:33

I've always known psychics are nonsense: if it were real we would all know about it as a thing (not a suspect, dodgy, sort-of, maybe thing). Same with Sky Daddy (a.k.a. god). James Randy already showed us psychics and "magic" is poppycock.

@emrysmeek440 - 18.01.2024 04:41

The grand finale a very generous serving of Russian bull shit.

@rachelputney5243 - 18.01.2024 04:11

Of course he does research. I thought when this fraud was doing certain readings “giving information” most of his what he was mentioning would be public information. Maybe he knows someone who works for DMV or highway patrol because most information given was in relation to a vehicle. Also when he talks about the woman driving the mini car, he obviously saw her in the parking lot, but then he makes a horrible mistake and says something about an affair, which was totally inappropriate & inaccurate. He let his pride & ego get in the way & exposed himself as a fraud. He also mentioned something about that the host of the show would not know what a connected person experiences who is able to see these different realms & that only one does who possesses such gifts can tell whether another possesses it as well & that is very TRUE. He wouldn’t know either. Because he does NOT possess the gift. He must of had these exact words said to him by someone who does possess such gifts. And that’s why he’s so angrily hurled these words at you.

@dogbog99 - 18.01.2024 00:04

There is only one spirit world… and that is of the chemical called DMT which occurs naturally in the brain or can be smoked. Research this.

@silentgiz - 17.01.2024 23:15

Absolute 🐂💩

@pointblancfrance - 17.01.2024 22:29

ahhhh, what was in the box?????? :)

@Gazzlewazzle - 17.01.2024 17:36

Using the uro-genital system, taking the piss in other words then?

@Gazzlewazzle - 17.01.2024 17:28

Yeah, using a science FICTION film as a base point is so smart 🤣 the Bollockoff method.

@Gazzlewazzle - 17.01.2024 17:14

Look at his micro movements in the pub, when Derek asks if he’s a fake, he says ‘I am not a fake’ he actually nods his head, it’s a micro movement but he nods which is in contradiction to his verbal answer.

@Gazzlewazzle - 17.01.2024 16:58

They come from the spirit world to get a name wrong 🤣

@Gazzlewazzle - 17.01.2024 16:57

I’m getting a ‘B’, it’s quite strong here, BOLLOX.

@blocky2005 - 17.01.2024 15:11

I can talk to the dead at anytime.. I'm best there is... pity they don't talk to me
