Hair Loss Treatments For Men (According To Science)

Hair Loss Treatments For Men (According To Science)


3 года назад

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Daniel - 12.10.2023 21:17

I used finasteride + minoxidil... and it did nothing.

Famous Narzary
Famous Narzary - 12.10.2023 10:56

since 2 months i am facing hair fall

Shari Harris
Shari Harris - 08.10.2023 06:33

Men loss hair because they use hot hot shower on the top of their head. Hot water kills the roots on people head. If you notice old photos from 1950 you see people have their hair, they took warmer shower.

Mr. MSc Nutrition
Mr. MSc Nutrition - 24.09.2023 20:57

Make video on future stem cell treatment for hair loas

Khan Faisal
Khan Faisal - 22.09.2023 18:57

Life is too short to just think about hair loss. Just embrace it.

ak_rajput8866 - 22.09.2023 01:00

I've faced a great deal of hair fall since many years ago. As someone suggested here, the antihairfall kit from littleextraa coconioon is the only solution that really helped with my hair fall. Neem-infused comb helped too, but make sure to use the authentic neem comb only and avoid fake ones. I put on the natural oil on a weekly basis and leave it for the night and wash it off with shampoo hair cleanser and hair conditioner, and then detangle my hair with a neem wood comb.
This overall routine got good results for hair fall control.

Wilhuff Tarkin
Wilhuff Tarkin - 21.09.2023 23:35

Im 24 and i already have the 2 airstrips on my head.

My great grandfather had this too

The Fit Idiot
The Fit Idiot - 11.09.2023 19:07

Fuck it, i'm going to turkey to get hair. I don't care.

The Fit Idiot
The Fit Idiot - 11.09.2023 19:06

Fuck it, i'm going to turkey to get hair. I don't care.

Dool Nath
Dool Nath - 08.09.2023 02:54

What about microneedling? Lots of research showed positive result even out performing monoxidil (study comparing microneedling with or without Monoxidil).

Its not genetics but the bloodflow and nutrients that needs to get there. Our bodies handle stress differently (check out how cortisol, magnesium and DHT is produced during stress and what nutrients gets prioritized).

rajnirajni - 06.09.2023 14:02

My regime which aided me to control hair fall:
1) Taking 5-7 curry leaves in the very morning on an empty stomach following 2 glassfuls of water but before doing my morning brush.
2) Taking four overnight soaked almonds in the morning.
3) Incorporating 1 carrot with my salad with lunchtime.
4) Sipping on butter milk straight following lunch.
5) Eating one raw Indian gooseberry soaked in turmeric about three hours post lunch before sun set.
6) Applying only a soft and mild hair shampoo, conditioner, and hair oil derived from coconuts as well as onion from this brand Littleeextraa cocooonion hair fall prevention kit. In addition to this, I refrain from using anything else on mine hair.

I've visibly grown my hair by 3-4 inches in length.

Araahan Monga
Araahan Monga - 28.08.2023 17:44

am only 13 bro and scared

Adi Ghosh
Adi Ghosh - 26.08.2023 18:32


mohamad soltani nezamabadi
mohamad soltani nezamabadi - 23.08.2023 23:07

lei and lei ........, don't use finasteride, a sexual side effect of this is permanent and isn't just for a small number of people.

LordGandor3 - 19.08.2023 19:37

Chemical pharmaceuticals are designed to have have toxic side effects including vac scenes that contain hormone disruptors & a cell line from an aborted female fetus. It's no wonder so many males look physically effeminate. My vet told me vac scenes can cause numerous types of Cancers. The fact is vac scenes have never prevented diseases. There never was a Polio virus, the chemicals in DDT caused paralysis so when they banned DDT Forrest Gump began to get better. They fear people into taking vac scenes & other toxic pharmaceuticals. The "Healthcare" system is really a Healthkill system for population control

GB STUDIO - 13.08.2023 12:46


Noro Simon
Noro Simon - 13.08.2023 08:42

Can't believe this video doesn't mention scalp massages, when this is one of the most effective way to regrow hair.
Even for balding people.

Sinan Mohammad Nahian
Sinan Mohammad Nahian - 08.08.2023 22:20

I don't understand one single thing.
People go to the moon, Do open heart surgery, but cant cure hair loss problems in this modern age!

Bogking Humphrey
Bogking Humphrey - 08.07.2023 20:29

Im only 19 yo and my hair looks thin already and you could even se my scalp maybe its beacause of high stress levels and im planning on taking minoxidyl

Double Clutch Auto Reviews
Double Clutch Auto Reviews - 27.06.2023 19:47

Awesome info. I’m just going to try Rogaine, and see how that goes. Thank you!

Adnan Khan
Adnan Khan - 12.06.2023 00:31

How can you say that dietry supliments do not help in hairloss?

DASH SMASH - 28.05.2023 10:40

Hairline receding at 18, I have long blonde hair and it’s seriously a huge bummer to watching it go away

peter guy
peter guy - 26.05.2023 18:19

Cristal clear explanations

Rollisimo - 23.05.2023 21:22

I have try`d a lot but the topical spray from HIMS with finasterid + minoxidil worked best for me. After a few month with 0 sideeffects I am very happy with the results!!!

DeVitman - 21.05.2023 16:34

At 17 I started losing my hair
In half a year I lost most of my hairline and all the hait looked really thin
At 18 my hair started thinning further
Now, at 19 I have almost my whole scalp bald

Christopher Schemer
Christopher Schemer - 21.05.2023 02:23

PRP Please 👍🏼

Jacob Carlito
Jacob Carlito - 20.05.2023 20:35

I've tried everything to get my hair to grow back, but nothing seems to be working. I was about to give up hope when I stumbled upon this amy grow herbal hair oil. I'm so glad I gave it a try because of the good review. My hair looks better than ever now.

Ultimate_ΛCΞЯΛCΞЯ (SK0ЯΞ) - 16.05.2023 15:50

I'm 17 and I don't have any genetic hair Loss problem in my family. But I'm here to see how can I keep my hair from thinning in the future and keep long and beautiful hair till I die. This video helped a lot.

anti hair loss
anti hair loss - 08.05.2023 23:13

My result on my Channel

IllésVelkei - 27.04.2023 21:04

Its a natural process as you grow older... But im 16 bro💀

Andrea Encarnacion
Andrea Encarnacion - 26.04.2023 02:55

this occurs because men testosterone levels are depleted hence its a reflection of hair loss just like how females have menopause because they have less eggs estrogen progesterone levels are depleted hence comes with menopause, wrinkles, dry skin etc

ever notice majority of men that are bald tend to have issues conceiving a child? unless his partner is very fertile it helps, but yeah thats that.

don't u notice the medicine will increase testosterone levels? hope this helps

Motiar Khan
Motiar Khan - 23.04.2023 06:30


Brandon Davilai
Brandon Davilai - 22.04.2023 11:12

Last year I saw a dermatologist who wasn’t very helpful about my hair loss. I was clearly worried about it, but he kept saying there was nothing I can do after looking at my scalp for a couple of seconds. He then told me I could take midoxinal and finesteride but started laughing when he said I could get man boobs as a potential side effect. I kept asking him other options and he kept saying ‘it’s genetic, so there’s no point’ without explaining why. He even started laughing when I asked if I could get a testosterone test and went on with his ‘it’s genetic, so there’s no point’. I got one and never got the results back.

I’ve taken better care of my hair since last year and have felt a little more confident in growing it out. I’ve been taking biotin/using some shampoos and have noticed some baby hairs that look more like I shaved that part of my head rather than hair loss. I want to find another dermatologist and get a second opinion, but I’m so scared because of the experience I had with the first one.

LOLBLOODRED - 21.04.2023 17:54

I was losing my hair when I was 18 already. You could already visibly look through my relatively long hair by the time I was 19. By accident at an event, an acquaintance told me about his success story with it (which is now 10 years ago), so I went to my dermatologist and demanded Finasteride as well. After almost 10 years of taking this, I still have a full head of hair (what I had lost regrew I suppose as my hair follicles didn't die completely yet). I personally have no side effects so for me this was and is a godsent.

BAD ABHAY - 19.04.2023 20:30


Zachary Walker
Zachary Walker - 16.04.2023 18:59


Venom - 01.04.2023 19:09

Minoxidil DOES NOT stop hair loss. Miniaturization continues.

Rizzwan Ali
Rizzwan Ali - 24.03.2023 21:13

I am only 16 and my scalp is visible from many spots of hair only in 1 year i lost all the thickness pls tell me if I will actually go bald in another year or so

Life with Chris
Life with Chris - 22.03.2023 22:26

I got a hair transplant back in October, the best decision ever!

ADISH PUBG - 21.03.2023 22:41

Like this now

Leo Cheng
Leo Cheng - 18.03.2023 08:16

Just started looking into this, what about Ketoconazole shampoo? Seems like the least intrusive option but i'm guessing it's not as effective as finasteride or minoxidil?

Crock Gaming
Crock Gaming - 15.03.2023 22:31

The scammer mr zarbon😂

MisteryStories - 09.03.2023 14:09

Everything the pharmacy offers for hair growth
is pure crap when compared to what MrZarbon has.

ExecutorTop - 09.03.2023 14:09

I used MrZarbon's product before anyone knew about it.
I am glad that more and more people are using his recipes because they are phenomenal.
That man changed my life and I will never forget that.

Nicholas Zmaj
Nicholas Zmaj - 09.03.2023 14:08

I started with Zarbon's recipe last month and I'm already seeing super natural results.
I have never seen anything like it in my life. The best thing for me is that this recipe is
totally natural and has no side effects.

Dr. Madison Soley
Dr. Madison Soley - 09.03.2023 14:08

There is a village in Russia where everyone has perfect hair.
When they were doing research to discover this phenomenon,
absolutely none of the locals wanted to reveal the recipe or
anything about it. I think that these are the same recipes
that mrzarbon uses because they do some mind blowing things

Dev Shah
Dev Shah - 06.03.2023 12:49

I have always been skeptical about hair growth, I was almost convinced that it is impossible to grow hair back once it falls out. However, at my university where I am a professor, one student regained his hair in a couple of days, I literally could not recognize him when I saw him. At first I thought it was a wig, because this guy had no hair at all until 7 days ago. However, the other students who hang out with him say that some man on ig gave him an ancient secret recipe to regrow his hair. I really am still in disbelief. It's unbelievable that a guy who was almost bald 7 days ago, is now walking around with hair on his head. Fascinating.
