16th Baithak - Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan "Legend of Hazrat Amir Khusro" - Part 2

16th Baithak - Ustad Iqbal Ahmed Khan "Legend of Hazrat Amir Khusro" - Part 2

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@jawedhassan467 - 27.12.2020 17:17

It was tragic Ustad Iqbal Khan passed away on 7th December 2020, very untimely and at so young age of 66...May Allah rest his soul in peace and grant him maghfeerat, Ameen

@safyan9442 - 31.12.2020 23:32

Condolences to the Master. Your art and legacy will live with us forever.

@anandbaride1766 - 27.01.2021 21:51


@bedobratachatterjee9390 - 05.02.2021 14:27

Everyone should watch at least 3 Baithaks of Pt parikh ji's Baithak series -1. Taalyogi pt Suresh Talwalkar Ji's Baithak 2. Pt Ajoy Chakrabarty Ji's Baithak & this Video.
Just awesome & Respectfully Pranam to pt Arvind ji❤️🙏

@ayaziiibaloch9016 - 14.02.2021 14:09

Khan sub ap se bhoot kuch sikne ko mila

@ayaziiibaloch9016 - 14.02.2021 15:13

Khan sub ap pe Qurban o na chatha hu

@hassanaskari5182 - 22.02.2021 05:47

Wah subhaan allah kia baat hai

@hassanaskari5182 - 22.02.2021 12:35

کیا بات ہے فقیر منش اور درویش گائیک کی اللہ پاک آپ کی مغفرت فرمائے اور آپ کو اپنے جوار رحمت میں جگہ عطا فرمائے اور آپ کے محبوب سے ملادے آمین ثم آمین یارب العالمین

@hassanaskari5182 - 22.02.2021 12:40

دہلی گھرانہ کے درخشندہ ستارے ہیں آپ
دہلی گھرانہ کے علم کے امین اور خزانہ تھے جن سے ہم محروم ہو گئے ہیں

@animeshamber627 - 07.03.2021 18:56

great music and musician

@AnilTheTablaArtist - 27.04.2021 21:28

बहुत ही सुंदर

@vikaskherwal2611 - 08.06.2021 02:52


@shakeelAhmedKhan78 - 30.06.2021 23:08

no recording quality ,endless talking between . request to upload some pure singing bcoz you r tremendously talented

@inar684 - 25.09.2021 23:21

Baap re baap, adbhut

@ravindrashinde2294 - 19.10.2021 02:32

Nice hand moments 😘 while singing

@parikshitacharya8030 - 26.10.2021 11:03

Ustad ji ka majak bana rakha hai kya samja hai ek artist ko

@mjsemailid - 08.01.2022 05:58

I have had the good fortune of personally listening to this legend in multiple private baithaks. His command over the notes and his singing was simply mesmerizing. Also heard him in Sanfrancisco. His bhakti geet that he started with was another piece that would take you into a trance!
He would sing Begum Akhtar and also Ranjish Hee Sahi.... listening to his renditions were to die for!
My sincere gratitude to his family.
He also had a tabla accompanist, who was absolutely fantastic, in singing qawwalis as well.

@deepakpandit101 - 21.01.2022 13:38


@mittikasher - 24.01.2022 13:05

RIP ustad ji 😭🙏.

@makyousafzai - 23.03.2022 21:01

He is so anti Pakistan, let’s see how his family is doing in India? Thank you Jinnah for PAKISTAN.

@varandeepsingh3032 - 26.05.2022 18:07

please share link of his work-shops , baithaks , interviews etc like this. want to here him as much as i could .

@varan9955 - 28.05.2022 11:47

On tabla is Ustad Fateh Singh Gangwani ji.. I loved how decently he was sitting with Iqbal sahab like a immature tabla player and Iqbal sahab was totally unaware of him. Pure people with zero attitude and pride... Wah kya baat

@misterkayy - 16.06.2022 11:48


@badoix - 14.07.2022 19:36

I was so fortunate to meet Khansahab once at his US concert at the Sangati Center in San Francisco in 2010. On that occasion he graciously obliged my humble farmaish and sang a vilambit khyal in Purvi ‘Mero dukh door kiya Nizamuddin Auliya’ which is still ringing in my ears. The vibrancy of his personality and the jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring depth of his knowledge - both of which come across so sparklingly in this baithak - left a lasting impression. Although I didn’t know him personally I felt a deep sense of loss when I learned (on this comments page) of his passing in 2020. He was a true treasure - I feel like one could learn more about the culture and heritage of old Delhi by spending an afternoon in Ustad’s service than by visiting all the museums and archeological sites in NCR. Deeply grateful to Pt. Parikhji and team for preserving this fragment of his wealth that is itself of inestimable value to music students and listeners. Khuda unko jannat naseeb karein - Ameen.

@arshadmusicgurukul2334 - 04.11.2022 20:35

ustaad have very sharp mind... man karta hai inke kadmon me rah hai puri jindgi... Masha allah kya knowledge hai

@arshadmusicgurukul2334 - 04.11.2022 20:42

duniya me ese log bhi allah ne baaye... kya bolu inke liye mere pass words nahi hai... bus ye hi kahuga... mind bowling... ye humre bharat ke anmol ratan hai

@drhetalchiniwala - 03.01.2023 10:55

This is one baithak, which you never feel tired of watching. All his knowledge, all his lifetime of experience he has portrayed in this. Though I have never heard him live and have not known of him before, I have become his biggest fan.,🙏🙏🙏🙏

@tabladelhigharanaonlinecla4272 - 18.01.2023 08:37

Mizaz bhi bahot badiya h

@sankarsankar-gh6po - 23.01.2023 13:40

You have reminded me of that Sahana raga which my beloved ustad Amir Khan Saheb ne gaye the. Aur kisiko gane me wo maja nehi milta.

@shreebindakhanal5791 - 25.02.2023 08:03

इतनी गहन है सङ्गीत!बहुत नयी नयि बात सुन्नेको मिला।thanks वस्ताद जी &बैठक।wow awesom.

@rohit141996 - 19.05.2023 22:05

delhi gharane ne taan ka benchmark hi alag level ka set kiya hai !! baap re baap !

@satyenbanerjee6810 - 15.06.2023 09:44

Very great achievement .I am very proud to join this group and learning from different eminent artists lecture which is not possìble without this group achievement. Longlive this group.

@Versatile_Singer_Balvinder - 12.07.2023 07:08


@maimamehboob5475 - 07.10.2023 13:27

Har Koi Delhi gharana banaa hua kam bolo jite ho kutta hi raho sabko pata hai Delhi gharana kaun hai apni Dadi ko Gali de rahe ho Delhi gharana AA

@maimamehboob5475 - 07.10.2023 13:28

Tumhare Dada saurmandal bajate the

@maimamehboob5475 - 21.10.2023 23:04

Sarangi gharana

@swshin4727 - 17.11.2023 23:04

His rendition of man kunto moulah is so beautiful.

@sohailrustamsinger3978 - 04.01.2024 07:59

Assalam walekum Khan Sahab mein pahli dafa sun raha raha hun kya gala hai aapka aapko Khush rakhe

@ameetsingh1692 - 06.01.2024 23:50

Gyan ke sagar the ustad saab ❤

@Ek_shaagird - 14.06.2024 16:14

Ustaad ji's voice felt so divine...❤. Lyrics in Farsi were lovely too🙏🔥

@mituswarspandan4555 - 30.06.2024 00:11

Miss u always guru and bhai, 🙏🙏😭😭🙏🙏
