How to become Immigration Consultant of Canada (2024) | Eligibility | Deadlines | Journey of RCIC

How to become Immigration Consultant of Canada (2024) | Eligibility | Deadlines | Journey of RCIC

SHS Immigration

1 год назад

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@kapihannibeshie9634 - 17.01.2025 05:18

Omg, 20 years ago IETLS is still the issue of Canada.

@PrekshaaChaudhari - 12.12.2024 23:00

I have my bachelor degree of BCA computer science in india and I am here in canada on PR status and has completed my post grad certificate program of 1year so can I apply for this RCIC program? On what basis?

@PrekshaaChaudhari - 12.12.2024 22:59

I have my bachelor degree of BCA computer science in india and I am here in canada on PR status and has completed my post grad certificate program of 1year so can I apply for this RCIC program? On what basis?

@ritikatalwar-h4g - 09.12.2024 19:48

Hey there, I have 63% in graduation what grade will this be? I also have 68%in Post grad if that can help me getting admission

@RadhikaVerma-pe1xt - 06.10.2024 10:33

Currently I m studing in canada assiscion of arts diplomma in ucw i m eligible to take admission in this diploma

@jaydahunte5650 - 03.10.2024 18:01

Couple questions:
-What is the expected salary of an Immigration Consultant?

-What requirements are needed to work for yourself as an immigration consultant

@Marysbulus - 13.09.2024 05:42


@Marysbulus - 13.09.2024 05:41

Mary s bulus

@jasnish89 - 29.08.2024 07:21

Thank you so much the video was very helpful, i have one question related to the courses that there are only 8 of them that you have mentioned if i am not wrong can you please mention the missing one as well. Thank you so much once again. keep up the good work.

@BEBENLOTV - 31.07.2024 11:12

Can i have your email or number ? I need to speak to you , i live in Saskatoon as well.

@FK-cl4gf - 25.07.2024 17:39

Very Helpful Information Hassan

@Personify314 - 15.06.2024 00:25

Do you think its still a good decision to do this program considering the current scenario and high reverse immigration?

@nusratwaziha4404 - 10.06.2024 12:30

I checked the requirements for the program recently & there I got to know that if i have completed the bachelors degree in English (Method of instruction) then I can apply for the program.
So do i still need to do IELTS ??

@rcrosell2 - 07.06.2024 17:18

can you become an rcic even if you are not a PR/Citizen?

@KRVirk-cw1jf - 20.05.2024 03:49

Bro right niw i m in Saskatchewan canada how can i proceed for this diploma here is it available online as well?

@arpandeepkaur3013 - 19.05.2024 08:36

I have diploma. I can’t be eligible ? What if I want to do the course any alternatives or only bachelors degree holders can do it ?

@iak9127 - 11.05.2024 14:28

I am applying for SINP. But my son, aged 6 has mild autism. Does this affect my case in medical?

@GYANPLATE - 08.05.2024 20:53

Hello sir can u pls share some books to study at home for immigration consultant course

@meenasharma2009 - 25.04.2024 22:59

What would be the percentage equivalent to b grade in graduation ?

@dianelazaro243 - 24.04.2024 13:20

If I wanted to be a licensed consultant, can I start it as a side job if I have a current corporate job at a bank?

@Hellomoose - 08.04.2024 11:16

Hope you are doing good. Quick question WES should be for education or licensing?There are two options in WES application. We need which one. Please reply.
Thank you😊

@malikabhasin9326 - 04.04.2024 09:05

Hi it’s a great video and very helpful. 2 questions 1) - is the bachelor degree required from Canada or even from India it would qualify?
2) I read about getting exemption from ielts if we studied in English for 4 years bachelor degree - do you think we can get this exemption?

@harleenkaur5837 - 01.04.2024 22:49

I am about to complete my course of business general diploma. Am i eligible to take this course.

@vanessapoletto255 - 22.03.2024 23:46

Can the course be completed as a part time?

@kyrapunjabi789 - 16.03.2024 07:42

Hello Hasan , if I have bachelors with GPA score of 2.43 will it be eligible for getting the admission? I have done my masters as well but since I did it at home WES doesn't count my masters exam please answer.

@amydayrit - 04.03.2024 20:10

In order to practice this profession, do you really need to have graduate diploma? I thought I saw some school offers it for 6mos

@amydayrit - 04.03.2024 20:07

Does it have to be ielts? What about celpip?

@hiteshvohra4968 - 27.02.2024 13:06

Hello, the 7,7,7,8 band in each module is in IELTS GT or academic?

@monamona8541 - 25.02.2024 05:37

Is it important to have recent ielts score. I gave ielts academic exam in 2017 where I got 7,7,8 and 6 in writing. Is it possible if I only give writing exam again

@alkaadhimn - 23.02.2024 10:09

Hi hope you are doing fine. i come to know important information about this course. could you plz tell me wht is fees structure for domestic student. i m permanat resident now. i think fees for domestic nd international students are different. plz reply.. nd is it fully online course?

@tothepoint8517 - 20.02.2024 23:42

Very well explained. I am seeking advise from you as I want to switch my career from software developer to immigration consultant as I love to help people to immigrate to canada. But I would like to know how much would people make (pay range) in this field as this is going to be big decision for me to take.

@thvdaria - 11.02.2024 01:27

First of all, thank you so much for all the info you’ve provided. I have a bachelor’s degree of civil law (full 4 years) but in another country, outside of Canada , can it be counted? Or they accept only a degree of Canada’s universities?

@kodimohan221 - 08.02.2024 10:27

How can I become a immigration lawyer please guide me

@sukhchainghotra6891 - 26.01.2024 02:45

Brother, I had done two year business human resources diploma with above 90% creates mostly a A+ or A. And I'm thinking to get into immigration. Should I go for my third year or should I take a different kind of study? I can go for advanced diploma. Which is basically three year program in business resources. What do you recommend? I really want to get into immigration.

@Ronit-i8o - 24.01.2024 18:50

U are really generous to give out all that info ,I ve a query - For the course, how many classes are mandatory for FT students in a week ? and how long those classes are for ?

@AngelinWilson - 23.01.2024 08:22

Hi, such an awesome video, I have 2 questions.1)Is the fee is same for work permit holders and PR Holders. 2) Came here as a student and am now in work permit and I got my PR Invite, Do I still need to submit for my IELTS?

@AmanSharma-vz3ec - 23.01.2024 07:23

I don’t have bachelors degree can i apply in this program but i have diploma

@muhammedirfanputhenpuracka3913 - 18.01.2024 21:32

i read that IRCC will be adding new colleges and universities in 2025?

@ShamanSandhu-i6u - 13.01.2024 09:02

Is ilets is important to apply

@RPS_French_Class - 11.01.2024 19:40

wonderful information

@syed5467 - 10.01.2024 23:19

Do we still require IELTS if we've done our high school and bachelors degree in CANADA?

@erysseosmillo6831 - 09.01.2024 21:55

Is the tuition applicable for OSAP program? Is there a full time class that can be all done online?

@MilaMath - 08.01.2024 01:21

Can it be CLB 9 for admission or it has to be IELTS 7? If IELTS is the required one, does it has to be academic or general?

@neelofertaj8366 - 04.01.2024 19:32

Do we need to do academic Ielts?

@reshminair3354 - 03.01.2024 00:15

Hello, thanks for the video. how to produce your certificates and documents from India? Can someone also practise 'study visas' and tie up with colleges once this course is done?

@VikasSharma-vt4kl - 02.01.2024 05:27

Very helpful video; found all the info I needed!

@AS-gm5yn - 01.01.2024 01:03

Good info, happy new year. Question - how strictly is the bacelor's scores requirement? Can a GPA of 2.8 qualify if added with relevant work ex and great IELTS scores?

@neelofertaj8366 - 31.12.2023 06:55

Thanks for sharing all details , quite helpful
