Ответитьහුරතල් 🇱🇰💙
ОтветитьMao Zedong 🗿🗿🗿😱😱
ОтветитьCutie panda😘😘😘😘
ОтветитьWhy didn’t use soap?
ОтветитьSo cute.
ОтветитьSooo freaking adorable 😻 😊🥰
ОтветитьThey are just big sized hamsters
ОтветитьI want to be a Panda in my Next Life 😄🥰😁
Ответить這二隻很可愛啊🥰, 白白胖胖的。
ОтветитьThey always going for leg lock.
Ответитьso cute❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьDream jobb
ОтветитьSpero caldamente che questi baby Sitter facciano in modo da preservare questi preziosi e coccolosi panda!
ОтветитьTotally fake. Those are dwarf midget humans wearing bear suits.
Ответитьaddictive video
ОтветитьKusche, Kusche, Kusche...DANKESCHÖN! ICH BIN GLÜCKLICH AUCH!
ОтветитьCuánta agua desperdicia este hombre bañando solo 2 hermosos ositos !!!!
ОтветитьThat place is moldy! You can see all the green on the concrete! Not healthy for the bears!!!!!!
ОтветитьWhy don’t use a big 🛀 for them to cool down, instead of Wasting so much 💦. Global Warming!
ОтветитьSen zahmet etme kardeşim ben yıkarımm😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😘❣❣❣❣❣🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷👋👋👋👋👋👋
Ответить养的各个都是小胖墩 养的好
Ответитьㅡㅡ? 애버랜드는 판다는 목욕을 시키면 감염에 노출될수 있고 야생동물이므로 스스로 단장이 가능하다고 안시키는데 저렇게 불결한 곳에서 목욕을 시킨다니 이해가 안간다 물 속으로 스스로 들어가 노는건 야생에서 가능해서 수영장을 만들어 주면된다 중국은 기본도 모르나????
ОтветитьCouple of Chubbers!!
Ответить한국인이 보기에 물줄기가 약해서 진짜 답답한데 중국은 원래가 물이 잘 안나오더라 수압이 약한지 물이 부족한지 저 정도로 판다들한테 물 적셔주는거도 굉장히 힘들게 주는거라고 봐야지뭐 계곡 같은데 데려가서 목욕 시켜줘라 중국도 판다 가둬서 키우지말고 점점 방생하고 야생화해야함 저렇게 똑똑하고 귀여운 애들을 인간이 단지 구경하기 위해 가둬두는건 동양사상에 맞지않음
ОтветитьCute babies ❤❤
ОтветитьNous serons tres chic...❤❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьÉ o animal mais lindo
ОтветитьВсе им нравится паслушные
ОтветитьIn my opinion, it is not true that China has a monopoly on this lovely animal.
Considering the bad history of Chinese people's treatment of animals, its exclusivity is not good for this kind of animal at all.
(This extremely lovely animal, which has evolved from a carnivorous bear to a herbivore, and because of the low energy level of bamboo, has to eat all day long)
Zài wǒ kàn lái, zhōngguó bìng méiyǒu lǒngduàn zhè zhǒng kě'ài de dòngwù.
Kǎolǜ dào zhōngguó rén duìdài dòngwù de èliè lìshǐ, qí páitāxìng duìyú zhè zhǒng dòngwù lái shuō gēnběn méiyǒu hǎochù.
(Zhè zhǒng jíqí kě'ài de dòngwù, cóng ròushí xióng jìnhuà wéi cǎoshí dòngwù, yòu yīnwèi zhúzi de néngliàng dī, suǒyǐ bìxū zhěng tiān jìnshí)
We love pandas in Iran, if pandas were in this land, they would never go to the stage of extinction and destruction... (Covid-19) will do something worse again...
It is strange that until now in China this lovely animal has not become extinct and people did not eat them all!!!! Or they did not kill them because of their skin!!!
The place of this animal in the pristine nature of Iran and the animal-loving people is very empty.
Мне так их жалко когда они падают.
Ответить星星較霸道, 辰辰很乖呀.
Ответить❤❤❤❤ God what else is there to say?
ОтветитьMilujeme paní dítě s Pavlíkem 🐼❤️
Ответитьawwww, how cute.....😍🤩🥰
Ответить야 판다 너희나와봐 사육사 학대 오해받겠다 ㅋㅋ
ОтветитьDivinas divinas